The Gilded Age of _______________ and _______________.

The Gilded Age
The growth of _______________ and _______________ thinly disguised the _______________
of _______________ and _______________.
During this era Americans began to move from the _______________ to the _______________.
_______________ _______________ grew during the Gilded Age because:
 New and improved _______________ aided the work force in producing an
_______________ number of goods in a shorter amount of time.
 A new breed of American _______________ saw the ability to make huge profits by
combining this new machinery with _______________ that had yet to fulfill their full
The greatest demand for steel centered on the _______________.
Corporations grew by _______________ the _______________ needed to _______________
these new machines and using the _______________ as a means to tap into new,
_______________ _______________.
This _______________ of the farmer made the farmer less _______________ and more
_______________ on the _______________ _______________.
Farmer’s problems were compounded by the railroads _______________ _______________
_______________ and the comparatively _______________ _______________
_______________ in the market place.
_______________ _______________ in the slums led to outbreaks of _______________ and
_______________ which spread quickly through the crowded, poorly ventilated
_______________ _______________.
The immigrants did have the right to _______________ and this meant _______________
_______________ in the favor of anyone able to swing that _______________ in their favor.
Two common means of _______________ in the American south were the _______________
_______________ and the _______________ _______________.
When legislation did not work to deny southern blacks their right to vote _______________ did.
Jim Crow laws enforced _______________.
In 1896 the Supreme Court in _______________ vs. _______________ ruled that
_______________ but _______________ facilities and accommodations were
_______________ under the Constitution thereby legalizing _______________.
American _______________ believed their wealth could buy them everything including
The Gilded Age
Tensions began to grow between native _______________ Americans and the incoming waves
of _______________ and _______________ immigrants because the immigrants were seen as a
_______________ to American life.
When workers struck at Carnegie’s Homestead Works Steel Mill in 1892 and management did
not budge, _______________ _______________ were called and used _______________ to
break the striking workers.
_______________ _______________ were again called in to crush the strike and put the
railroads back in order.
Legislators of the period thought of Labor Unions as _______________ and opposed to the
ideals of _______________.
Both the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act set a precedent in voicing
citizen’s _______________ for _______________ _______________.
During the Gilded Age Republicans supported protection for _______________ and
_______________, sought to strengthen the government’s involvement with the
_______________ and champion _______________ _______________ _______________ in
the South.
Democrats fought for _______________ _______________, _______________
_______________ and _______________ _______________ and _______________ in the
_______________ ran ramped in the Gilded Age and extended to the highest levels of
Many of the farmers blamed the _______________ _______________ and _______________
who they thought was setting the governments _______________ policies.
Republican and Democrats mostly ignored the pleas of the _______________
A convention in Omaha in 1892 marked the birth of the _______________ _______________.
The _______________ gained most of their support with farmers in the _______________ and
When the _______________ received over 1 ½ million votes in the 1894 mid-term elections the
_______________ took notice.
In 1896 the Democratic Presidential nominee Williams Jennings Bryan eloquently spoke on the
adopted _______________ idea of _______________ silver coinage and this change in party
platform swung the majority of _______________ votes to the Democratic Party.
The Gilded Age
When Bryan lost to the Republican candidate McKinley and _____ _____ began to _____ the
__________ of the Populist Party began and they quickly disappeared as a political entity.