國中英語領域教師資訊媒體運用創意教學工作坊講授內容綱要 1. 語意理解與表達的核心要素探討與影片對白實例分析

1. 語意理解與表達的核心要素探討與影片對白實例分析
1.1 語言的核心—語意
語意是語言的核心,語音及文字是語意的載具 (vehicle),語意指的是 what the
sounds, words or gesture refer to 而且語意應以例示的方式與包含該語意的情境一
 語言教學應從語言的核心—語意的理解著手,而不是從其載具—語音及文字著
 語意有其指涉對象,因此語意的瞭解是對其指涉對象事物的瞭解,也就是說語
 語意指涉對象事物內容應為學習者可理解或想像之事物內容,否則理解無從發
 語意指涉對象事物內容之呈現應以例示的方式使其較具整體性、豐富性及可理
 例示時如非現場則應選擇適當之媒體工具以求完整具體,尤以對初學者為然。
Sample discourse with the embedded sentence of “this is a +N.”
Sample Discourse
Context, Background
Communicative Intent
Knowledge & Cultural
& Sociocultural
Wane: So, what does your
Wane tries to bring
ago from a company he had
wife think about this plan?
Arnold’s wife in to
worked for 17 years.
loosen the kidnapper.
Arnold: My wife?
Wane owns a company and
To talk with the
cherishes his wife’s love for
Wane: Yeah. Those are her
kidnapper in a way to
bring back the
Arnold kidnapped Wane for
humanistic nature in
Arnold: You can keep things
from your wife.
Arnold’s wife smokes a lot.
Wane: I don't know.
Arnold: What? You've never
deceived your wife?
To Wane, man and wife share
everything except maybe
some white lies; to Arnold,
man can keep things from his
Wane: Well, there are levels Kidnap somebody for money
is a felony not something
of deception, Arnold. I
mean, this is a whopper.
Arnold: Oh.
* 語意的形成植基於 Communicative Intent & Sociocultural Purpose
* Context, Background Knowledge & Cultural Values 是語意形成的內部要素
* 語意的表達依賴語音或文字
1.2 語意的主要表達工具—語音與肢體語言
 語意的瞭解是語言學習的起始點,瞭解了該語意就要讓學習者注意到表達該語
 語音與其配合的肢體語言的注意、認知與揣摩不是一蹴可幾之事,不可躁進地
 圖畫故事加上口語以及卡通影片等也適合用來建立語意的瞭解與語音的認知。
 同一個語言也有腔調上的差異,而且語音的認知與揣摩是從模糊約略到逐漸掌
Sample Discourse
Joanne: Charlie. So sorry for
keeping you waiting.
Charlie: Oh, it's no problem,
Joanne. This is Bonnie Bach.
Joanne: So nice to meet you.
Bonnie: It's a pleasure
meeting you, Mrs. Herring.
This is a wonderful party.
Charlie: Why don't you give us
a few moments?
Bonnie: Yes, sir.
Joanne: Oh, Bobbie, if you
could ask someone for a
Bombay martini up, very dry?
Bonnie: Oh, I'm not a slave
girl, actually. I'm the
Congressman's administrative
Joanne: Isn't that wonderful
for you?
Bonnie: Yes.
Joanne: Two olives, please.
Tell them it's for me, they'll
Bonnie: Certainly.
Joanne: She doesn't like me.
Charlie: Everybody likes you.
Joanne: She's a liberal.
Charlie: Well, I'm a liberal.
Joanne: Not where it counts.
Context, Background
Knowledge &
Cultural Values
Joanne Herring is a
major donor for
Charlie’s campaign.
She invited Charlie to a
party in her house.
Bonnie is Charlie’s
Bombay is India’s most
populated city and
martini from there is
Joanne thinks being a
congressman’s assistant
is a good thing for
A liberal is someone
who favors a political
philosophy of progress
and reform and the
protection of civil
Intent &
Joanne’s words “So
nice to meet you”
should be a formulaic
speech to Bonnie but
what she really means
is that she is glad to see
Bonnie says “It's a
pleasure meeting you,
Mrs. Herring. This is a
wonderful party.” in
order to stop Joanne’s
kiss to Charlie. What
she says is to give
Joanne some kind of
attitude; it has nothing
to do with the party.
Joanne has no right to
ask Bonnie to do things
for her.
Joanne notices Bonnie’s
dislike for her but she
deliberately ignore it
and maintain her
superior status to her.
* 聲音是語意表達的主要工具
* 肢體語言是語意表達的輔助工具
1.3 語意的進階表達工具—文字
有快速消失(rapid fading, see Hockett 1966, p. 15)、除非透過機器設備無法留存、
較大範圍的複雜問題(Wu 1997, p. 93-94),所以文字的發明對語言及知識的進一
Sample Discourse
tive Intent
Knowledge &
Cultural Values
al Purpose
President Zia: So what I have Zia is the President of What
been wondering is why your Pakistan.
State Department would send
needs is
someone here who thinks he Charlie is a
understands the problem
who really
because I don’t think the
representing the
prayers of the Texas Second
Texas Second
the problem.
Congressional District are
going to turn the trick.
Charlie’s visit
Charlie: Well, now I wasn’t
is not an
sent here by the State
Many Afghanistan
official one.
Department, Mr. President. I refugees fled to the
was asked to come here by
our friend in Houston. So this
is a courtesy call.
