SOT Travel Award Application - 2016

SOT Travel Award Application - 2016
Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Specialty Section
Name: ______________________________
Student Status: (undergraduate/graduate/postdoc) ___________________________
Department: __________________________
University: ___________________________
Mailing Address:
Telephone: ___________ Fax: ___________
Title of presentation to be made at the SOT meeting: ___________________________
Areas of Research: Select one from below or specify:
___Safety or Hazard Assessment ___ Assay Development __ Models
___ Regulatory and/or Scientific Policy ___ Method Validation
___Other area involving regulations or safety evaluation:
Synopsis and significance of your research to regulatory toxicology or safety evaluation
of chemicals, drugs, foods, medical devices, etc.
Along with your abstract of the work you will present at the 2016 SOT Annual Meeting
(pasted into the second page of this application), please attach:
 Letter of Sponsorship from Adviser
Submit this application and letter of sponsorship via email to: Michael L. Dourson
Application Deadline: December 15, 2015
Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Specialty Section
Print or Copy/Paste Abstract Here:
Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Specialty Section