Review: Exam (Ch 1-4) Test format: 37 multiple choice (2pts each) and one essay (25 pts) Ch1 I. II. III. Which domains are prokaryotes and eukaryotes Understand natural selection and evolution and understand figure 1.6B Experimental design and terms a. Know hypothesis, theory, experimental group and control. What is the purpose of a control? Ch 2 I. II. III. IV. V. Know the most common elements and trace elements (table 2.1) a. What do trace elements as additives do? Structure of atom and location of subatomic particles a. Terms - Protons, Neutrons, electrons, mass number, atomic number, radioactive isotope b. Ex. - Mass # = 6 and atomic # = 3 how many protons neutrons and electrons are in the element Covalent(H2O), ionic(NaCL), hydrogen bonds, single and double bonds a. All bonds are formed using the electrons of an element, distinguish what happens to the electrons in each type of bonding b. Be familiar with the concept of electron shells and the motivation of elements to fill their electron shells, when elements for a compound do they end up with filled or incomplete electron shells? c. Know the relationship between the number of bonds an element can form and the number of electrons in its outer shell d. Properties and polarity of water and why these properties allow it to form hydrogen bonds, which elements of water form the hydrogen bonds e. Term electronegativity Bases/acids and relationship to concentration of H ions Be able to identify isomer Ch 3 I. II. III. Carbon and its bonding characteristics: number of bonds it can form, polar/nonpolar, double/single, diversity of shapes that carbon bonding can form Terms polymer, monomer and names of 4 major polymers a. Be able to match up the polymer with its building block monomer b. Chemical make up of cellulose, glycogen, and starch. Place them in the correct group of polymer c. What causes denaturation and relationship of denaturation to protein function IV. V. Affect that a double bond has on the state of a lipid Hydrolysis/dehydration synthesis – which process binds monomers together, which separates Ch 4 I. II. III. Know the function of all organelles in cell (Table 4.23) a. Nucleus, ribosomes, smooth ER, golgi, lysosomes, vacuoles, mitochondria, chloroplasts, cell wall The chronology of manufacturing a protein in the cell a. Know what organelles are involved and what their role is in each step, be able to list the order of organelles that synthesize a protein starting with DNA in the nucleus, synthesis of protein, modification of the protein, and method of its secretion - Table 4.13 give a good visual Differences between animal and plant cells/cell wall