Teacher Name : J. Kapuschinsky
Subject : ELA
Start Date(s):
May 12th- May 22nd Grade Level (s): 2nd
Building : Heights-Terrace Elementary /Middle School
Unit Plan
Unit Title: Unit 5- Learning How People Can Make a Difference Through Fiction and Non-fiction Texts
Essential Questions:
What do good citizens do?
How do people get along?
What do heroes do?
How can we protect Earth?
Why are rules important?
Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject)
CC.1.2.2.L Read and comprehend literary nonfiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.
CC.1.2.2.B Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
CC.1.2.2.D Know and apply grade level phonics word analysis skills in decoding words.
CC.1.1.2.E. Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
CC. 1.4.2.F Demonstrate a grade level command of the conventions of Standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. ]
CC. 1.3.2.J Acquire and use grade-appropriate conversational, general academic and domain-specific words and phrases.
Summative Unit Assessment : Mc-Graw Hill Reading Unit 4 Assessment
Summative Assessment Objective
Students will demonstrate mastery of key instructional content within the
Common Core standards for Unit 5.
Assessment Method (check one)
____ Rubric ___ Checklist __*__ Unit Test ____ Group
____ Student Self-Assessment
____ Other (explain)
Objective (s)
All students will know and apply
grade level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words
with ou and ow
All students will identify real-life
connections between words and
their use.
All students will read on level text
with purpose and understanding.
All students will read with
sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
All students will demonstrate
command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and
usage when writing.
All students will know and apply
grade level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words
with ou and ow.
All students will identify real-life
connections between words and
their use.
All students will read on level text
with purpose and understanding.
All students will read with
Activities / Teaching Strategies
Materials / Resources
Repeat words aloud and isolate middle phoneme, blend
silent letter words together and practice reading them
in a sentence
Revers e phonemes through phonological awareness.
Look at word and repeat- Listen to words used in a
sentence, watch mini clip acting out definition of word,
and participate in discussions about use of word
Introduce essential question- Listen to story read aloud,
participate in discussion and answer questions about
Teach pronouns
Locate quotation marks with partners.
Sort words based upon ou, ow spelling pattern
Blend and build words using ou, ow patterns
Use vocab words in a sentence
Review essential question-Listen to story and Buddy
Teach Summarize strategy, use text evidence to
summarize a story.
Explain point of view, model close reading, guided
practice of close reading
McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders
series online
McGraw-Hill Reading Wonder
Leveled Readers
Interactive Read Aloud Cards
Vocabulary cards
High Frequency word cards
Spelling workbook
Grammar workbook
Grammar notebook
Vocabulary cards
High Frequency word cards
Reading Workshop Text
Graphic organizer
Spelling workbook
Grammar workbook
Assessment of Objective (s)
Formativethumbs up, thumbs down
peer conferencing
quick write on dry erase boards
progress monitoring
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - AssessmentText to self connections
Journal writing
Formativethumbs up, thumbs down
peer conferencing
quick write on dry erase boards
progress monitoring
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - Assessment-
sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
All students will demonstrate
command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and All
students will know and apply
grade level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words
with ou and ow.
All students will identify real-life
connections between words and
their use.
All students will read on level text
with purpose and understanding.
All students will read with
sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
All students will demonstrate
command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and
usage when writing.
All students will know and apply
grade level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words
with ou and ow
All students will identify real-life
connections between words and
their use.
All students will read on level text
with purpose and understanding.
All students will read with
sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
All students will demonstrate
command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and All
students will know and apply
grade level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words
with ou and ow.
All students will identify real-life
connections between words and
their use.
All students will read on level text
with purpose and understanding.
All students will read with
sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
All students will demonstrate
Review pronouns
Blend ou and ow words together aloud
Complete word sort with ou and ow words based upon
spelling pattern
Listen to sentences read aloud and complete with
missing vocab word
Read and write responses to a realistic fiction looking
for characters , setting, and events.
Buddy Read – discuss theme and point of view
Review essential question- Listen to story Read aloud
Participate in class discussion asking and answering
questions regarding the genre: realistic fiction
Analyze word parts to figure word parts with suffixes
Practice quotation marks and pronouns.
Text to self connections
Journal writing
McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders
series online
White boards
Dry erase markers
Reading Writing Workshop
Reading practice book
Formativethumbs up, thumbs down
peer conferencing
quick write on dry erase boards
progress monitoring
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - AssessmentText to self connections
Journal writing
command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and
usage when writing.
All students will know and apply
grade level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words
with ou and ow.
All students will identify real-life
connections between words and
their use.
All students will read on level text
with purpose and understanding.
All students will read with
sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
All students will demonstrate
command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and
usage when writing.
All students will know and apply
grade level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words
with ou and ow.
All students will identify real-life
connections between words and
their use.
All students will read on level text
with purpose and understanding.
All students will read with
sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
All students will demonstrate
command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and
usage when writing.
All students will know and apply
grade level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words
with ou and ow.
All students will identify real-life
connections between words and
their use.
All students will read on level text
with purpose and understanding.
All students will read with
sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
All students will demonstrate
Identify spelling pattern in work, practice blending and
segmenting sounds
Review compound words.
Find multiple meaning words and their meanings in
Review essential question
Compare genres: realistic fiction and narrative
Model fluent reading
Spelling workbook
Grammar book
Reading practice book
Literature Anthology
Rainbow writing sheet
Formativethumbs up, thumbs down
peer conferencing
quick write on dry erase boards
progress monitoring
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - AssessmentText to self connections
Journal writing
Identify spelling patterns in work, blending and
segmenting sounds
Review pronouns and quotation marks.
Review essential question
Buddy read and compare texts
Model fluent reading
Formativethumbs up, thumbs down
peer conferencing
quick write on dry erase boards
progress monitoring
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - AssessmentText to self connections
Journal writing
Formativethumbs up, thumbs down
peer conferencing
quick write on dry erase boards
progress monitoring
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - AssessmentText to self connections
Journal writing
command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and
usage when writing.