貳、Jurisdiction 管轄權: 一、Trial Court 初審法院:Judges who staff trial courts “sit” alone without any other judges 初審法院法官獨自審理 二、The facts of a case cannot be relitigated on appeal 在上訴案件不能主張新事實 三、The issues of law raised on appeal are argued principally through the exchange of written briefs between the parties. 在上訴中提出的法律問題,爭論的交流主要是通過雙方之間的書面簡報 四、There are various actions that an appellate court can take: Affirm, Reverse, Vacate and Remand 上訴法院審理結果:同意、推翻、發回更審 五、Appellate Courts 上訴法院 六、Intermediate Appellate Courts (Court of Appeals) and Supreme Courts 中級上訴法院(上訴法院)和最高法院 七、Appellate courts have no jury or other non-lawyer members. When meeting to hear and decide cases, intermediate appellate courts have 3 judges while supreme courts usually number 5, 7, or nine justices. 上訴法院沒有陪審團或 其他非律師成員。當審理和裁決案件,中級上訴法院有 3 名法官,而最高法 院通常是 5、7 或 9 名大法官。 八、For most types of cases, there is an appeal as of right from the trial court to the court of appeals, while further appeal to the supreme court is discretionary with that court. 對於大多數類型的案件中,當事人有權上訴上訴法院,進而上訴到最高法院, 但最高法院有裁量權是否受理上訴 九、上訴法院:assuring that trial court errors are corrected 確認初審判決有無 違誤;最高 法院:overseeing the development of the law 確認法律發展 十、En Banc→a decision by the full court of all the appeals judges in jurisdictions 該轄區內所有的上訴法官均參與本案的審理 十一、when the court feels there is a particularly significant issue at stake or when requested by one or both parties to the case and agreed to by the court. 法院覺得爭議特別重要或當事人聲請且法院同意→亦可 en banc 十二、supreme courts normally sit en banc.最高法院通常是 9 名法官一起審理 十三、The United States District Court 聯邦初審法院 十四、List of United States district and territorial courts (94 courts)分 94 個區域法院 十五、United States courts of appeals 上訴法院 十六、United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit 美國第一巡迴上訴法院 十七、Supreme Court of the United States 美國最高法院 十八、There are several federal courts with specialized jurisdiction. 有幾個聯邦法院有專門管轄權: The United States Claims Court The Tax Court The Court of International Trad 十九、Specific subject-matter jurisdiction 具體標的管轄權 二十、persuasive precedential effect 說服力 二十一、The Supreme Court is the only court that is specifically created by the Constitution. However, its composition and jurisdiction are determined by Congress. 最高法院是唯一由憲法規定專門創建的法院。然而,它的組成和管轄權 是由美國 國會決定。 二十二、Hybrid Function 混合功能→最高法院上訴管轄權 It exercises appellate jurisdiction over cases appealed from the United States Courts of Appeals→從美國上訴法院提出上訴的案件 It also exercises appellate jurisdiction over state courts as to federal issues. →州最高法院涉及聯邦爭議上訴案件。 二十三、In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of federal constitutional law, although it may only act within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction. 在美國的法律制度,最高法院是聯邦憲法性法律的最終解釋者,儘管它 可能只是 其有司法管轄權範圍內的情況下採取行動。 二十四、9 judges→最高法院有 9 名法官 二十五、The Court is located in Washington, D.C. and hears every case en banc, meaning that all 9 justices sit together and make final decisions in all cases. 最高法院位於華盛頓 D.C,所有案件皆 en banc,係指 9 名法官一起審理 二十六、Certiorari and Appeals 移審上訴: review in the U.S. Supreme Court: an appeal as a matter of discretionary grant of a writ of certiorari.美國最高法院有權審酌上訴移審令 Certiorari means to “bring up the record,” an essential first step for review of a case by an appellate court. 移審“帶來的記錄”,由上訴法院審查的情況下是必不可少的第一步。 二十七、Certiorari Procedure 移審過程: The “Rule of Four”: a vote of four Justices to grant certiorari 規則之四:四名大法官同意,案件才可進入最高法院 Certiorari will be granted only when a federal appeals court or a state supreme court has decided a federal law question in conflict with another federal appeals court or state supreme court, or where “a state court or a United States court of appeals has decided an important question of federal law that has not been, but should be, settled by this Court, or has decided an important federal question in a way that conflicts with relevant decisions of this Court.” →聯邦上訴法院或州最高法院對於一個聯邦法議題有衝突;有一個重要的聯邦法 議題應該 但一直沒有被聯邦最高法院解決;聯邦最高法院有一些與此聯邦法 議題相關的判決結果,互相是有衝突的 二十八、Original Jurisdiction: The Constitution provides that the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction “in all Cases affecting Ambassadors, and other foreign public ministers and consuls, and in cases in which a State shall be a party.” 初審管轄權:涉及大使、公使及領事之案件 二十九、diversity jurisdiction: Federal diversity jurisdiction: 多樣性轄:聯邦多樣性 管轄: Federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction. They may only exercise their jurisdiction in cases in which jurisdiction is conferred by the constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States. A common instance of federal court jurisdiction is diversity jurisdiction. Under diversity jurisdiction, a federal court is empowered to hear cases between citizens of different states as long as the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000. 28 U.S.C. § 1332. 聯邦法院是有限管轄權的法院。在美國憲法,法律或條約所賦予管轄權的情況 下,他們可能只行使審判權。聯邦法院的管轄權是一種常見的實例多樣性管轄。 聯邦法院的根據多樣性管轄權,有權到聽到不同州的公民之間的案件,只要爭議 金額超過 75000 美元的。 28“美國法典”§1332。 →州與州人民爭訟且訴訟金額在美金 7 萬 5 千元以上之案件始得在聯邦法院審理 三十、Common Law Homicide 英美法兇殺案: 1st degree murder: Premeditated, willful, deliberate cause of death to another human being 第一級謀殺:有預謀+故意 nd 2 degree murder: Intentional, non-premeditated murder 第二級謀殺:有故意但無 預謀 Voluntary Manslaughter 義憤殺人 Causing the death of another human being with (i) adequate provocation, (ii) done in the heat of passion, with (iii) no cooling off period, and (iv) the existence of a causal connection between the provocation and the killing. (1)足夠的挑釁,(2)激情(3)無冷靜期(4)因果關係存在