March 2nd, 2011
12:00pm to Close, Student Center
*Call to Order @12:05
A. Roll Call and Welcome Guests
Present: President Turner, Vice-President Dixon, Student Affairs Ragudo,
I.C.C. Carter, Legislative Affairs Miller, Public Relations Snuggs,
Technology Huron, Environmental Affairs Simonsen, Secretary Gardner,
Pro-Tem Cofield,
Senators: Dhesi, Foster, Lara Rhodes
Unexcused: Chief Justice Williams
Excused: NONE
Late: NONE
GUESTS: Shavonne Mendez, Chris South, Cameron Bridgmen, Betty Temple
Zack Schmitz, Nikki Heed, Jeffery Tardaguila, Ashton Norver,
Ilian Cervantez, Rebeka Newbold
B. Approval of Agenda/ Minutes
Motion by Carter 2nd by Miller
C. Appointments and Removals (NONE)
D. Oral Communication from the Public
This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the SCC ASG on any
matter on the agenda. No action will be taken. Speakers may be limited to two minutes.
A. President’s Reports- 2 mins.
Talk about 2 topics
*Veteran Issues, Pel Grants
*Take the time to talk to faculty/ classmates about March in March
*Running for Elections
B. Vice President’s Reports-2 min.
*Sign Up Sheet for G.A., make sure I have the right phone number and E-mail
*March in March- March 14th 8:30a.m. Meet at light rail which will take us to the
C. Treasurer Report- 2 mins
Item Requests, invoices, supporting documents, President Turner brought in $450
cash to go to Student Government.
D. Commissioner Reports- 12 mins.
1.) Public Relations, Com. Snuggs
*Ask for ideas to help with the Smarty Gra
*$5000 annual fund (vouchers textbooks, and scholarships, If not all the
money is spent then money is given back to students. If every student gave $1
that would give us $27,000 to ASG. Smarty Gra theme is books for beads.
Everyone has a green sheet of paper that I would like to have everybody read
it then announce in your classes the important information on the green sheet.
2.) Legislative Affairs, Com. Miller
*Kevin Powers is coming to talk about higher education…etc and if you have
any questions just ask questions and he will answer them to the best of his
3.) Environmental Affairs, Com. Simonsen
4.) Student Affairs, Com. Ragudo
* Moc Funeral – March 29th @ 1:00p.m. (words/phrases that have any
negative connotation) If you have any suggestions give to Ragudo or Turner
5.) Technology, Com. Haroun
*New computers, ASG Research and has a survey on the website, we have
a facebook as well as a twitter and hopefully to start a YouTube account.
6.) ICC president, President Carter
*March in March is a statewide event
* SCC has a great opportunity on working and join us in taking a step to speak
out on massive cuts on classes, professors, athletics…etc this is like being on
capital hill of community colleges to have their voice heard. “A horse to be
*ICC is wanting to put on peoples day and club day and wanting it to be
called a festival and wanting to fill the quad, and have food and entertainment
going on.
E ASG Advisor (Action as necessary), Beyrer-2 mins.
*Election 12th and 13th casting vote everyone will be able to vote.
A. Igniting the Fire- (Treasure Prasad)
Removing Igniting the Fire from ASG line item and putting money back into ASG
general fund.
YES-6 NO-5 Present-3
A. Senator Marty Block’s Office (Kevin Power)(15 Min)
*Turner-What we expect as a community college and can you explain more on higher
-Rumor about units going to go up to $66 a unit or $101 a unit.
-Sports programs
*Powers-come to conferences committee cutting across the board 25 billion in vote.
-Ballot is used in many different ways
-100,000 students increase and decrease in the amount of how much money will
be spent.
*Carter- Question
-Why is it that grades K-12 get special funding but K-14 does not?
*Powers-Master (blueprint) plan as a legislature we are facing plan for the future.
-Funding limitations and keep as many things as possible.
-Community Colleges get some funding
-there is prop 13 and 98 is guaranteed and there is a 40 million dollar cut.
*Miller-Discuss and elaborate on the bachelor program
*Powers-Have a partnership with Kaiser and other foundations accreditation
-There is strategic growth
-72 Community Colleges have local needs and need more support.
*Prasad-If we are fee increasing why would students want to go to school or even
back to school because of the money.
*Simonsen-Ask about the BOG fee waiver and FAFSAļƒ  1 document
*Powers- BOG fee waiver and FAFSA is higher education committee is going at the
same time. Making info on student plans.
-As students we make a plan then we come in and go over it and see what we can
do about it.
-Knowing articulation agrees full Financial Aid and qualifying for Cal Grants
*Dixon- Cal Grants and at end of Education
*Turner-March in March
-and if anybody has any for information or questions to ask you can e-mail/ call
and get your questions answered. He will leave card and if you want it you can come to me and I
will give it to you.
B. Possible Cuts to Athletics: (Secretary Gardner)(5 Min)
I will talk about it another time.
A. Oral Communication from the public
This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the SCC ASG on any
matter not on the agenda. No action will be taken. Speakers may be limited to one minute.
B. Future Agenda Items:
Haroun-Computers (Discussion Item), Snuggs-Smarty Gra (Discussion Item)
Dixon-March in March update (Discussion Item),-Rhodes-Student equity (Discussion Item)
C. Adjournments:
*Adjournment @1:08
Motion by Carter 2nd by Rhodes