Galindo ELA Quarter 1 Study Guide

Galindo ELA Quarter 1 Study Guide
Point of View:
First person: Told first hand from character’s perspective “I”
Second person: Addresses main character directly “you”
Third-person: Narrative can be identified by looking at the pronouns used in the narrative. Third-person narrative uses
"he," "she," "it" and "they," not "I" or "you”
 limited: Access to single character’s thoughts
 omniscient: Access to all characters’ thoughts
Inference: a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
Character traits: character qualities or elements that tell the reader about the character’s personality
Perspective: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view
Dialogue: Conversation between two or more people in a book, play, or movie (show with quotation marks)
Setting: the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place (time, date, season,
customs, traditions, location, transportation, structures, environment)
Conflict: Struggle between two or more opposing forces
 Internal: Emotions or forces opposing within one character, decision or mixed thoughts of one character
 External: Character(s) struggle with another character or group
Exposition: Exposition is a literary device used to introduce background information about events, settings, characters
etc. to the audience or readers. The word comes from the Latin language and its literal meaning is “a showing forth.”
Exposition is crucial to any story, for without it nothing makes sense.
Theme: Lesson of a story or main idea
 Implied: Must be inferred and is developed through events
 Stated: Directly spelled out by the author
Prediction: Educated guess about what will happen next
Oral tradition: stories, songs, and so on passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation
Proper noun: a name used for an individual person, place, or organization, spelled with initial capital letters
Possessive noun: nouns that show ownership (know proper placement of apostrophe for plurals)
Pronoun: a word that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase
Adjective: a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it
Adverb: modify verbs: telling us when, where, how, in what manner, or to what extent an action is performed
Elements of responding to writing prompt for introduction paragraph of a 5 paragraph essay: hook, using the prompt, and clear
 Regular and Irregular Verbs
 Verb Tenses
 Verb Parts
Galindo ELA Quarter 1 Study Guide