Whether to help
President ZIA: I don’t need
Afghanistan people
help from the
courtesy. I need airplanes,
are both a political
guns and money
and a humanistic
1.4 語意的邏輯結構—語法
美國結構主義學派(Stern 1983, p. 136)。他們把語料庫中的語料加以分析後找出各
為主就是受美國結構主義學派根深蒂固的影響。像 Pawly & Syder (1983), Sinclair
(1984), Nattinger & DeCarrico (1992) 都主張採用句型教學。反對的學者像 Stern
(1983, p. 145)認為結構主義學派誤導了語言教學。心理學家 Best(1995, p. 283)認
為結構主義觀點最主要的問題是這些分析得來的結構句型本身就連英語的 native
speakers 都 ‘never heard directly’。前面所舉 This is a book 的例子就是個證明。
但是結構句型確實存在語言中,這又如何解釋?有關這一點筆者(Wu 1998)曾做
了些邏輯思辨,主要結論為 …the phrase structure of a sentence is the results of
series of cognitive process not the cause of such a process; in other words, the
generalized sentence structures or patterns cannot be regarded as the cause for the
generation of utterances. 其他不再贅述。就如 Garrett (1986, p. 146)所言,這些規
則是 ex post facto account of utterance, not an underlying basis from which it
第二個觀點是前面曾提過的 Chomsky (1965) 學派的觀點。他們認為小孩子與生
俱來就有對語言共同結構的知識,他稱這個語言的共同結構叫 deep structure,因
為結構句型這種 surface structure 無法 generate utterances 所以必然有一個 deep
structure 來扮演這個角色。前面提過其追隨者後來認為所謂的 deep structure 事
第三個觀點是 Halliday (1985, 1994)所提的功能語法(functional grammar)。他的說
… discourse grammar needs to be functional and semantic in its orientation, with the
grammatical categories explained as the realization of semantic patterns so that insights into
the meaning and effectiveness of a text can be provided (1994, p. xvii). … functional
components are the fundamental components of meaning in language and that functional
grammar was designed to account for how the language is used (ibid. p. xiii).
ex post facto account of utterance.
筆者自己對語言產生的說法是:Language, in terms of meaning generation and
expression, occurs as the outcome of dynamic interactions between human beings’
intellectual/cognitive abilities (and emotional/affective status) and the surrounding
physical and social environments (Wu 1998).主要是把語意的產生與隨之發生的語
Sample Discourse
Knowledge &
Cultural Values
Intent &
Senior Officer 1: So if it isn't over
in four days, when will it be over?
Tom: Well, all I have to measure
it by... is how long it took last
time when Shark first came in.
Senior Officer 1: And how long
did it take?
Tom: Ten months.
Senior Officer 2: Well, this is a
great day for Adolf Hitler.
Senior Officer 1: Ten months?
Senior Officer 2: But you did
break it.
Tom: Yes.
Senior Officer 2: How?
Tom: I'm afraid I can't tell you
Senior Officer 2: I think it's time
we... I think it's time I got back to
German Navy changed
their old code, Shark, into
a new one.
The officer from London
wants to make sure how
long it takes to break the
new code.
British Navy is unable to
decipher the new code.
London is anxious about
the block-out of the
information from German’s
telex code.
They send Tom back from
a hospital to help.
It took Tom ten months to
break Shark.
It’s a top secret regarding
how to break the German
It took Tom ten months to
break Shark so it’ll
probable takes about the
same time to break the
new one.
British Navy will not be
able to know where the
German submarines are
deployed and where they
are heading.
Tom is not allowed to shed
the top secret of how to
break a code.
The officers have to
report to London about
the situation they face.
2. 以句型為架構的國中英語課程提供了什麼?缺少了什麼?
2.1 字辭搜尋與影音定址播放系統介紹
The interface comprises four parts:
(a) A word list which allows the user to adjust the display in alphabet or frequency
ascending or descending order.
(b) Concordance and video retrieving setting’s windows, including keyword(s) and
collocation(s) to be searched, and corpus selection.
(c) A search result window which allows users to select any item identified for
presentation or editing.
Links to net dictionary entries for the particular keyword, system homepage and
courses edited with the system.
2.2 關鍵字搜尋結果列表
2.3 例句及影音顯示介面
2.4 對白範例選取、儲存與播放介面
2.5 “This is a…” 搜尋結果分析
This is a +N
This is a +N+Prep Phrase
This is a +N+Adj Phrase
This is a +N+Adj Clause
This is a +Adj N+N
This is a +Adj N+N+Prep
This is a +Adj+N
This is a +Adj+N+Prep Phrase
This is a +Adj+N+Adj Phrase
This is a +Adj+N+Adj Clause
This is a +Adj+N+Inf Phrase
This is a +Adv+Adj+Prep
This is a +Adv+Adj
This is a +Adv+Adj+N
This is a +Adv+Adj+N+Prep
This is a +Adv+Adj+N+ Inf
16 patterns
[93] [ALEXANDER] This is a nightmare.
[75] I don’t think this is a case of undue influence.
[197] Well this is a thing unheard-of.
[116] Please don’t say that. This is a mistake you’re
making, Diana.
[60] [BERGSTEIN] This is a wild-goose chase.
[168] You think this is a treasure map for Cibola,
don’t you?
[8] I’m sorry, sir. This is a private room.
[67] Fellas, this is a critical moment in his life.
[10] I have to warn you. This is a dangerous place
full of vultures.
[218] This is a nice street you live on. Yeah, this is
my street.
[86] Carlos, this is a stupid fucking problem to have.
