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Immigrants invaded!
• Hispanics
• A s i ans
• M a n y o f t h e m V i e tn a m e s e
• “Boat people”
• Indochinese refugees who fled Communist rule after
the Vietnam War (1975) in small boats
• Ethnic Chinese who left Vietnam similarly after China's
i nv as i on
Disco music invaded!
Movies of the 70’s
T e l e v a n g e l i s ts i n v a d e d !
26th. Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution
• If you are old enough to fight in a war, you are old enough to vote
• The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years
of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied…
Streakers invaded
• Naked men and women running through the college
c am pus es
Fa ds
Pet rocks
Mood rings
Rubiks cubes
New styles