Document 15944169

February 23, 2012
Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich,
Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch,
Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Joe Monroy, Doris Rousey, Grant Sisk, Kendra Vaglienti,
Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint,
Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer,
Joe Monroy, Doris Rousey, Brian McClung for Grant Sisk, Kendra Vaglienti,
Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Important Things to Know
Rodger Bennett went over the quips for the day.
Doris Rousey reported on the Earth Science Fair this coming weekend. Bring kids, friends.
Basketball game tonight at 6:00.
Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)
Michael Dennehy referenced an email sent about 84 classes randomly selected by CCSSE UT Austin.
Packets are being prepared with the surveys (prepackaged) asking for faculty to read instructions to
approximately 1600 students. Packets cannot be distributed to other classes. The survey should be
completed by first week in April. Packets will be delivered to division offices. Faculty can complete
during the day or evenings. Michael’s office will pick up the completed surveys from the division office.
Planning Essentials
Michael distributed copies of the Planning and Budget Process manual. SACS will judge on response to
questions on page 23 – questions to ask when planning. Objectives are measurable, select a purpose, a
tech/capital enhanced budget request has been added at Rodger’s request. Objective would be to replace
equipment that has worn out – example; Fine Arts needs to replace a 34 year old compressor.
Michael would like to see no gaps in major areas. Are objectives tied to mission, assessment measures,
any additional money needed, who will be impacted. The new planning cycle will be kicked off in
March. The All-College meeting on March 23 will begin the official planning kick-off.
Michael told the group that objectives for 2012-2013 are not yet available. He asked that no entries be
input into SPOL for 2012-2013. Michael and Delryn are meeting with all work groups. It was suggested
that an e-mail be generated with objective, tasks as completed, and notification of completion.
THE QEP and Core Values are on the agenda for the Day of Service on March 2. Haven Abedin and
Ahad Hayaud –Din will update the group and then work on getting the product out to the campus.
Work Study
There was a question on money available for federal work study.
Action item: Rodger will talk to Oscar about his issue. Sam Govea will send e-mail to Rodger on work
study. Follow-up: Rodger did get with Wilbur Forrest and emails were sent out to deans regarding work
study process.
Schedule Build Timeline
There was a question on timeline for schedule build for fall 2012. May be a bookstore issue.
Action item: Rodger will speak with Meridith Danforth. He will also speak with Dawn Bishop on
bookstore issue.
The group was notified that there were issues with linking updates to the tech/cap report to accurately
update files. Rodger reminded the group that all reqs for 2010-2011 have been input.
Marilyn Lynch reminded the group to have reqs cut for items requested on Perkins equipment requests for
2011-2012 which was sent to the group today. Marilyn needs the reqs for nursing requests.
Rodger referenced an e-mail posted on Jan. 18, 2012 - the Department of Education informed the
community of changes made to the Title IV student aid programs by the recently enacted Consolidated
Appropriations Act of 2012. Among those changes was an amendment that reduced the duration of a
student's eligibility to receive a Federal Pell Grant from 18 semesters (or its equivalent), to 12 semesters
(or its equivalent). He also reported on “Loss of Ability to Benefit”. Students without a high school
diploma or a GED will not be eligible for financial aid. There was a discussion about offering GED
testing on campus, the security involved, space, and costs.
Action item: Rodger will meet with Vernon to discuss GED testing. Follow-up: Rodger, Vernon and
Rick Tuman met to discuss GED. The GED process will be going to a computer-based testing soon;
therefore, BHC will wait to see how that will work. The current GED testing process would cost the
college money.
CORE and Faculty/Administrator Day
Rodger reported that curriculum chairs have been given a charge to look at all CORE classes and give
feedback on critical thinking and written or oral communication to begin to map out CORE objectives
using VALUE rubrics.
Goal One: opportunity to do assessment to see how classes are doing and create a culture
of assessment.
Goal Two: district has to report as a district on how we assess the CORE. The district plan must
be ready to submit to the THECB by fall 2013.
The steering team will use VALUE rubrics AAC&U has worked with faculty and assessment expert
teams across the country to develop a set of 15 rubrics through which institutions can evaluate crosscutting capacities students develop across courses and programs. More than 2000 institutions are currently
using VALUE rubrics as part of their assessment plans. Articles explore a variety of ways in which
different kinds of colleges are using assessment results for improved pedagogy, curriculum designs, and
enhanced student learning.
Rodger reported on (LEAP) initiative, the VALUE project seeks to contribute to the national dialogue on
assessment of college student learning. With support from the State Farm Companies Foundation and the
Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education (FIPSE), the VALUE project builds on a
philosophy of learning assessment that privileges authentic assessment of student work and shared
understanding of student learning outcomes on campuses over reliance on standardized tests administered
to samples of students outside of their required courses. The result of this philosophy has been the
collaborative development of 15 rubrics by teams of faculty and academic professionals on campuses
from across the country.
Adjunct faculty and new requirements
Rodger reported that Dr. Chesney met with Chancellor’s Cabinet. Waiting on clear wording on
the requirements and responsibilities, impact adjuncts, TRS. Rodger told deans not to change
schedules; however, try to stay within the limits of the new ruling wherever possible.
Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.