Tuesday, November 3 , 2015 Topic 8, Section 2


Tuesday, November 3 rd , 2015

Topic 8, Section 2

Nationalist Movements in Africa and the

Middle East

Identify how Africans resisted colonial rule.

Describe the rise of nationalism in Africa.

Africans Protest Colonial Rule

• Early 1900s, more and more Africans felt impact of colonial rule.

• Europeans took advantage to produce $$$$$.

• Calls for change ensued.

Exploitation of African Colonies

• Exploited mineral resources of Africa, sent raw materials to European factories.

• White settlers forced Africans off the best land.

• British made all Africans, in Kenya, carry identification cards, pay a tax, and live or travel only in certain areas.

A Policy of Segregation in South Africa

• Racial segregation ensured white economic, political, and social supremacy.

– Africans pushed into low-paid, less-skilled work.

– South Africans blacks had to carry passes at all times.

– Forced to live on crowded reserves with infertile land.

– 1936, blacks lose right to vote.

– 1948, apartheid becomes law.

A Rising Tide of African Nationalism

• 1920s, Pan-Africanism emphasized the unity of

Africans and the people of African descent worldwide.

– Marcus Garvey

• Preached a forceful, appealing message of “Africa for Africans” and demanded an end to colonial rule.

Writers Celebrate African Culture

• Negritude movement

– Writers expressed pride in their African roots and culture and protested colonial rule.

– Work expressed human desire for freedom and dignity.

Modernization of Turkey and Persia

• Asia Minor, peninsula in western Asia between the

Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, ethnic Turks fought to build a modern nation, Turkey.

Ataturk Takes Power

• Treaty of Sevres – Ottoman Empire gives up land.

• Ataturk, overthrew Ottoman sultan (ruler), defeated

Greeks, declared Turkey a republic.

• Reunited Turkish peoples in Turkey.

Westernization of Turkey

• Goal was to make Turkey like Europe/US, separate religion from government.
