Math 345/645 - Weekly homework 7

Math 345/645 - Weekly homework 7
The problems on this assignment should be written up impeccably and turned in on Tuesday,
March 29. This assignment needs to be typed in LATEX. A problem with a ∗ is extra-credit for
undergraduates and required for graduate students.
1. Let a1 = 13 and for n ≥ 2, let an = 13an−1 . What is the smallest positive integer x so
that a1834 ≡ x (mod 100)? Explain your reasoning. [ If you’re clever, you can do this without
needing a calculator. ]
2. Send me an encrypted message using RSA. Use
N =55806692804026568737752174380376055434012339641471784237895673893322756064839118594360862540408754318823453486
and e = 65537. [ Use the website There is a
file posted on the diary with a script to copy and paste into this website that will compute
M e mod N for you. Choose a message that is less than 127 characters long to make sure
M < N . Send me M e mod N in an e-mail. ]
3. ∗ Let n > 1 be a positive integer and {x1 , x2 , . . . , xφ(n) } be the integers that are greater than
or equal to 1 and less than or equal to n that are relatively prime to n. Prove that
−1 if n = 4 or n = pk or 2pk where p is an odd prime
x1 x2 · · · xφ(n) ≡
(mod n).
(This is a generalization of Wilson’s theorem.)