Part 1 vocabulary 32%

Part 1 vocabulary 32%
In this part you will read different descriptions of sport items. Please the
following vocabulary in the box to match the suitable description. Please fill the
correct answers in the answer sheet at the end of the test paper.
A. archery
B. badminton C. table tennis D. gymnastics
E. volleyball F. triathlon
G. cycling
H. fencing
1.____ the sport of shooting arrows from a bow
2.____ an indoor game played on a table by two or four players who hit a small plastic
ball to each other across a net
3.____ a sport in which two or four people hit a light object with feathers over a high
4.____ a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a ball over a high net
5._____ the activity of riding a bicycle
6._____ the sport of fighting with a long thin sword
7.____ Physical exercises designed to develop and display strength, balance,
and agility, especially those performed on or with specialized
8. ____a sports competition in which competitors run, swim, and cycle
long distances
Part 2 Cloze 25%
Read the text that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best
answer to complete the text. Please fill the correct answers in the answer sheet
at the end of the test paper.
Girls and young women could watch the 1 Olympic Games, but married
women could not and could be sentenced to death if they were caught. 2 , in the
first modern Olympic Games in 1896, women could not 3 . In the 1900 Paris
Olympics, nineteen women completed 4
three sports; tennis, sailing and golf.
The first Gold medal in Women’s Golfing was won by Margaret Abbot who took the
prize because all the French women golfers
weren’t suit to the game.
high heels and tight skirts that
( ) (A) ancient (B) modern (C) contemporary (D) current
10. ( ) (A) Similarly (B) Conversely(C) Alternatively (D) Additionally
11. ( ) (A)competence(B)completely(C)compete(D)competent
12. ( ) (A)for (B) to (C)in (D) with
13. ( ) (A)arrived in (B) took off (C)filled in (D)walked into
Part 3 Reading Comprehension 15%
In this part you will read a selection of texts about soccer’s rules. It is followed
by several questions. Four answer choices are given below each of the
sentences Select the best answer for each question.
An important international soccer event is called the World Cup competition,
which occurs once every four years. Soccer is also one of the team sports played in
the Olympics. The players in the World Cup are professionals, while those who play
in the Olympics must be amateurs.
Soccer is played by two teams with eleven men on each. For a team to win, It
must score more goals than the other team and prevent the other team from scoring
goals. Each goal is worth one point. Unlike rugby, another type of football, which is
played with an oval ball, soccer is played with a round ball. The ball in soccer may be
kicked or moved by any part of the body except the hands. Only one player,
the ”goalie” who defends the goal, is allowed to use his hands.
A soccer game usually lasts for ninety minutes. The playing time is divided into
two equal parts with a recess in between. Soccer is tiring because the game is very
14. ( ) How many members is a soccer team made up of?
(A.) Six.
(B.) Nine.
15. (
16. (
(C.) Eleven (D.) Twenty-two
) Which of the following statements about soccer is true?
(A.) World cup competition occurs every four years
(B.)Soccer is not one of the team sports played in the Olympics.
(C.) Soccer is also called rugby
(D.)None of the team members is allowed to use his hands in the
) Which team wins the soccer game?
(A.) The team whose goalie uses his hands more often.
(B.) The team that first scores ninety points.
(C.) The team that scores more goals than the other.
(D.) The team that first cores ninety points.
Part 4 Listening Comprehension 28%
You will be asked to answer four questions about what the speakers say in this
program. The clips will not be printed in your test paper and will be spoken two
17. (
)According to the program, which description is closest in meaning of
the word “motivation“?
(A.) a chance to do something
(B.) a powerful reason for doing something
(C.) the act of doing something
18. (
) According to the program, which description is closest in meaning of
the word “a struggle“?
(A.) a difficult thing to do or achieve.
(B.) a strong desire to achieve something
(C.) the activity of finding information about something
19. Make a sentence with the word ”a struggle”? 10%
20. What is your motivation for learning English? 10%
Please use the sentence pattern, “my motivation is…..”
班級:__________ 姓名__________ 學號___________
Please fill the correct answers in this answer sheet.
A. Write a short classroom test consisting of twenty items to find out how much
grammar your students have learned over the past few weeks. Follow these
a. Write down all the grammar points and structures taught and practiced over the
Part 1 Vocabulary
match the word “(a.) archery,(b.) badminton,(c.)table tennis
d.)gymnastics (e.)volleyball(f.) triathlon (g.)cycling (h.)fencing”
in the suitable description.