[220] I’m not gonna get this. This is a little too
complicated for me.
[209] I think this is a little different. You’ll run circles
round them.
[63] Oh god. Jesus Christ, Robert, this is a really bad
[269] And this is a really good example of that.
[133] For me this is a very hard thing to say.
2.6 “How are you?” 搜尋結果分析
Types of responses
“I’m good.”
“Fine, thanks.”
“I’m fine.”
“Very well.”
[1] Kev, whats up, man? How are you? Good.
[5] How are you? I’m really good.
[11] How are you? I’m good.
[23] Excuse me, Ann. Howard: How are you? Philip: Good.
[24] Chris, how are you? I’m good. How you doing?
[26] How are you? Good.
[29] SECRETARY: How are you? BOURNE: I’m good.
How are you?
[32] How are you? Good. I’m good.
[33] How are you? Good. Welcome back.
[38] Keith, how are you? Good.
[39] I’m all right. How are you? Good.
[49] How are you? Very good.
[58] How are you? Good.
[60] Steve. How are you? I’m good, real good.
[72] Hey, how are you? I’m good, Frank.
[73] How are you? Good.
[74] How are you? Good. Can I ask you a favor?
[75] How are you? I’m good.
[76] How are you? I’m really good.
[77] Yes, how are you? Good, thank you.
[78] How are you? I’m good. How are you?
[84] Hello, how are you? Good. How are you?
[89] Amelia. How are you, Viktor? Good.
[94] I’m fine, how are you? Good.
[97] Hi, how are you? Hello. Good.
[98] Hey, Michael. How are you? Hi, Cindy. I’m good.
[102] How are you? Good. What are you doing here?
[103] Hey, honey, how are you? Good.
[107] Happy birthday, Mom. How are you? I’m good,
thank you.
[110] Hello. How are you? Good.
[34] So, how are you? Fine.
[45] So, how are you? I’m fine. I’m fine.
[47] How are you? I’m fine.
[52] How are you? Fine, thanks. May I?
[67] How are you? Fine. How are you?
[71] Hi. How are you? I’m fine. Okay.
[87] How are you? Fine, thanks. How are you?
[18] How are you? Very well.
[35] Yes, Mr Watson. How are you? Very well, sir.
[51] How are you? How are you feeling? Well.
[81] How are you? As well as can be expected.
[9] How are you? I’m all right.
[68] How are you? Okay, thanks.
[12] How are you? Better now.
[25] Hey. How are you? Much better now.
[95] Fran, how are you? Couldn’t be better.
[4] How are you? Awesome.
[2] How are you? You got nothing to worry about, man.
[80] How are you? Popular.
[41] How are you? This has been a week of hell.
[44] How are you? Oh no. How are you?
[54] How are you? Naked . I need to buy some clothes.
[88] Kurt, how are you? Hungry.
[10] Hey, Mariane. It’s John. How are you? Hello.
[20] Honey, how are you? Hi.
A way of saying
“Good to see you.”
No responses
Silence means
there might be
something wrong.
Indirect responses
[22] How are you? How are you?
[37] Sam, how are you? Hey.
[46] Hi, Kate. How are you? Hi, Ellen. How are you.
[48] Hello, George. How are you? Paul.
[55] How are you? How you doing.
[62] Hi. How are you? Hi.
[63] Hello. How are you? Hello, PeiPei.
[64] How are you? Hi.
[83] How are you? Im… how are you.
[86] How are you? Hello, General.
[96] Hello, how are you? How are you? Oh.
[100] Good morning. How are you? Good morning.
[101] They’ll come over and say hello and maybe… How
are you? Hi.
[106] Hey. How are you? Hey.
[108] Hey, Jan. Hey George. How are you? Bees come
[109] Helen, hi. How are you? Hey.
[16] Kevin, how are you? Oh, it’s good to see you.
[17] Hey, Maddox, how are you? Small world.
[27] Hi, Sam. How are you? It’s nice to see you.
[59] You know Gil? Ya, how are you? Good to see you.
[66] How are you? Nice to meet you.
[79] Hello, Gloria. How are you? Lovely to see you.
[99] Mrs. Sellner. How are you? Always a joy.
[104] How are you? How are you, Ace? Nice to see you.
[112] Hello, fellows, how are you? Glad to see you, Mr
[113] How are you? It is so good to see you.
[116] Hi. How are you? Good to see you. Hi.
[7] Hey, Asra. How are you? How’s the book?
[21] Hi, how are you? Thanks for getting back to me.
[28] Hello, how are you? I sent you a blouse.
[50] Hey Dr J. How are you? You’re the best.
[56] Hello. How are you? How’s your father?
[65] Mr. Garrison, how are you? Remember me?
[70] Sergeant Powers. How are you? So you got a minute?
[82] Marty, how are you? I thought you were on leave.
[91] Hi, how are you? It’s Kate, isn’t it?
[105] My pleasure, Julius. How are you? You lost weight.
[114] Mr. McCabe, how are you? I’m Rebecca Dearborn.
[40] How are you? I was wondering if you’d call me. Yeah
[3] Hey, Vic, how are you? What’s up?
[6] Danny. How are you? Is everything okay?
[57] How are you? What happened to you and Alexandra?
[8] How are you, Captain?
I haven’t been introduced to this gentleman here.
[13] Very good. How are you?
Get in there and spend some money, you two.
[14] I am glad to see you. How are you?
Tell them Steer forth is very kind to me.
