Ch. 5 Study Guide

Ch. 5 Study Guide
1. What did the Constitutional Convention gather to do?____________________________
2. What did the Virginia Plan propose?___________________________________
3. Many delegates were afraid that a strong national government would do
4. Why did small states like the New Jersey Plan?_______________________________
5. What is the Great Compromise?____________________________
6. Under the new Constitution, the President would hold what power?_____________________
7. The Framers intended that the Supreme Court would interpret laws and do
8. The Constitution had to be approved by what?______________________________
9. What are the Federalist reasons for supporting a strong national government?
10. The Anti-Federalists were troubled because the Constitution didn’t include
11. The Federalist offered arguments in support of what?_________________________
12. How many states finally ratified the Constitution?______________________
13. Who were the early leaders in favor of the Constitution?_____________________________
14. The Federalist argued that young America might be in danger from
15. List the Goals of Government under the Constitution.__________________________________
16. The Constitution is organized into what?____________________________________
17. The Constitution is based upon the idea of what?______________________________
18. What limits the government’s power?_______________________________
19. Delegates to the Constitutional Convention agreed that these items needed to
20. The delegates decided which powers would be given where?_____________________________
21. The Great Compromise decided the issue of what?_____________________________________
22. Executive power was given to who?_____________________________________
23. The Federalists argued that a strong federal government would do
24. The first 3 Articles of the Constitution describe
25. Powers that the Constitution gives to Congress but doesn’t deny to the states are known as