專題作業(修改版) 許祐誠 節日親戚聚會,小戈遇到一個很不熟的、表妹的丈夫這類的遠親,表妹夫 位了化解不熟的場面,先開口稱讚了小戈:「哇,小戈表哥很帥阿! 長的很像金 城武!」 Little Ko meets a unfamiliar cousin. This cousin, in order to change the strange atmosphere, praised Little Ko :「Wow, you are very handsome, cousin Little Ko! You look like Cheng Wu Chin !」 小戈額頭偷偷出現三條看不見的黑線,內心不出聲的獨白著:「這個表妹夫 ,平常一定是個狠腳色,連這種馬屁也拍的出來…….. 我要是像金城武,無尾 熊就像長頸鹿了!」 Suddenly, there are three black lines appear on Little Ko’s forehand, and a voice from his mind:「this cousin fawn on me as easy as pie, he might not a nobody….. if I looked like Cheng Wu Chin, that koalas are similar to giraffes!」 依照小戈平常的習慣,大概會打個哈哈,類似「哪會阿,別鬧了!」這樣的 回答,就混過去了。但畢竟對方主動示好,怎樣也算是小型的「破冰之旅」呀, 小戈覺得自己也應該禮尚往來一下。小戈看著這個很不熟的表妹夫,忽然發現 這個表妹夫長的很像周杰倫,忍不住脫口而出:「我哪像金城武阿? 你吧….你 才向周杰倫呢!」 According to Little Ko’s habit, he might say:「You must be kidding.」to pass this conversation, However, this cousin shows his kindness actively at first. Little Ko thinks they should have mutual respect. Little Ko observe this unfamiliar cousin and discoveries this cousin looked like Jay Chou, abruptly. He say 「Wow, : come on, you are putting me on. I do not look like Cheng Wu Chin, but you are really similar to Jay Chou.」 表妹夫很樂:「哈哈對呀,我從高中開始,就被人家說像周杰倫了!」 This cousin says very happily 「 : Hr hr, a lot of friends have described me like Jay Chou since I was a senior high school student.」 於是兩個人開始聊各自喜歡的歌手,氣氛開始熱絡了起來。 Then, the two guy start to share their favorite singer with each other, and the atmosphere become cordial. 小戈從來沒也被別人說過長得像任何一個明星。小戈也真的一點都不像金 城武。但是表妹夫瞎扯的一句稱讚,卻啟發了他和對方聊天的靈感。 Little ke has never be described as any star, and he isn’t quite similar to Cheng Wu Chin. However, he gets the inspiration to chat with the cousin, just because the cousin whims. 表妹夫為什麼用「你長的像金城武」這句話來破冰?應該是因為,表妹夫自 己老是被別人說長得像周杰倫,但他總是不太好意思初次見面就這麼冒昧的說 他自己長得像明星,所以他做了一個球給小戈,小戈接住了,那有來往的對話 就順利開始了。 Why does the cousin use「you looked like Cheng Wu Chin to start their first conversation? Maybe the cousin is always describe as Jay Chou, but he feels embarrassed to describe himself, and little ke seizes the chance, so a conversation of flattering each other begin. 有些名人說他們不想成為別人茶餘飯後打發時間的話題。我當然了解這種 心情,但很遺憾的,這本來就是做為「名人」的天職,完全沒辦法切掉這一塊說 「我不要」的。名人就跟天氣一樣,是社交談話中,最方便信手拈來的話題,名 人另一點根天氣一樣的,就是誰都可以罵兩句:「什麼鬼天氣!煩死了!」或者 「什麼狗屁明星!醜死了!」哈哈,功能很像吧? Some of famous people say they do not want to be a subject of the talk, unfortunately, it is famous people’s vocation, they can’t cut that part of famous people are in common with weather. It is the most convenient topic of conversation. The other common part between famous people and weather is they can be blame by anybody! 別人罵你一句,你回罵他一句,這叫做吵架。別人讚美你一句,你回一句 讚美,這叫做社交。如果別人讚美你一句,你只是很禮貌的回說「謝謝。」這樣 是落落大方,也很好,不過這一招通常比較適合天下第一美女或天下第一富豪 ,這類人通常常常被讚美到麻痺了。 What a hell weather! It is so annoying. What a bull shit star, he looks so ugly. The quarrel is some one blames you, and you blame him back, on the other hand, if one praise you, and you praise him back, it is called social. 那如果別人罵你一句,你竟然還有辦法回他一句讚美,那會發生什麼事情 呢? What will happen if some one blame you, and you prize him back? 我真的很少看到這個現象,如果真的發生了,我想,對方會很錯愕,而你 會立刻腦袋出現一圈光環,接著被提名諾貝爾和平獎吧! Be honest, I seldom see this kind of condition, if it happened, I think, you may be nominate the Nobel peace prize,. 耶誕夜,古古的手機一如往年,收到上百個祝賀聖誕快樂的簡訊,這一百 多個簡訊裡,卻只有三個簡訊有特別打上古古的名字,其他的那些,很明顯的 都是罐頭簡訊,古古對罐頭簡訊實在很沒有感覺,但人在江湖,禮貌上也就回 傳一則罐頭簡訊,祝福對方。