Grade Level: 4th Date: Sept.2 Subject: Reading Prepared By: R. Kesselring Schedule: What discoveries can people make when they cooperate? Standards addressed L.3.5b Identify real life connections between words and their use. L.3.6 Acquire and use accurately grade appropriate conversational general academic and domain specific words and phrases Rl.3.2 Recount stories, fables, folk tales, and myths from diverse cultures, determine the central message or morals and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. Rl.3.10 by the end of the year read and comprehend literature, including stories, drama, and poetry at the high end of the grade 2-3 text complexity band independently and proficiently RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. RL.3.3. Describe characters in a story (e.g. their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. Rl.3.9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author or similar characters (e.g. in books from a series.) L.3.4a Use sentence level content as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. L.4.4.c Consult reference materials (e.g. dictionaries, glossaries, thesaurus both in print and digital to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key word and phrases. L.3.5.a Distinguish literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases in context (e.g. take steps.) RF.3.3a Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. RF. 3.3c Decode multisyllable words. Goals & Objectives Activities Materials Assessment Mon Labor Day Observe student Tue Introduce yourself Define expectations Introduce school routines Write about summer events. Participate in an introducing activity about yourself Go over classroom rules, school rules, material requirements, and teacher expectations. Summer writing paper. Classroom rules print out Teacher requirement print out. Writing paper for summer interaction and cooperation with each other. Use writing as a baseline to establish ability, grammar, and spelling. Wed Discuss times when people work together to accomplish a goal Introduce genre and story structure Do first read of Kaffa’s Discovery to establish reading routine. Generate words that go with teamwork Introduce the different genre with examples Talk about Story Structure using story element words. Establish by example the vocabulary routine of define/example/ask Venn diagram #61 Vocabulary notebooks Vocabulary words from Kaffa’s for word wall. Kaffa’s Discovery PDF handout PDF Start Smart 3 (genre) Participation in creating Venn Diagram Story structure notes Reading discussion Access Complex Text p. 59 Thurs Review story map using Kaffa’s discovery Do close reading activities p S12 Introduce the routine of inferencing Complete story map Define them and point of view Compare Annie’s and Kaffa’s point of view by citing text evidence Summarize the events of the story. Try to work in pairs and read to class. Notebook Kaffa Discovery print out Teacher’s manuel TS12-13 Story Map completion Write a summary Fri Introduce context clues, the different types, synonyms, thesaurus Word building using multisyllabic word strategy Define, discuss, and go over examples of context clues Look up synonyms using a thesaurus and creating synonym flowers. Show word parts of prefix, base/root word/ suffix. Use Decoding strategy on start Smart 5 to take apart a word to pronounce and for meaning. PDF Start Smart 4 print out. Teacher’s manuel Example Sentences S 16 Thesaurus Start Smart 5 Online PDF Make a word wall using words from Kaffa’s Discovery (genre, folk tale, protection,member, argue) Read Kaffa’s Discovery and discuss Identifying types of context clues .Finding and listing synonyms both with and without a thesaurus. Decode and create words using word parts.