Our framework suggests the customer relationship issue includes two components:

Our framework suggests the customer relationship issue includes two components:
Customer Relationship Management Capability and Profitability. CRM capability is
the firm’s ability to understand customer’s preference to provide a good products and
services to customer (Bbranzei & Vertinsky, 206; Marinova, 2004). Firms with better
CRM capability will be in a better position to track customers’ behavior that enhances
customer understanding (Krishnan &Fornell, 2005). We consider the effect of
characteristic of technology system with four critical constructs on knowledge sharing
among employees that include system quality, information quality, perceived of
usefulness and perceived of ease of use. In addition, we analyze how the effect of
knowledge sharing among employees on CRM capability. Finally, we investigate the
effect of CRM capability on, especially CRM profitability. The framework and the
specific constructs is as in Figure 1.