POWER SUPPLY FOR EUROPE: How Sustainable Can It Be ? Prof. Dr. PETER NOVAK Dean, School of Tehnology and Systems, SLOVENIA 1EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 1 Outline • • • • • • • • • CLIMATE CHANGE and POWER POWER NEEDS IN EU SOLAR POWER CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES NORTH AFRICA RESOURCES DESIGN CONCEPT ECONOMICS HOW TO START? CONCLUSIONS 2EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 2 Sir Stern introduction of the Review “The Economics of Climate Change” 1. GHG emissions are an externality 2. When poeple do not pay for the consequences of their actions we have market failure 3. Present development is the greatest market failure the world has ever seen 4. It is an externality that goes beyond those of ordinary cogestion or pollution 5. This externality is different in 4 key ways, it is: 1. global 2. long term 3. Involves risks and uncertainties 4. and potentially involves major and irreversible change 3EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 3 Energy and GHG emissions- world 65% 45% 4EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 4 ELECTRICITY IN SOCIETY • ELECTRICITY is a basic final energy need for each society • Electricity production/consumption GROWTH in the world in last 30 years (1972 -2002) was 5,6% with yearly additions of 343 TWh/y (2006 total: ~ 17.426 TWh/y) • Electricity CONSUMPTION pro capita in 2002 in the world varies extremely and lies between 27 kWh/cap in Etiopia and 27.764 kWh/cap on Iceland (1: 1000) 5EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 5 EU ENERGY CASE TPE use in 2006: ~ 1 637 mio toe TPE import: 56% Electricity consumption 2006: 3 178,6 TWh/y (18% of world consumption) Expected newly installed capacities to 2030 for replacement and to cover the expected growth : ~ 370 GW (~ 15 000 MW/yr trough 24 years !!!!) Investment: ~ 370 -400 Bn € EU Policy: 20 to 20 – 20% les emission of GHG to 2020 Solutions: energy conservations, nuclear, solar 6EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 6 ELECTRICITY GENERATION IN EU Predicted installed capacity of different generating capacities in 15 EU states (GW)* 2000 Nuclear 136.4 Coal and Lignite 166.1 Open Cycle multi-fired 68.7 Open Cycle IPP 33.1 GTCC 59 Small GT 25.2 Clean Coal and Lignite 0.5 Biomass-Waste 4.4 Fuel Cells 0 Hydro-Renewables 119.2 TOTALS 612.6 2010 135.1 101.1 60.2 25 208.7 45.2 3.4 4.7 0 133.7 717.1 • • • • • • • • • • • *The Liberalizations of Europe's Electricity Markets –pg.12, 2000 7EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 2020 117.2 36.9 122.3 20.5 305 79.2 26.6 6 0 158 871.7 2030 45.6 9.5 244.6 15.1 354.3 96.6 37 6.5 1.3 170.7 981.2 growth % - 66,5 ?? - 94,3 ?? 256 - 54,4 500,5 ?? 283,3 ?? 7300 !!! 47,7 --43,2 60,2 7 8 EU FUEL FOR ELECTRICITY , Not sustainable solution Predicted Fuel Use in EU for Electricity Production* 1600 1400 TWh 1200 1000 800 ? 1995 2030 600 400 200 0 *Production of Electricity by energy Form, European Union Energy Outlook to 2020 9EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 9 EU CO2 EMISSIONS CO2 emmisions due to electricity production Million Tons 1600 ~ 46% of total emissions of CO2 1400 1200 ? Total emission of CO2 in 2002: EU 15: 2,6 Gt 1000 800 EU 25: 3,1 Gt 600 How to come down ? 400 200 0 1990 10EES, Nicosia 2007 1995 2010 Power supply in Europe 2020 10 EU RE TARGET Renewable Electricity Production Targets In the EU White Paper[1]. Actual in 1995 Type of Energy TWh Total 2,366 Projection for 2010 %Total TWh % Total 2,870 Pre -Kyoto Wind 4 0.2 80 2.8 Total Hydro 307 13 355 12.4 Photovoltaic’s 0.03 - 3 0.1 Biomass 22.5 0.95 230 8.0 Geothermal 3.5 0.15 7 0.2 Total Renewable Energies Instaled power (Cf~0,44) GW 337 14.3 675 23.5 87,3 New generating capacity: fossil fuel to 2010 to 2030 1] White Paper, table 3, page 50 [ 174,8 + 64% +87,5 GW 104,5 GW* 368,6 GW* * 50 % new, 50 % replacement 11EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 11 ENERGY SYSTEM CAN WE CHANGE THE ENERGY SYSTEM? 12EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 12 ENERGY SYSTEM FOR ENERGY SYSTEM FOR UN-SUSTAINABLE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT 2 - Minimum 6 energy carriers -Large emissions of : NOX, CO, CO2, particulates - Fossil fuels interdependency - Supply un-security - Limited life time of resources WORLD EMISSIONS OF CO2 IN 2005 : ~ 42 ÷ 44 Gt /yr LIQUID FUEL LPG BIOMASS 13EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 13 ENERGY SYSTEM FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Advatages: - Only 3 energy carriers ( gas, liquid, electricity) universally applicable - Renevable electricity - Methane: CH4 Natural/synthetic gas - Methanol: CH4OH – oxidized liquid fuel - Almost no change of infrastructure - C from biomas, H from water GHG EMISSIONS IN YEAR 2050 ÷ 2100 ~ 0 CO2 GEOTHERMAL 14EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe ~ 14 SOLAR ENERGY • • • • • AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE LOW DENSITY INTERMITTENT TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT SCALE ECONOMICS 15EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 15 DIRECT SOLAR IRRADIATION on the world map 16EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 16 Solar energy availability SOLAR PV ELECTRICITY Artistic view of PV power plant in desert region – with water pumping for agriculture PV potencial world map – Sahara is leader with 315 000 TWh/yr In EU 25 2007 consumtion:~ 3180 TWh/y 1/100 part 17EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 17 POWER FROM AFRICA FOR EUROPE (SAHARA DESERT) • WHAT KIND OF ENERGY: – ELECTRICITY – SOLAR SIN-FUEL • ADVANTAGES: – – – – ZERO EMISSION USE OF THE SUN BELT RENEWABLE ENERGY USE OF NO ARABLE LAND • DISADVANTAGES: – – – – TECHNOLOGY IN DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT COSTS DISTANCE POLITICAL ISSUE (ENERGY DEPENDENCY) 18EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 18 RELIABILITY What kind of “SOLAR POWER CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES” are available for MW or GW scale ? Three technologies are available: 1. Solar thermal electricity 2. Solar PV 3. Wind 19EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 19 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY – SOLAR TOWER (molten salt) ~ 900 °C ?? – PARABOLIC TROUGH (thermal oil, steam) ~400 °C – SOLAR CHIMNEY ~ 60 – 80 °C, buoyancy-wind 20EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 20 CPS environmental benefits Steinhagen, DLR,Germany 21 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY • SOLAR TOWER (molten salt-sodium, potassium nitrate) ~ 900 °C • • • • • • • ONLY EXPERIMENTAL UNIT 10 MW LOW EFFICIENCY ~ 7% INVESTMENT NOT KNOWN MAINTENANCE OF HELIOSTATS HIGH TEMPERATURE CONVERSION USEFULL FOR SINFUEL Project: 40 MW thermal – 15 MWe/24 h; 15$c/kWh Investment: 100 M$ 22EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 22 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY • PARABOLIC TROUGH (thermal oil, water/steam) ~400 °C • • • • • • • • • Real SEGS 354 MW – 20 year of operation Efficiency: ~ 10,8%,y; 20% dayly max. New plant eff.:: ~ 15-16%,y Solar field eff. up to 60% investment: $2000/kW for SEGS Investment: $ 850/kW for ISCCS Maintenance: acceptable Hybridization up to 25%, thermal storage Thermal storage costs:~ $20/ kWh Mojave desert, Kramer Junction SEGS- Solar Electric Generating System ISCCS – Integrated Solar Combined-Cycle System 23EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 23 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY Solar electric generation system (SEGS) – layout; Land use: ~ (20 – 25) m2/kWe 24EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 24 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY SEGS 354 MW Kramer Junction Mojave Desert, California 25EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 