Essential Question: Where do good ideas come from?
• Students will describe in depth a character, setting or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.
• Students will paraphrase portions of text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats.
• Students will acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate words and phrases.
• Original means new
• People come up with clever and original ideas every day. They can be the result of an accident, brainstorming, or observation.
• Characters in a story can have clever ideas.
• The boy on the motorcycle came up with a clever idea and it led to an original invention.
• The boy in this picture built a motorcycle out of objects in his room. He had a clever, original idea.
• What problem did the boy solve with his idea?
• What other problems have clever ideas solved?
• What ideas have you had that helped you solve a problem before?
• Includes imaginary characters, such as a beautiful princess and a handsome prince.
• Setting may include kingdoms, castles, or villages
• Often begins “once upon a time” or “in a land far away.”
• Use clues in the text along with what they already know to make predictions about what might happen.
• Use Illustrations
• As you continue to read:
• Confirm and revise based on new information.
• Gracious
• Brainstorm
• Flattened
• Frantically
• Muttered
• Official
• Original
• Stale
• Summarize the plot by putting a story’s key events in sequence.
• Putting a story’s events in sequence helps understand the setting, characters, and plot better.
• Clues:
• Dates: yesterday, Tuesday, 2015, March 14 th , tomorrow
• Times: Noon, 4 o’clock, afternoon, morning
• Clue Words: First, Next, Then, Finally, During
• Have a main character who must complete a difficult task or journey.
• Usually contain imaginary creatures.
• Include illustrations and have a happy ending.
• Illustrations give visual clues about the characters, settings, and events in the story.
• Sometimes the author will use Synonyms as context clues
• To find synonyms look for words, separated by commas, that are near the unfamiliar word.
• These words may have the same meaning as the unknown word.
• Look on page 23 in the 3 rd sentence and find the word unique.
• Unique has a similar meaning to original
• Look for synonyms to find the meanings of the following words in “The
Dragon Problem”
• Use Context Clues
• Rippling page 23
• Alarm page 24
• Massive page25