[31] Hello Barney, how are you?
[blows raspberry].
Oh, he’s lovely.
[61] So, how are you?
How is he? Just the most successful lawyer in Savannah.
That’s how.
4. 以公播版的 DVD 影片做為教學媒介之應用實例介紹
4.1 南台英語教學系統
4.2 將個別 DVD 製作成教材
4.3 LiveDVD 介紹
5. DVD 影片上的對白文字擷取與編輯(實作)
6. DVD 影片上的影音之擷取與編輯(實作)
7. 影音與文字呈現介面(實作)
8. 利用故事線與提示性問題幫助理解(實作)
9. 字彙與練習(實作)
10. 線上協助工具、測驗題製作(實作)
11. 教材分析—Ice Age 3
It's happening!
Wait up, guys!
The baby's coming! The baby's coming!
Watch it!
I'm having a baby!
Code Blue! Code Blue!
Or pink if it's a girl!
Having a baby! Having a baby! I'm coming, Ellie!
We got it!
Ellie! Ellie!
Ellie, where are you? Where am I?
I told you it was just a kick.
Right! Right! Wow.
You really gave Daddy a scare! Daddy got silly!
Daddy fall down cliff and go boom, boom, boom.
Silly Daddy. Yeah.
Sorry, folks! False alarm! It was just a kick!
You know who I'd like to kick?
That's the third false alarm this week.
All right, show's over, break it up! Break it up!
I see someone else who has a bun in the oven!
I'm not pregnant!
That's too bad. You'd make a wonderful mother!
Manny, I know you're excited. I am, too. But you're getting a little
carried away.
Okay, okay! Boy, you're starting to sound like Diego.
Wait a second. Where is Diego?
My hooves are burning, baby! They are burning!
Look at this. I got to tip-toe! I got to tip-toe!
Eat my dust, dingo!
Now? Can I look now?
Easy. Don't freak out the baby.
The baby's fine. It's the freaked-out daddy I'm worried about.
No peeking!
Voila! Playground for Junior!
It's amazing!
I made it myself. Our family.
Hey, why aren't I up there?
You can be on ours.
You'd fit right in!
Of course, it's still a work in progress. A few rough edges here and
I don't believe it. You're trying to baby-proof nature.
Baby-proof nature? Get out of here. That's ridiculous.
Manny, this is the world our baby's gonna grow up in. You can't
change that.
Of course I can. I'm the biggest thing on Earth!
Okay, Big Daddy. I can't wait to see how you handle the teen years.(1)
Come on, Sid! I don't want you touching anything.
This place is for kids. Are you a kid?
Don't answer that.
Diego! There you are.
You missed the big surprise!
Right. Right. I'll check it out later.
Okay. See you.
You know, I think there's something bothering Diego.
I'm sure everything's fine.
You should talk to him.
Guys don't talk to guys about guy problems. We just punch each other
on the shoulders.
That's stupid.
To a girl. To a guy, that's like six months of therapy.
Okay, okay, I'm going.(2)
Why'd you do that?
I don't know. So, listen, Ellie thinks there's something bothering you.
I told her...
Actually, I've been thinking that soon it might be time for me to head
Okay. So I'll just tell her that you're fine. It was nothing.
Look, who are we kidding, Manny? I'm losing my edge.
I'm not really built for chaperoning play dates.
What are you talking about?
Having a family, that's huge, and I'm happy for you, but that's your
adventure, not mine.
So you don't want to be around my kid?
No, no, no. That's... You're taking this the wrong way.
No, go. Go find some adventure, Mr. Adventure Guy. Don't let my
boring domestic life hit you in the butt on the way out.
Isn't Ellie supposed to be the one with the hormonal imbalance?
Manny, wait! No one has to leave.(3)
That's why guys don't talk to guys.
Why? What happened?
Diego's leaving.
This should be the best time of our lives. We're having a baby!
No, Sid. They're having a baby.
Yeah, but we're a herd, a family.
Look, things have changed. Manny has other priorities now.
Face it, Sid. We had a great run, but now it's time to move on.
So it's just the two of us.
No, Sid, it's not the two of us.
Crash and Eddie are coming with us?
Just Crash?
Just Eddie?
Bye, Sid.
Okay, calm down. Calm down.
I'm good at making friends. I'll make my own herd. That's what I'll do.
Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man...
Well, at least you still got your looks.
Anybody here? Anyone?
Poor guys. I know what it's like to feel abandoned.
Don't worry. You're not alone anymore.
There you go.
Okay, okay. I'm okay, I'm okay.
Stay here. Stay here. And you, you take care of your brother, now.
Momma's gonna be right back.
Momma's coming, baby!
What did I just tell you kids?
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Bad egg. Rotten egg!
A heart attack you almost gave me!
I'm sorry, darling. It's just that I love you so much.
Now, I want you to meet your Uncle Manny and your Aunt Ellie.
I'd like to present Egbert, Shelly and Yoko.
Sid, whatever you're doing, it's a bad idea.
My kids will hear you!
They're not your kids, Sid. Take them back. You're not meant to be a
Why not?
First sign, stealing someone else's eggs. Second sign, one of them
almost became an omelet.
Sid, someone's probably worried sick looking for them.
No. They were underground, in ice. If it wasn't for me, they'd be
Sid, I know what you're going through. You're gonna have a family,
too, someday. You're gonna meet a nice girl with low standards, no
real options or sense of smell...
What Manny means to say is...
No, I get it. I'll take them back.