Part 2 Cloze
filling in the context with the reasonable vocabulary:
could + simple verb
a lot of
+ count nouns or noncount nouns
+noncount nouns
a little
+noncount nouns
a few
+count nouns
identify the usage of the following transitions:
Similarly/Conversely/Alternatively /Additionally/
filling in the context with the reasonable phrase
the /arrived in/took off/filled in/walked into/
Part 3
using the reading strategies to find the correct answers.
definite the word ”motivation” from speaker’s explanation
definite the word ”a struggle” from speaker’s explanation
students will be asked to use the word” a struggle”
in the context to make a sentence
students need to
the usage of the sentence pattern “my motivation is”
B. Now give a percentage mark to each point of grammar or structure
according to a) how important you feel it is in this part of the course and b )how
long you have spent teaching or practicing this particular area.
Part 1 Vocabulary
total 32%
(1.) match the word “ a. archery, b. badminton, c. table tennis
d. gymnastics e. volleyball f. triathlon g. cycling h. fencing”
in the suitable description.
Part 2 Cloze
total 25%
(2) filling in the context with the reasonable vocabulary:
(3)could + simple verb
(4) a lot of
+ count nouns or noncount nouns
+noncount nouns
a little
a few
+noncount nouns
+count nouns
(5)identify the usage of the following transitions:
Similarly/Conversely/Alternatively /Additionally/
(6)filling in the context with the reasonable phrase
the /arrived in/took off/filled in/walked into/
Part 3
total 15%
using the reading strategies to find the correct answers.
total 28%
definite the word ”motivation” from speaker’s explanation
definite the word ”a struggle” from speaker’s explanation
make a sentence with the word ”a struggle”
make a sentence with “my motivation is…” to answer the question
C. Simply make sure that you have the appropriate proportion of each type of
grammar or structure item. If your test consists of only twenty items, for
example, you will have the following numbers of items for each area:
Part 1 Vocabulary
(1.) match the word “ a. archery, b. badminton, c. table tennis
d. gymnastics e. volleyball f. triathlon g. cycling h. fencing”
in the suitable description.
Part 2 Cloze
(2) filling in the context with the reasonable vocabulary:
(3)could + simple verb
(4) a lot of
a little
+ count nouns or noncount nouns
+noncount nouns
+noncount nouns
a few
+count nouns
(5)identify the usage of the following transitions:
Similarly/Conversely/Alternatively /Additionally/
(6)filling in the context with the reasonable phrase
the /arrived in/took off/filled in/walked into/
Part 3
using the reading strategies to find the correct answers.
definite the word ”motivation” from speaker’s explanation
definite the word ”a struggle” from speaker’s explanation
make a sentence with the word ”a struggle”
make a sentence with “my motivation is…” to answer the question
班級:__________ 姓名__________ 學號___________
Please fill the correct answers in this answer sheet.
2. C
3. B
4. E
5. G
6. H
7. D
8. F
11. C
12 C
.13 A
14 C
18. A
9. A
The Script of listening comprehension test
Hi I'm Natalie and welcome to Talking Sport.
Training for the Olympics is always tough, but it is even harder
when you also have to go to school.
17 year old swimmer, Achieng Ajulu-Bushell is aiming to compete in
next year's Olympics for Great Britain.
She often swims twice a day, once before school and once after.
So does Achieng find this training hard?
Let's hear from her.
Listen out for the words 'motivation' and 'struggle'.
Getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning doesn't really get any easier,
I mean you do get used to it, but the motivation to get yourself out
of bed when it's dark or raining like that is always a struggle.
Watch the clip again.
Getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning doesn't really get any easier,
I mean you do get used to it, but the motivation to get yourself
out of bed when it's dark or raining like that is always a struggle.
This is the powerful reason for doing something.
the motivation to get yourself out of bed…
a struggle
This means a difficult thing to do or achieve.
Talking Sport © 2011
… that is always a struggle
Let's hear from some people in London. Listen to how they use the
word 'motivation'.
Vox pops
I play badminton and my motivation is to win.
Performing well is my motivation.
My motivation to get out of bed in the morning is to make money at
On screen
my motivation is…
… is my motivation
my motivation to get out of bed in the morning is…
I'm Natalie and that’s all from Talking Sport.
I'll see you next time.