25 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY SEGS – SOLAR ELECTRICITY GENERATING SYSSTEM 26EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 26 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES For medium power, simple design, reliable (?) Solar chimney Low efficency, integrated storage, aproppriate for hybridization with CSP, little experience 27EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 27 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES design data comparison ISCCS 200 MW: 773,5 GWh/y, Cf = 50% 673 ha (2600 x 2600 m); A= 33,6 m2/kW ~ 14 %, costruction time: 12 months Solar tower 200 MW: 350 ÷400 GWh/y, Cf ~ 57% (700 ÷ 800 GWh/y) Land area: 1920 ha (D =5000 m, h =1000 m), A ~ 98 m2/kWe ~ 2 ÷ (4) %, Construction time: 34 months 28EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 28 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES SOLAR PV ELECTRICITY • SOLAR PV ELECTRICITY – Si CRYSTALLINE CELLS: Efficiency ~ 12-16 % – Si POLYCRYSTALLIN CELLS: Efficiency ~ 10 -14 % – GaAs, CdTe, CIS,.. Efficiency > 16% (abs. max.:37,9 % at 10 sun, 39 % at 236 sun, May, Jun 2005) 29EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 29 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES SOLAR PV ELECTRICITY Solar PV power plant, Tucson, Arizona, USA 30EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 30 ESTIMATED PRODUCTION CAPACITY • EU 25 ESTIMATED ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION IN 2010: > 3500 TWh (2711 TWh in 2002) • CONSTRUCTION PLAN TO 2030: 184, 3 GW FOR REPLACEMENT AND 184,3 GW NEW PP • MIN. RENEWABLE ENERGY SHARE: 87,5 GW • 50 % of them can be build in SAHARA as SUSTAINABLE, POLLUTION FREE Power Plants 31EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 31 Sustainable electricity supply proposal Solar electricity production for EU in north east LIBYA desert Available: • • • • LAND SOLAR IRRADIATION TECHNOLOGIES ELECTRICITY DISPATCH 32EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 32 MAP of LIBYA 1,759,540.00 sq km, 1% arable land Land for ~ 700 GW PP 200 x 200 km ~1542 km ~1667 km 33EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 33 CLIMATIC DATA FOR NORTH - EAST LIBYA Monthly average climatic data for 31,5°N; 23,5°E NASA surface meteorology and solar energy 9 kWh/m2; m/s 8 7 6 30 Air temperature: 19,1°C 25 Insulation on 31°tilted surface: 6,18 kWh/m2 (6,6 kWh/m2 opt.) 20 5 15 4 3 2 YEARLY AVERAGE: 10 Insol. Hor.kWh/m2 Diff. Insol. kWh/m2 Insol 31° kWh/m2 wind m/s, 50m temp.°C Wind speed, height 50 m: 5,01 m/s (86% > [3÷ 10] m/s) 5 1 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb 0 Jan 0 Months 34EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 34 PV production NORTH - EAST LIBYA Estimated solar electricity from 1 kWp PV, tilted surface 31°, perf. ratio 0,75 or 1kW SEGS 7 200 kWh 5 4 100 3 2 50 Air temperature: 19,1°C Insulation on 31°tilted surface: 6,18 kWh/m2 (6,6 kWh/m2 opt.) 6 150 YEARLY AVERAGE: opt. angle month 1 kWp day 1kWp. Yearly production: 1541 kWhe Land use: ~ 25 m2/ kWp 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months 35EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 35 DESIGN CONCEPT 1200 MW SOLAR THERMAL, PV and WIND POWER PLANT unit, consisting of: 1 x 200 MW solar chimney; 5000 x 5000 m, H = 1000 m 6 x 100 MW ISCCS 3 x 6100 x 700 m 2 x 100 MW PV 1 x 5000 x 500 80 x 2,5 MW WG between others __________________________________________ Total: 1200 MW area 6800 x 6400 m = 43, 52 km2 36EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 36 DESIGN CONCEPT Total efficiency (with present technology): Solar chimney: 3,0 % ISCCS: 12,5% PV: 10,5% WG: 40,0% Capacity factor: Cf ~ 0,75 Yearly electricity production: 3,862 (ST+PV) + 1,280 (WG) TWh = 5,142 TWh/yr Number of units build per year: 7 ÷ 10 37EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 37 DESIGN SCHEDULE AND CAPACITY Because of different construction durations, the order of the construction should be: 1. 