Topic 1.4 Notes:

Topic 1.4 Notes:
1. Protestant sects:
Ex. Lutherans in Germany
Calvinist in Switzerland
Anglicans in England
2. King Henry VIII (Defender of the Faith) breaks away from the Catholic Church
making himself head of the Church of England because the pope would not grant
him a divorce.
3. Those that refused his actions were executed for treason. (Sir Thomas More)
4. King Henry VIII had 6 wives and 3 children who rule:
- Young Edward - Protestant
- Bloody Mary - Catholic
- Compromising Elizabeth – Protestant but continuing many Catholic traditions
5. Counter-Reformation
- Pope Paul III and the Council of Trent reform the Catholic Church
- Penalties to clergy for corruption or selling indulgences
- The Inquisition (church court) used torture and executions to fight heresy
- Society of Jesus (The Jesuits) led by Ignatius of Loyola spread the Catholic faith
- Teresa of Avila influences many with her spiritual writings
6. Many Protestants will return to the Catholic Church however conflict and
persecution continues:
- Catholics and most Protestant Sects will not show tolerance
- Witch Hunts
- Jewish Ghettos