November 7, 2013
Ray Attner, Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Andrea Bailey, Michael Dennehy, Brenda
Dalton, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch,
Anna Masters, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Doris Rousey, Christi Stone, Grant Sisk,
Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Ray Attner, Thomas Anderson, Andrea Bailey, Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Sarah
Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Anna Masters, Rick Maxwell, Doris
Rousey, Grant Sisk, Christi Stone, Janell Edwards for Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne
Guests: MACH B representatives, Thoa Vo, Edna Love
Metrocrest Leadership Class Visit
Edna Love reported on a meeting she, Dr. Chesney and Carrie Schweitzer had with the above group. This
group will be on campus on December 6, Friday. They would like to have some interactive experiences with
various divisions/departments with a Q/A opportunities. They will be here from 1:15-3:00 p.m. on that date.
Their focus appeared to be on the arts and health programs and programs they may not be aware are offered at
Brookhaven. Sam Govea reported this is a part of a day long leadership program beginning in the morning.
Please send Edna any information/ideas you may have. The theme of this day long program is education.
Metrocrest Leadership is planning Culture and Diversity program for January.
Summer Financial Aid
Rodger Bennett refereed to an email sent out on this topic. He asked if the group had any questions.
Juanita Flint gave a report on her meeting with UEAC. The group discussed the Coordinating Board and
recommendations that will be sent to the Board. Ray Paredes is concerned about all the “success” programs
started on campuses. He thought they would have been incorporated in the general course work. He is
concerned about the financial aid implications.
Juanita also reported a discussion on the 60/120 rules. The UEAC group thought it should be a range of
hours – 66 transfer into four year schools. The universities may feel the extra hours would be cutting into their
monies. Exceptions to the rules were also discussed. UEAC meet quarterly.
MACH B Demonstration
Michael Dennehy introduced the representatives from MACH B who then proceeded to give a demonstration.
MACH B technology is a data integration system. They will be working on the position request form, E
advisement, an automated degree plan online. The ultimate goal is for students to be able to register from
anywhere. Specialty courses can be added. Rodger thanked the group for their demonstration.
Monitoring Report
Delryn Fleming gave a report on last summer’s SACS report (July 10, 2013. She distributed marked copies of
this report with recommendations and the responses to the recommendations. Delryn is working with a small
task force of AAS faculty leaders - Sharon Burton, Becky Knickel, Christi Carter and Mary Lou Avera - on
identifying learning outcomes for the AAS programs. These faculty have created models that will include
common information on AAS programs. Delryn reviewed a copy of the form that will be part of the
Monitoring Report. The Monitoring Report must be submitted to SACS in March, 2014.
Delryn then reported on the Core Currilum Evaluation Committee she serves on. Those faculty teaching
CORE classes are being asked how they are going to assess their CORE courses. She distributed copies on
assessment components which was prepared by the CCEC made up of reps from all campuses. The UEAC
states that assessment of “Communication” must include written, oral and visual literacy. Oral skills least
represented in the representatives’ assessment plans. This topic is on VP council meeting for Monday,
November 11. CORE curriculum website prepared by Meridith Greer will be put on web.
Reclassifications/New Positions/Reorganizations
Rodger presented the proposed paperwork to be completed when requesting reclassification/new
It was reported that events with speakers held on campus require larger rooms. Increased use of performance
hall would be helpful. The large number of attendees at these speaker events making this an issue.
Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Next week – November 14 - Strategic Furniture Plan – Sarah Ferguson