You have your family, and I'm better off alone, by myself. A fortress of
solitude. In the ice forever! A lone, lonely loner!
That's a lot of aloneness.
Sid, wait!
No! No, it's okay. He'll bounce back. It's one of the advantages of
being Sid.(5)
Why should I take you back? I love kids!
I'm responsible, loving, nurturing.
What do you think?
I knew you would agree.
Don't cry! Don't cry.
I'll find a dry place.
Here, let me just dry you off.
I don't know. Being a parent's a lot of work.
Maybe I'm not ready.
Momma! Momma! Momma!
I'm a mommy.
Where's Mommy?
Here I am.
There you go. Nice squeaky faces.
I got it! I got it!
No, no! Stop! Not me! No, stop, stop!
Hey! No biting!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No. It's okay, it's okay. Don't cry.
Why are you still crying? Are you hungry?
Maybe you're hungry. I know just the thing.
Hush, hush You mean, vicious animal
I'm your baby and this is my milk
I thought you were a female!
I'm sorry, but you can't go in. Manny says it's just for kids.
Wait a minute. You are kids!
Just don't break anything!
The sloth says the playground's open!
No, wait! Not for everyone!
No, no, no! Don't touch that!
What are they?
Who cares? They're fun!
Play nice!
Mommy, he's not sharing!
Aren't you going to do something?
Why? My kid had it first.
Did not!
Did, too!
Did not!
Did, too!
Did not!
Liar, liar, fur on fire!
What is the matter with you?
I'm a single mother with three kids. I could use a little compassion!
Slow down! No!
No, don't...
Stop, stop, stop!
That's a shame.
Stop! Stop, stop, stop!
No! No!
Hold on, Little Johnny!
I'm trying!
You know, experts say you should let the kids eat whatever they want!
Do you think my ankles look fat?
Ankles? What ankles?
Ronald! Where did you come from?
Oh, no.
Okay, come on. Spit him out.
If you don't spit out Little Johnny, we're leaving the playground this
One, two...
Don't make me say "three"!
There we are. A picture of health.
That's not Little Johnny.
Well, better than nothing.
Come on, barf him up.
Hey. Hey, Manny.
Little Johnny!
Wait! No, no...
I'm really sorry.
This place is totaled.
And we didn't wreck it.
We're losing our touch, bro.
We're losing our touch, bro.
Well, the important thing is that no one got hurt.
Except for that guy.
And those three.
And her.
I told you to take them back, and you kept them! Now look what
they've done!
Okay, granted, we do have some discipline issues.
Eating kids is not a discipline issue!
But he spit them out.
Well, that's super. Let's give him a gold star! Kid of the week! They
don't belong here, Sid. Whatever they are, wherever you found them,
take them back.
Manny! I'm not getting rid of my kids!(6)
It's okay, it's okay. Momma's here.
Do earthquakes shriek?
I thought those guys were extinct!
Well, then that is one angry fossil. Sid!
Come on, come on! Inside, inside, inside!
Nobody move a muscle.
No, no, no, don't cry. Don't cry.
We are poor, little lambs who have lost our way
Sid! Give them to her! She's their mother!
How do I know she's their mother?
What do you want, a birth certificate? She's a dinosaur!
Well, I put in the blood, sweat and tears to raise them!
For a day! Give them back, you lunatic!
Look, these are my kids, and you're gonna have to go through me to
get them!
Don't you have anything better to do?
Sid must be down there.
Well, he's dead.
Real shame.
He will be missed.
Oh, no, no, no. Not so fast.
Okay, Ellie, this is where I draw the line.
You, Crash and Eddie, back to the village.
Yeah, that's gonna happen.
Ellie, you saw that thing! This is gonna be dangerous!
Talk to the trunk.
Great. After we save Sid, I'm gonna kill him.
Ladies first.
Age before beauty.
No pain, no gain.
What pain?
Oh, no. No, no. Not good, not good.
Ellie! Ellie, wait up!
Okay, look, if you feel anything, even if it's nothing, you gotta tell me,
and then we're out of here.
We need a code word!
Yeah. Something that says, "The baby's coming."
How about, "The baby's coming!" How's that?
Too long. We need something short and punchy, like...
I love peaches. They're sweet and round and fuzzy, just like you.
You think I'm round?
Round is good. Round is foxy.(7)
Stay close.
Are you guys having the same dream I am?
We've been living above an entire world, and we didn't even know it.
Run for it! Hurry!
Diego, what are you doing here?
I'm looking for Sid, same as you.
Well! Aren't you noble?
This is not the time, guys! We need all the help we can get!
Never mind.
Here, boy! Here! Come on! Good boy! Come on!
Climb on.
Are you nuts?
We're not getting on that thing!
It's either this dinosaur or that one!
Pregnant lady wants to live! Yabba-dabba-doo!
Don't ever yabba-dabba do that again!
I feel so puny.
How do you think I feel?
Take cover!
Dude, you're awesome! You're like the brother I never had!
Me, too!
Can we keep him?
The name's Buck. Short for Buckminster.
Long for "Buh."
A little dull.
What are you doing here?
Our friend was taken by a dinosaur.
He's dead. Welcome to my world. Now go home.
Off you pop.
Not without Sid.
Ellie, wait. Maybe the deranged hermit has a point.
Manny, we came this far, we're gonna find him.
I got tracks.
Let's go.
If you go in there, you'll find your friend.
In the afterlife.
How do you know, O Great and Wisely Weasely One?
