Motlow State Community College

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Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Planning Year: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Assessing Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Unit: Facilities Services
Related Strategic Goal:
4.2 Advance our college as a role model for sustainability.
Action Plan #: FACS-04
Action Plan Title: Efficiency Plan
Desired Outcome: Implement at least one new best practice for efficiency in support of sustainability
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities:
Maintain Motlow facilities in the most efficient manner by utilizing new technology where applicable
and making improvements using a holistic approach by not only considering the implementation cost
but also the operating cost and life of the facility. To continually make improvements by searching for
and implementing best practices that suit Motlow conditions and needs. Implement and continue five
new best practices for efficiency in support of sustainability by 2016.
Facilities Services personnel to continue to search for new best practices that suit Motlow conditions
and needs. Once these items have been identified then implement these practices into the Motlow
facilities. 1. Install new roof on buildings that are 25 plus years old to reduce roof leaks. 2. Replace the
40 plus year old steel single pane glass doors with new aluminum double insulated glass doors in
buildings to conserve energy. 3. Replace underground piping that is 40 plus years old to reduce water
treatment chemical loss. 4. Replace and upgrade interior and exterior lighting with new lighting
technologies to include LED, high efficiency fluorescent and lighting controls. 5. Replace one of Moore
counties gas fired chillers with new variable speed higher efficiency electrical unit.
Team Members: Facilities Services personnel
Timeline: Annually reviewed
Est. Cost: Varies
Evidence of Success: Report of best practice including potential effect on cost savings, efficiency and
Current Status: On Schedule
Describe Progress:
Meet goal campus has five practices in implementation.
Finished replacement of Underground Chill/Hot water piping upgrade from Ingram to Eoff buildings.
Which reduced makeup water to boiler and chiller feed water systems. This also allowed for a reduction
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in the chemicals required for water treatment. Upgraded Faculty Staff Parking lot with new LED fixtures
that reduced the energy consumption by 75% while still maintaining the same light output. Began the
design and project implementation for the chiller replacement on Moore Country Campus which will be
completed by end of Calendar year 2015. Plan to upgrade lighting in the Regions student parking lot in
the coming school year. Also on course for roof replacement for Nisbett and Power Buildings in fy 1516.
Meet Goal.
Installed new roofs on Ingram and Forrester buildings. Began completion of the next phase of the
Underground Chill/Hot water piping upgrade from Ingram to Eoff buildings. Requested approval and
have been granted approval to continue during the 2014-2015 school year the Simon Hall renovation,
Chiller replacement for power house mechanical room, Powers Auditorium upgrade in Eoff, Two
upgrade projects in Forrester and upgrades of both the baseball and softball complexes.
Describe Needed Changes:
The desired outcome was achieved on the above listed buildings but this is an ongoing need as all
buildings continue to age. The project list for 2014-2015 is aggressive but will move us forward at a
rapid pace in continuing to grow student and faculty levels of satisfaction toward their institution.
Installed a new roof on Eoff Hall and Crouch buildings. Installed new exterior doors on Nisbett, Simon
Hall, and Forrester buildings. Installed another section of the underground piping system between the
Clayton-glass library building and the Ingram building.
Describe Needed Changes:
With a change in staffing sustainability continues to be implemented with internal and capital funding.
A Certified Energy Manager has been hired by the college in the Director of Facilities Services position
which will help in the evaluation of new initiatives. The capital maintenance funding cycle continues to
be one of the major concerns, but use of other funds available has helped in moving forward with
List of Supporting Documentation: Parking lot lighting spec sheet
Date Last Updated: 9/10/2015