(雙方都很沒感覺的事,電信業者卻大有感覺呢, 簡訊業收入一夜暴增百倍,沒感覺還是人嗎?) As usual, KuKu’s cell phone received hundreds of messages about Merry Christmas in the Christmas Eve. There are only three messages signed KuKu’s name in these messages, the other messages obviously just normal style, KuKu is not interested in this kind of messages. However, because of manner, he still sends the message back to thanks them. 先把那些不能感動古古的罐頭簡訊放在一邊吧,試著想一下寫有古古名字 的那三則簡訊,在那個耶誕夜,會顯得多麼真誠感人!簡直就像三塊小金磚躺在 一整片由暗淡的罐頭簡訊鋪成的沙漠上,是多麼的閃閃發亮阿! We ignore the messages that can’t touch KuKu’s heart. We try to think the three messages with KuKu’s name. They impressed KuKu very much in the Christmas Eve. They just look like three gold lie down the desert what compose of messages with normal style, what a twinkle view! 在簡訊裡寫上對方的名字,以目前發簡訊的步驟來說,是有點麻煩。但這 小小的麻煩,可以造成不小的差異,收到你簡訊的人,從此會把你的姓名放入 腦海,在未來的某一天,當你要請古古代為引薦某人,或者要跟古古打聽某件 事情的時候,這個簡訊所造成的差異,可能會發揮關鍵的作用。 According to the steps of send message at present, it is inconvenient to type the name who you want send in the message. However, this step may cause a lot of effect. If you overcome the trouble. For example, the friends who received your message they will keep you in their mind hereafter. If you want to ask KuKu for someone or something, the effect of that message may be the key point. 美國有個調查,說一般人最喜歡的字,是自己姓名裡的字。我不知道這樣 的調查結果,是否也適合中文姓名?但只要你想一下,你瀏覽皆上招牌、翻閱 報紙雜時,會不會特別被自己姓名裡的字吸引?如果會,就表示這個調查結果 原則上是成立的。 One of study in the US. It shows us that the most favorite words of people are the words of their name. I am not sure this report whether suits of Chinese name? But if you try to image that will you be fascinate by the word which in your name while you are reading the magazines, newspapers and brow the signboards? If you will fascinate, that proven the report is true. 人這麼喜歡自己的名字,當別人給你寫電子郵件、跟你講電話時如果三不 五時提起你的名字,你專心而且認同的程度,都會因此大大提高!(當然你也可 以用這招去對付別人,但呼喚對方名字時,請不要叫得太頻繁,不然會像在「收 驚」。 If people usually mention your name, while they send you mails, talk you on the phone, your concentration may get raise. ( Of course you can attack someone by this method, don’t call his name too many times, or it may look like you are recovering his spirit.) 做社會運動的高手,在為弱勢族群爭取權益的時候,有個很重要的做法, 就是讓冷漠的社會大眾,認識這個弱勢族群中的某一個人:認得他的臉,教得 出他的名,一但做到這點,大眾就比較不會像原來那麼冷漠,比較會絕得:「我 知道他阿! 他受那麼大的委屈嗎? 那我不能接受,我要出點力幫他爭取權益!」 The experts who are good at society activity. They take an important step while they are striving for rights and interest for underprivileged. It is introduce someone in that group to people, they try to get people's sympathy, then, people may do something to that pitiful guy. 這個弱勢族群也許是剛出獄的受刑人,也許是住在污染環境裡的小孩,也 許是走路兩小時才能上學的學生,反正,一旦這群人當中,有一個人在你眼中 是有面目的、有姓名的,那他的故事就比較容易打動你,他就不再只是面目一 片模糊的抽象名詞了。 The underprivileged may be the men who are discharged from prison or a child who lives in a pollution area, or a student who take 2 hours to walk to school, whatever, people recognize anyone of this group, then his or her story may touch people’s heart easily. 下次,當你貪圖方便,想按一個鍵就發出一百則罐頭簡訊,向朋友賀節的 時候,想想對方的感受,想想你這麼做真的是在鞏固友誼嗎? 還是在增加彼此 的冷漠,同時增加電信業者的營收? Next time, before you just want to press a key to send out messages to your friends on Christmas Eve, thinking about their feeling, and ask to yourself, are you really want to strengthen the friendship or just help the “Chunghwa Telecom” to make money