Mommy dinosaur carrying her three babies and some floppy green
Yeah, we're friends with the floppy green thing.
You got all that from the tracks?
No. Not really. I saw them come through here earlier.
She's headed for Lava Falls.
That's where they care for the newborns.
To get there, you've got to go through the Jungle of Misery, across the
Chasm of Death to the Plates of Woe.
Okay! Good luck with the slow descent into madness.
We're gonna go now.
What, you think this is some sort of tropical getaway?
You can't protect your mate, mate.
What are you gonna do with those flimsy tusks
when you run into the beast?
I call him
Oh, good. Good. I was worried it was something intimidating, like
"Sheldon" or "Tim."
Wait. You mean there's something bigger than Mommy Dinosaur?
Aye, aye! He's the one that gave me this!
He gave you that patch?
For free? That's so cool.
Yeah. Maybe he'll give us one, too.
Welcome to my world.
Abandon all hope, he who enters there!
All right! We get it!
Doom and despair, yada, yada, yada.
Sounds like a jungle of misery to me.
Hold on.
Why? What's wrong? Peaches?
What? No! It's just I got a funny feeling.
You're hungry! Low blood sugar. There's some fruit!
No! Manny!
I wouldn't do that if I were you. This isn't exactly your playground.
Like I'm really gonna be afraid of a pretty flower.
Bet you didn't see that coming.
For the record, I blame you for this.(8)
Stop eating our friends, plant!
That's it! I'm tearing it up from the roots!
Do that, and it will clamp shut forever.
All right, preggers, don't get your trunk in a knot.
I'll have them out of there before they're digested.
They'll be nothing but bones in three minutes.
Well, maybe five for the fat one.
I'm not fat!
I feel tingly.
Don't say that when you're pressed up against me.
Not that kind of tingly.
I can feel it, too.
Help! Someone help us!
It's time to get Buck Wild.
Who's fat now?
Barfed on by a plant.
Say something.
Thanks for saving us.
Buck, will you help us find the floppy green thing?
That's not necessary!
Yes, it is.
All right, I'll help you.
But I got rules.
Rule number one, always listen to Buck.
Rule number two, stay in the middle of the trail.
Rule number three, he who has gas travels at the back of the pack.
Come on, then. Chop, chop!
We should all have our heads examined.
That's rule number four! Now let's go find your friend!(9)
It's okay. It's okay. Don't worry. We're gonna be fine.
Please stop swaying. A little nauseous.
See? She's putting us down...
No! I'm too young to be eaten!
Nice mucus. And I don't say that to everyone.
Listen, families get complicated! Maybe we can work something out.
I can take them Sunday to Tuesday!
Wednesday to Friday? Weekends?
It's okay! Momma's okay.
If you eat me, it will send a bad message.
Score one for the sloth!
And the score's all tied up.
Do you think the beast will find Sid?
Or more importantly, us?
Rudy? Are you joking?
He's relentless. He knows all, sees all, eats all.
So that's a yes.
Hey! Get off my lawn! Go on! Shoo!
I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar.
You know, before he came out.
So you're just living down here by your wits, all on your own, no
Not a one. It's incredible. No dependents, no limits.
It's the greatest life a single guy could have.
Hear that? This is my kind of place.(10)
Yeah... No, look, I can't talk right now.
Yeah. No, I'm trying to recover a dead sloth.
No, they're following me!
I know! They think I'm crazy.
No... Okay, we're going into the Chasm of Death.
I'm... I'm going to lose you.
Yeah, I love you, too.
All right, good-bye. Good-bye! Good-bye.
Okay! Follow me.
That's you in three weeks.(11)
So, why do they call it the Chasm of Death?
Well, we tried "Big Smelly Crack," but that just made everybody
Well, now what?
She is not doing that!
Rule number one.
Come on, mammoth! You're supposed to have a good memory.
Always listen to Buck.
Now, eyes forward, back straight, and...
Oh, yes, breathe in the toxic fumes and you'll probably die.
Toxic fumes?
Just another day in paradise.
Ellie, you okay?
You have to try this!
All right, now pile on, everyone! Couldn't be easier!
Don't panic!
Just some technical difficulties.
Keep holding it in, boys!
I can't take it anymore!
He breathed it!
And now I'm breathing it!
Hey! We're not dead!
You sound ridiculous!
Me? You should hear you!
All right, all right. And a one, and a two...
Christmas, Christmas time is here
Stop! Are you crazy?
It's not poison.
That is so disturbing!
Stop laughing! All of you!
"Stop laughing, all of you!"
"What's rule number one?"
They're just laughing. What's so bad about that?
They died laughing!
Stop laughing!
You know what's funny, though?
We're trying to save Sid, and now we're all gonna die!
And I don't even like Sid!
Who does? He's an idiot!
Thanks for getting me into this mess. It's the most fun I've had in
Thank you for deserting the herd! That was totally super!
Stop that!
Don't you see? We're all gonna die!
We gotta do everything, huh?
Sometimes I wet my bed!
That's all right! Sometimes I wet your bed!
I'm not sure how much of that you could hear.
I heard all of it.
Right. Yeah.
You wet my bed?
That was gas talk, dude.
Well, better get moving.
Aren't we forgetting something?
Here, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!
I'm so lonely.
Okay. Here you go, guys.
What? You're not gonna eat your vegetables?
How are you gonna become big, strong dinosaurs?
No. I've raised them vegetarian. It's a healthier lifestyle.
