Associated Student Government

Associated Student Government
Q: What is the Associated Student Government?
A: The ASG is the student governing body on campus, and
provides a voice in campus and community issues on behalf of
the students of SCC.
Q: How can I join?
A: Come to any of our weekly meetings in City Café at 12 noon on Wednesdays.
Q: What kinds of positions are there in ASG?
A: There is the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Justice, 5
Commissioners (Inter-Club Council, Student Affairs, Legislative Affairs, Public
Relations, and Technology), and 15 Senators. There are specific qualifications that
have to be met for these positions (among other requirements, a minimum of 5 units
and a cumulative 2.0 GPA).
If you have any questions feel free to contact:
Associated Student Government
South Gym 226
(916) 558-2446 quick link to
Student Leadership and Development and
click on “student government”
ASG President
ASG Advisor
ASG Committees
Aids the Treasurer in formulating the budget, and advises the ASG on financial matters via the
Student Affairs:
The Student Affairs committee facilitates spring elections, and is in charge of providing
activities for the college campus.
Legislative Affairs:
The Legislative Affairs committee monitors, and reports on current legislation that affects
students at a local, district, and state level. It oversees the upkeep of the Constitution and Bylaws.
Public Relations:
The Public Relations committee is responsible for publicizing all ASG functions, activities, and
issues, which affects the students. The committee works with local newspapers, the campus
newspaper, as well as television and radio stations to publicize events.
The Senate is composed of the 15 elected senators; they work to inform the board of campus
Associated Student Government
President: Chair of the ASG and Cabinet Meetings
Prepares agendas for all ASG meetings, serves as a tie-breaking, exofficio member of all standing committees, and represents the ASG and the
students of SCC.
Vice-President: Chair of Senate Meetings
Assumes the duties of chair in the absence of the President. Chairs the Senate meetings.
Takes and maintains records of ASG meetings.
Treasurer: Chair of Finance Committee
Prepares the budget, supervises the collection and distribution of ASG funds, and records
income and expenditures of the ASG.
Commissioner of Inter-Club Council: Chair of ICC
Oversees the ICC and works with clubs on unified fundraising and program efforts, like Club
Commissioner of Student Affairs: Chair of Student Affairs Committee
Develops and coordinates services responsive to the needs of the students. Organizes the
spring student government elections.
Commissioner of Legislative Affairs: Chair of Legislative Affairs Committee
Representative in student-related organizations in which the ASG participates, monitors, and
reports on legislation affecting students.
Commissioner of Public Relations: Chair of Public Relations Committee
Responsible for publicizing all ASG functions and meetings.
Commissioner of Technology
Develops and maintains the web page, manages computer/office equipment, and other
technological needs as they arise.
Chief Justice: Parliamentarian
Serves as the parliamentarian of the ASG. Does not vote and is not counted for quorum.
Makes sure the ASG is in compliance with the Brown Act under which it operates.
The 15 Senators inform the ASG of any concerns the students have, and are voting members
of at least one of the ASG committees.