Microcomputer Applications--Word Processing


Microcomputer Applications--Word Processing

Course Number : IS:119 Credit Hours : 1


Instructor : Duane Pitchford

Office, Telephone (314) 231-1210

Office Hours :

(314) 644-9085

Class Meeting

Lab Hours

Text : MICROSOFT WORD 2002 by, Nita Hewitt Rutkosky. Paradigm Publishing Inc., 2002.

Supplies : Two 3 ½-inch diskettes (double-sided, high-density, soft sector); folder for turning in assignments.

Course Description

This class is an introduction to word processing using a current software program. Included in this course are the basic functions of creating, formatting, editing, and printing documents.

Additional lab assignments will be required outside of class. Prerequisite: IS:123 or equivalent experience.

Learning Objectives (Goals) a.

access and exit the Windows and Microsoft Word programs b.

apply Windows and word processing functions and terminology c.

learn to create, save, view, print, close and open a document d.

edit a document e.

enhance documents to change the appearance of text, paragraphs, and documents f.

use speller, thesaurus, and grammar checking programs g.

use find and replace h.

use file management tools i.

apply correct printing techniques j.

set and maintain tabs k.

manipulate text within and between documents

Minimum Course Requirements

 demonstrate proficiency on evaluation instruments covering textbook information at a minimum level of 70 percent

 demonstrate proficiency on performance-based evaluation activities at a minimum level of 70 percent

 attend class and lab as scheduled

 complete and submit assignments by due date

Microcomputer Applications—Word Processing (IS:119) 2

Evaluation Criteria and Standards

Lab Assignments

Quizzes (Written and Performance)

Comprehensive Final Examination




Grading Scale for Quizzes and Final Exam: A grade on quizzes and the final exam will be determined based on the percentage of correct answers given. The percentage grading scale is:

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = Below 60%

Grading Scale for Lab Assignments : See assignment sheet.

Weekly Outline




Week Word 2002 for Windows

Chapters 1 & 2 Creating, Printing, Editing

Chapters 3 & 4

Chapters 5 & 6

Formatting Characters

Formatting Paragraphs

And Documents and Section

File Management and Printing

Chapters 7 & 8

Writing Tools, Fine & Replace

Setting Tabs and

Manipulating Text

Final Examination – All assignments due



Procedures for Lab and Assignments

1. Each week you will do computer assignments in the Interactive Learning Center (D210-211).

Each exercise should be labeled in a footer as specified on the assignment sheet. Each assignment must be completed satisfactorily in order to receive credit for completion. One letter grade will be lowered if the exercises are not turned in the week that they are assigned. Do not print; put disk in folder and turn in at the beginning of each class period.

2. With permission of instructor and verification of hours, a student may complete lab work at the office/home after the second week.

3. When you enter lab, present your student ID to assistant, pick up a time sheet; and then upon

Microcomputer Applications—Word Processing (IS:119) 3 leaving, leave the completed slip in the in/out tray; don’t forget to pick up your student ID.

Your attendance is recorded from these sheets.

4. Please be considerate of others; avoid visiting and loud talking. Please do not bring friends or family members into the center. Food or drinks are not to be in the lab. Always leave your work area neat.

5. The equipment is for educational purposes and is not to be used for personal or office work not related to class.

6. The Interactive Learning Center phone is for business use only. If a cellular phone is brought into the classroom or center, be sure to turn off the ringer so that the phone does not ring in class or center.

College and Departmental Policies

Disability Support Services-St. Louis Community College makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If any student in the class has a need for special testing arrangements, notetaking, or other accommodations, please feel free to discuss this with the instructor or department coordinator . A student who needs classroom accommodations must register each semester with the ACCESS Office (G-215, 644-9039). Documentation of disability may be required. Advance requests give the college time to ensure that accommodations and an ample supply of adaptive materials are available.

Affirmative Action-The IS Department is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunities in its programs, activities and employment for students and employees regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran status, disability or sexual orientation.


According to the District policy, no grade of “W” will be issued by the instructor.

Students are responsible for officially withdrawing from a course by following proper procedures through the Admissions Office.

Attendance-Students are expected to attend classes. Excessive absences, as determined and specified by the instructor, may impact a student’s grade and ultimately result in a failing grade for any course.


—Failure to observe the publisher’s copyright statement or using another’s work will be a cause for a failing grade.