I mean, look at me. I have the pelt of a much younger sloth.
Excuse me! I'm trying to have a conversation here.
No, no, no. That's not for us, kids.
It's way too feathery and fleshy and...
And alive!
No! No, no, we do not eat live animals, period!(12)
Now, go! Fly!
Be free, little flightless bird.
My bad.
Hey, where are you going?
This is how you resolve conflict?
No wonder you're single!
Come on. Am I talking to myself here?
I say, "They're vegetarian." You say, "Grrr."
I say, "Can we talk about talk this?" You say, "Grrr."
I don't call that communication.
See? That's your answer to everything.
What are you afraid of? You're the biggest thing on Earth!
Aren't you?
They'll never survive. It's dangerous by day.
But it's even worse at night.
Plus, their guide is a lunatic.
What? You mean, Buck? He's wacko!
I am not!
Totally bonkers.
And his feet smell.
Shut up! You shut up.
Oh, you little...
He's strangling his own foot.
Shouldn't we get moving?
And give Rudy a midnight snack? Not likely!
The skull's right. Take a load off, mammals.
We'll camp here.
Now, who's hungry?
I am!
You don't need the calories!
There I was, my back against the wall, no way out, perched on the
razor's edge of oblivion, staring into the eye of the Great White Beast.
Were you killed?
Sadly, yes.
But I lived!
Never had I felt so alive than when I was so close to death.
Just before Rudy could suck me down his gullet, I grabbed hold of that
gross, pink, fleshy thing
that dangles at the back of the throat.
I hung onto that sucker, and I swung back and forth, and back and
forth, and back and forth, and back and forth, and back
and forth, and back and forth, until finally, I let go and I shot right out
of his mouth!
I may have lost an eye that day, but I got this!
Rudy's tooth!
It's like the old saying, "An eye for a tooth, "a nose for a chin, a butt
for a..."
Well, it's an old saying, but it's not a very good one.
You are Super Weasel!
Diesel Weasel!
What? He is.
Now let me tell you about the time I used a sharpened clam shell
to turn a T-Rex into a T-Rachel.
Yes, master.
Yes, master.
That's enough fairy tales for one night.
Come on, Ellie, you should rest now.
Life of the party.
All right, you guys get some shut-eye. I'll keep watch.
Don't worry, Buck. We got this. Night time is possum time.
Yeah! We own the night, baby.
Good night, Rudy.
Wait, wait. What about me?
Sleep well, kids! We have a busy day tomorrow.
Foraging, hunting, missing my friends, who probably aren't missing
You're a real softie, you know that?(13)
Crash? Eddie?
What's going on? Are you okay?
I'm sorry. I just wanted to keep you safe, and now you're in the most
dangerous place in the world.
Hey. This isn't your fault.
It's bigger than both of us. We have to get Sid.
Yeah, but if I had been a better friend to him, we wouldn't be here.
Better friend?
Are you plucking my whiskers?
You risked your life, your mate and your baby to save your buddy.
Not the best husband or father, but a darn good friend!(14)
Everybody, stop!
I smell something.
It smells like a buzzard's butt fell off
and then got sprayed on by a bunch of skunks.
That's Sid.
Mammals, we have ourselves a crime scene.
A tuft of fur. Half-eaten carcass!
Hunk of... No!
Here's what I think happened.
Dinosaur attacks Sid, Sid fights back with piece of broccoli, leaving
a vegetable.
Are you nuts? Sid's not violent. Or coordinated.
Yeah. And where's the dinosaur?
All right. All right, good point.
Theory two.
Sid's eating broccoli, dinosaur eats Sid, dinosaur steps on broccoli,
leaving broccoli
a vegetable.
Buck, when exactly did you lose your mind?
Three months ago.
I woke up one morning married to a pineapple.
An ugly pineapple.
But I loved her.
Buck, I think you missed a little clue over here.
Well, your friend might be alive, but not for long.
Rudy's closing in.
You got it. The Plates of Woe.
Or whatever's left of them.
Single file, everyone! Head for Lava Falls.
What's that sound?
It's the wind. It's speaking to us.
What's it saying?
I don't know.
I don't speak Wind.
I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
I'm just taking my...
Get to the ledge!
Ellie! Where are you?
It's okay! I'm up here!
Hang on, Ellie! We'll be right there!
Wait! Sloth down!
Wait. Wait. Time out!
Hold up. You guys are getting fast!
It's not so bad down here. Nice weather, friendly neighbors.
Hi, neighbor.
Never heard that kind of dino before.
That's Sid!
We'll have to move fast.
Manny! Pineapples!
She gets cravings.
Pomegranates? Grapefruits! Nectarines?
She's ordering a fruit cocktail.
Come on, think!
Peaches! The baby! What, now?
This? Not good.
The baby's coming! Did you guys hear that?
'Cause sometimes I imagine it in my head, but...
Can you try to hold it in?
Can somebody slap him for me?
Done and done.
Just sit tight. We're coming!(15)
There's only one thing to do. Possums, you're with me.
Manny, you take care of Ellie until we get back.
What? No, you can't leave now!
She's off the trail! What about rule number two?
Rule number five says you can ignore rule number two
if there's a female involved, or possibly a cute dog.
You know I just make up these rules as I go along.
Yeah, but, but she's... You have to...
Manny, it's all right.
I got your back.
Now you're talking! Come on, lads.
Take care of our sister, mister.
No pressure.(16)
What does that mean, "I got your back"?
I mean, I'd rather they covered the front.
