Received 29 December 2004; received in revised form 24 January 2006; accepted 3 February 2006 Authors : Chin-Chen Chang , Chih-Yang Lin , Yu-Zheng Wang Adviser :Chih-Hung Lin Reporter :Chien-Wen Huang Date :2009.10 .24 1 1. 2. 3. Introduction Related Work The Proposed Methods Hiding bitmap files Hiding general data files 4. 5. Experimental Results Discussion and Conclusions 2 The most well-known steganographic technique-LSB. RLE (Run-Length Encoding) Compression standard in fax transmissions and bitmap-file coding. Two efficient data hiding methods by run-length encoding . BRL and GRL 3 Wu and Tsai’s steganographic method 4 Chang and Tseng’s steganographic method 5 RLE Example1 : AAAAABBBBAA Example2: 111000001111 5A4B2A 315041 6 The host image is partitioned into non-overlapping consecutive two-pixel blocks by zigzag scanning. 7 Hiding bitmap files BRL hides the run value in vi and the run count in ci . The range that the remainder of ci modulo k falls in – namely from 0 to (k-1) Thus,the definition of sign is as follows: 8 The hiding process of BRL is formulated as follows: The extraction scheme is as follows: 9 Example:k=5, hiding secret bits:111000001111 111000001111 315041 RLE (3,1) (5,0) (4,1) (V1, C1) = (12, 8), (V2, C2) = (2, 3), (V3, C3) = (240, 254). [LSB match] ' c 1. 8 -> 3 1=8+x mod k = 3-1 x=-1 or 4 [LSB replace] ' v1 =12+1=13 2. 12-> 1 (v1' , c1' ) (13,7), (v2' , c2' ) (2,4), (v3' , c3' ) (241,253). 10 Hiding general data files In GRL, the value of vi is the number of 1’s in C Ni (i ) , and the value of ci is the sequential order of combinations by S n . The following mapping function f, where C Ni (i ) is set to be zero if n is smaller than k : 11 the value of k can be obtained from v ' The recursive function v i ' i using : 12 Example: Six secret bits (101001) 2 are to be embedded in the pair of original pixels (43, 58). 1. (101001) 2 three 1' s k 3(共C3 種組合 ) 2. k vi' mod (n 1) 3 vi' mod 7 vi' 45 3. N(1)=1,N(2)=1,N(3)=2,N(4)=2,N(5)=3 6 f (101001) i 1 bi C Ni ( i ) 0 C11 0 C12 6 1 1 C23 0 C24 1 C35 13 4. Ci' mod C36 13 Ci' 13,33,53 Ci' 53 13 The extraction process of (45,53) and n=6 ' v 1. i 45, n 6 k 3(i.e45 mod 7) 2. ci 53 num 13(53 mod C3 ) 3. S5S4S3S2S1S0 s0:s5 s5=C(5,3)=10<13’1’ num=13-10=3 ' 6 s0:s4 s4=C(4,2)=6>3’0’ s0:s3 s3=C(3,2)=3≦3’1’ num = 3-3 = 0 s0:s2 s2=‘0’ ; s0:s1 s1=‘0’, s0=‘1’ 14 15 16 Comparison of PSNR and capacities using Lena as the cover image. 17 Comparison of PSNR and capacities using Baboon as the cover image. 18 No need to refer to the original image during the extraction process. Probably be extended to embedding secret data in compressed images using VQ or JPEG techniques. 19