高 分 子 概 論 報 告 Membrane reactor 指導老師:吳文海 班級:化材三乙 學號:49940107 學生:林瑩貞 老師 一、 原理說明 膜反應器中的甲烷轉化反應 混合導體透氧膜反應器的結構見圖。將厚度為 1.48 mm 的膜片用金作 密封劑封接在石英管上,密封後透氧膜的內表面積約為 1 cm2。考察 膜片本身的催化活性時不外加催化劑,透氧膜外表面與空氣接觸(常 壓),內表面通以含甲烷-氦混合氣(V(CH4)/ V(He)= 1)。考察 透氧膜反應器中的 POM 反應行為時,以 LiLaNiO/γ-Al2O3 為催化劑。 將 300 mg 催化劑覆蓋在透氧膜的表面,合成氣出口下端插入催化劑 中,將反應器溫度升到 1040℃,穩定 5 h 後再降溫到 850℃。反應前 先以氦為吹掃氣,而後通以甲烷-氦混合氣,流速 34 ml/min。色譜分 析中採用 13X 或 5A 分子篩柱進行可能的氮氧分離;用 TDX01 色譜 柱分離 H2,N2(O2),C2H6,CO,CO2 和 C2H4 等。 二、 應用/用途 Palladium-based composite porous membranes consist of a thin dense layer of palladium or a palladium alloy on a porous support. Tubes or discs of porous glass, porous ceramics or porous stainless steel can all be employed as supports. Different techniques such as chemical vapour deposition, magnetron sputtering, electrodeposition and spray pyrolysis have demonstrated the ability to coat palladium-based films on porous substrates.Each method has its advantages. However, due to its simplicity, relatively low costs and uniformity of the deposition, electroless plating is the most popular and most successful procedure so far . It is based on the autocatalytic reduction of a metastable metallic salt complex on an activated substrate surface. New preparation methods combine the electroless plating with reverse osmosis to obtain composite membranes with better thermal stability and higher permeance. Excellent results have been reported recently for ultrathin composite membranes prepared by a modified electroless plating method, where the classical substrate surface activation has been replaced by a new photocatalytic deposition method. 三、 參考文獻