2. 3. 4. PV – 2 x 100 MW Wind generators, 80 x 2,5 MW (w ~ 6,4 m/s) Solar chimney, 1 x 200 MW ISCCP, 6 x 100 MW To cover 100% of the yearly electricity consumption in 2030 for 25 EU Countries, a land area of max. 200 x 200 km will be needed or less than 2,5% of Libya’s desert area. Production of 4000 TWh/yr with power capacity factor of 0,75 could be achieved. Using the hybridisation power capacity, this factor could be close to 1. 38EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 38 DESIGN CONCEPT 2 x 100 PV 80 x 2,5 MW WG 2 x 100 MW PV 6 x 100 MW ISCCS 1 x 200 MW Solar chimney 200 MW P. Novak, Energotech, SI 39EES, Nicosia 2007 SOLAR POWER STATION GWGW SOLAR POWER PLANT1 1,2 + ~ 200 WIND TURBINE (~ 7X7 KM) Location: 31°N;23°E; Land use:~ 7 x 7 km Power supply in Europe 39 CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY ISCCS – INTEGRATED SOLAR COMBINED-CYCLE SYSTEM Low pressure solar steam Variants: ORC geothermal hot rock High pressure solar steam 40EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 40 TRANSMISSION Electricity In the first phase of solar power plant construction the mediteranian high voltage line circular line can be used. • The second phase is construction of the high voltage direct current under-sea line to EU contries. • The third phase is to convert solar electricity to syn-fuels: hydrogen, methan (gas) and methanol (liquid) for sustainable energy system 41EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 41 Future possible grid connections 42 CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER ECONOMICS SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY Debt Interest Rate: 9,5% Equity IRR: 15% Performans waranty: 1-5 y Peak capacity factor on 6h basis: 90 -95% with fossil hybrid or thermal storage Annual capacity factor: Cf ~ 40-50 % 43EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 43 CPS ECONOMICS SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT - ISCCS (www.energylan.sandia.gov/sunlab/overview.htlm) 44EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 44 PV ECONOMICS SOLAR PV ELECTRICITY Solar modules costs The cost of the system is about 2-times the module costs, depending on the land and support structure costs; COSTS ~ (7 – 10) $/Wp (5,4 ÷7,7) €/Wp 45EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 45 Syn-fuel – Hydrogen costs SOLAR HYDROGEN: 4 - 2 TIMES MORE EXPENSIVE Basic Research Needs for solar energy utilisation, ANL Workshop April 2005 46EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 46 How to start ? 1. Donation of the land to one of UNO international organizations (UNESCO; UNDP; UNEP) – 35 ÷ 99 year contract 2. Organizing international activities to build the first unit from donations/credit (WB, GEF) and private/public partnership 3. Selling the “green” electricity to Europe and other interested countries 4. Profit should be used for activities of UNO (e.g. UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP, etc.) 47EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 47 How to start ? Benefits: 1. UN organizations become financially less dependent and can help African and other countries in development. 2. Europe will be supplied with sustainable electricity from independent organizations. 3. Experience will be collected for the future commercially built units. 4. Libya or other (land owning) North Africa countries will become important part of international sustainable development policy 5. Africa’s development can be financed by itself 48EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 48 CONCLUSIONS • The question of solar electricity production on large scale in North Africa for EU is not: “can we do it” but “why don’t we do it” • We have the technology, which is not yet optimized, but is available. • Do we have the political will? THANK YOU 49EES, Nicosia 2007 Power supply in Europe 49