ENVS Library Collection Books

ENVS Library Collection
1. Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire (NY: Ballantine, 1985)
2. Paul Bannick, The Owl and The Woodpecker: Encounters with North America’s Most Iconic
Birds (The Mountaineers Books, 2009)
3. John Barry, Environment and Social Theory (Routledge, 1999)
4. Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (Original 1962)
5. J.M. Coetzee, Waiting for the Barbarians (Penguin, 1980)
6. Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel (W.W. Norton, 1999)
7. Tim Flannery, The Weather Makers (Grove Press, 2006)
8. Dave Foreman, Rewilding North America: A Vision For Conservation In The 21st Century
(Island Press, 2004)
9. Adrian Forsyth and Ken Miata, Tropical Nature (Simon and Shuster, 1987)
10. Ross Gelbspan, Boiling Point (Basic Books, 2004)
11. Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point (Back Bay Books, 2000)
12. Dinyar Godreg, The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change (Verso, 2001)
13. C.W. Guthrie, The First 100 Years (Farcountry Press, 2008)
14. Paul Hawken, Lovins, and Lovins, Natural Capitalism (Back Bay Books, 2008)
15. Elizabeth Kolbert, Field Notes from a Catastrophe (Bloomsbury, 2006)
16. Charles J. Krebs, Ecology, 5th Edition (Benjamin Cummings, 2001)
17. Anne LaBastille, Woodswoman (NY: Penguin 1991, Original 1976)
18. Aldo Leopold, Sand Count Almanac (Original 1949, Various editions)
19. John Muir, Nature Writings (Library of America, 1997)
20. Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 4th Ed. (Yale University Press, 2001)
21. Clive Ponting, A Green History of the World (New York: Penguin, 1991)
22. Craig Romano, Columbia Highlands: Exploring Washington’s Last Frontier, (Conservation
Northwest with the Mountaineers Books, 2007)
23. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Government of Poland (Hacket, Original, 18th Century)
24. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract (Prometheus Books, Original 1761)
25. Doug Scott, The Enduring Wilderness (Fulcrum, 2004)
26. Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle (Scribner, 2005)
27. Oran R. Young, Ed., The Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes (Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 1999)
Environmental Studies Bibliography 2
1. Audubon Magazine
2. Birding Magazine
3. Conservation Magazine
4. Conservation Northwest
1. American Experience: Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring
2. An Inconvenient Truth
3. Arctic Missions
4. Cadillac Desert
5. Canada’s Forests
6. Chinatown
7. Dead in the Water
8. Get the Lead out
9. Guns Germs and Steel
10. Journey to Planet Earth
11. Natural Resources Defense Council – Lower Coeur D’Alene River
12. Nightline: A Killer in Town: Asbestos (about Libby, Montana)
13. Paradise in Peril
14. Scarred Land and Wounded Lies: The Environmental Footprint of War
15. The Path of the Salmon
16. Tribal Perspectives on the Hanford Nuclear Site
17. Understanding Urban Sprawl