That's where all the good stuff is, isn't it?
We gotta move.
Okay. All right. It's okay.
Daddy's... Daddy's coming.
I gotta say, sweetheart, you really got timing.
Go away! Go away! Stranger danger! Stranger danger!
Don't worry. It's just lava.
Deadly boiling lava!
Boys, are you ready for adventure?
Yes, sir!
For danger?
Yes, sir!
For death?
Can you repeat the question?(17)
That's right! Come on!
That's right! Come on!
Have you ever flown one of these before?
No! First time, actually.
There she is!
I need to get to her!
Listen. I'll protect Ellie.
You stop those guys.
Manny, if they reach her, it'll be too late. You have to trust me.
All right. Let's do it.
My paws are burning, baby! They're burning!
I got to tip-toe. Tippy-toe. Tippy-toe.
Excuse me, twinkle toes! Giving birth here.
Right. Sorry. You okay?
Am I okay? Do you know anything about childbirth?
No, not really, but Manny's coming.
Diego, I'm scared. Can I hold your paw?
Yeah, of course.
Just go with the pain.
It's just a contraction.
Look! He's right there!
No! Sid!
I know! Roger!
How about we get Sid first and then go back for Roger?
Never mind!(18)
No, no, Buck! Buck, wait! Sid's that way!
Tell that to them!
Bring it on, you chicken-headed freaks!
Don't worry about a thing. You're doing fine.
It's going great.
Excuse me.
Just keep breathing!
Just breathe! That's the important thing.
Grab that ammo!
Bogey, three o'clock! Fire!
This is awesome!
Light it up!
Hasta la vista, birdy!
Let's get our sloth!
We're hit! We're hit! Mayday! Mayday!
We're losing altitude! Hold these!
Tastes like fish.
Okay. That's just weird.
I love you, bro!
I know!
Snap out of it! Come on!
This is the end of Sid the Sloth!
No, Sid! It's me!
And me!
And me!
I don't want to panic anybody, but who's flying this thing?
No, no, wait! Wait! My kids!
I never even got to say good-bye.
You can do it! Push! Push!
I can't do it!
Just one more big push!
You have no idea what I'm going through!
Okay, forget I said that. Let's do this together.
I liked you guys better when you were extinct.
Getting dizzy.
Manny! Come on, buddy. I think we're getting close.
She's perfect.
I think we should call her Ellie.
Little Ellie.
I got a better name. Peaches.
Why not? She's sweet and round and covered with fuzz.
I love it.
I saw that, tough guy.
No, no. That last dino caught my eye with a claw, and...
All right, so I'm not made of stone.(20)
It's Sid!
It's a boy!
That's its tail.
It's a girl!
Hi, sweetheart. Hello, hello! It's Uncle Sid. Yes, it is.
You're so beautiful. She is! She looks just like her mother.
Thank goodness.
No offense, Manny! No offense. You're beautiful on the inside!
It's good to have you back, Sid.
Never thought I would say this, but I missed you, buddy.
Now I wish my kids were here.
You could have been friends.(21)
I promised myself I wouldn't cry.
I didn't.
I forgot what it was like to be part of a family.
What about you? Ever thought about having kids?
All right, mammals, let's get you home.
This is it, mammals. Right where you started.
This was fun! We could make it a regular thing.
I don't know about that.
Right! Right. Yes, because of all the mortal peril, of course.
Well, the Buck stops here.
We couldn't have done it without you.
Well, obviously. But good times, just the...(22)
We're not alone, are we?
Hello, Rudy.
Over here, you colossal fossil!
Looking for something?
Why don't you come and get it!
To the cave! Go!
Stay with the baby.
We'll be fine. Go.
Pop goes the weasel!
Come on! Move!
Diego! Catch!
Got it!
Through the hole, over the valley. One more loop...
Come on, lads! Heave!
Better luck next time, snowflake.
This isn't going to hold him long! Let's go!
Hold up, guys!
Way to go, Momzilla!
Come here, kids. Well, let me tell you something.
You're where you belong now.
And I'm sure you're going to grow up to be giant, horrifying dinosaurs
just like your mother.
And Momma, take good care of our kids.
You were a good parent, Sid.
Can I baby-sit for you?
Not a chance.
Come on. I work cheap!
All right, I'll think about it.
Never happen.(23)
He's gone. What am I supposed to do now?
That's easy. Come with us.
You mean up there?
I never thought of going back.
I've been down here so long, it feels like up to me.
I'm not sure I can fit in up there anymore.
So? Look at us. We look like a normal herd to you?(24)
So long, big guy.
That's our cue! Come on, Peaches.
He's alive!
I... I got to...
Besides, this world should really stay down here.
Take care of them, Tiger.
"Always listen to Buck."
We're almost out!
Is everybody okay?
Where's Buck?
Don't worry. He's where he wants to be.
Is he gonna be okay?
Are you kidding?
Nothing could kill that weasel. It's Rudy I'm worried about.
I know this "baby makes three" thing isn't for you, but whatever you
decide to do...
I'm not leaving, buddy.
Life of adventure? It's right here.
But I got a whole speech here. I've been working on it.
How can I show you that I'm strong and sensitive?
Noble yet caring?
They grow so fast, huh?
Yeah. I mean, look at my kids.
Seems like they were born one day and then gone the next.
They were, Sid.
Yeah. That was a lot of work.
That's right, sweetheart. Welcome to the Ice Age.
12. 課堂教學運用(討論)