WordsEye: From Text To Pictures

WordsEye: From Text To Pictures
The very humongous silver sphere is fifty feet above the ground. The silver castle is in the sphere. The castle is
80 feet wide. The ground is black. The sky is partly cloudy.
Why is it hard to create 3D graphics?
The tools are complex
Too much detail
Involves training, artistic skill, and expense
Pictures from Language
No GUI bottlenecks - Just describe it!
• Low entry barrier - no special skill or training required
• Give up detailed direct manipulation for speed and economy of expression
– Language expresses constraints
– Bypass rigid, pre-defined paths of expression (dialogs, menus, etc) as defined by GUI
– Objects vs Polygons – draw upon objects in pre-made 3D and 2D libraries
Enable novel applications in education, gaming, online communication, . . .
• Using language is fun and stimulates imagination
• 3D scenes provide an intuitive representation of meaning by making explicit
the contextual elements implicit in our mental models.
WordsEye Initial Version
(with Richard Sproat)
Developed at AT&T Labs
• Graphics: Mirai 3D animation system on Windows NT
• Church Tagger, Collins Parser on Linux
• WordNet (http://wordnet.princeton.edu/)
• Viewpoint 3D model library
• NLP (linux) and depiction/graphics (Linux) communicate via
• WordsEye code in Common Lisp
Siggraph paper
(August 2001)
New Version
(with Richard Sproat)
Rewrote software from scratch
Linux and CMUCL
Custom Parser/Tagger
OpenGL for 3D preview display
Radiance Renderer
ImageMagic, Gimp for 2D post-effects
Different subset of functionality
• No verbs/poses yet
Web interface
• Webserver and multiple backend text-to-scene servers
• Gallery/Forum/E-Cards/PIctureBooks/2D effects
A tiny grey manatee is in the aquarium. It is facing right. The
manatee is six inches below the top of the aquarium. The
ground is tile. There is a large brick wall behind the aquarium.
A silver head of time is on the grassy ground. The blossom is
next to the head. the blossom is in the ground. the green light
is three feet above the blossom. the yellow light is 3 feet
above the head. The large wasp is behind the blossom. the
wasp is facing the head.
The humongous white shiny bear is on the American mountain
range. The mountain range is 100 feet tall. The ground is water.
The sky is partly cloudy. The airplane is 90 feet in front of the
nose of the bear. The airplane is facing right.
A microphone is in front of a clown. The microphone is three
feet above the ground. The microphone is facing the clown. A
brick wall is behind the clown. The light is on the ground and
in front of the clown.
Using user-uploaded
original version of Software
Mary uses the crossbow. She rides the horse by the store. The store
is under the large willow. The small allosaurus is in front of the
horse. The dinosaur faces Mary. The gigantic teacup is in front of
the store. The gigantic mushroom is in the teacup. The castle is to
the right of the store.
Web Interface – preview mode
Web Interface – rendered (raytraced)
WordsEye Overview
Linguistic Analysis
• Parsing
• Create dependency-tree representation
• Anaphora resolution
• Add implicit objects, relations
• Resolve semantics and references
• Database of 3D objects, poses, textures
• Depiction rules generate graphical constraints
• Apply constraints to create scene
Linguistic Analysis
Tag part-of-speech
Generate semantic representation
• WordNet-like dictionary for nouns
Anaphora resolution
Example: John said that the cat is on the table.
Parse tree for: John said that the cat was on the table.
Said (Verb)
John (Noun) That (Comp)
Was (Verb)
Cat (Noun) On (Prep)
Table (Noun)
Nouns: Hierarchical Dictionary
Physical Object
Inanimate Object
Living thing
WordNet problems
Inheritance conflates functional and lexical relations
“Terrace” is a “plateau”
“Spoon’ is a “container”
“Crossing Guard” is a “traffic cop”
“Bellybutton” is a “point”
Lack of multiple inheritance between synsets
• “Princess” is an aristocrat, but not a female
• "ceramic-ware" is grouped under "utensil" and has "earthenware", etc under it. But there
are no dishes, plates, under it because those are categorized elsewhere under "tableware"
Lacks relations other than ISA. Thesaurus vs dictionary.
• Snowball “made-of” snow
• Italian “resident-of” Italy
Cluttered with obscure words and word senses
• “Spoon” as a type of golf club
Create our own dictionary to address these problems
Semantic Representation for: John said that the blue cat was on
the table.
1. Object: “mr-happy” (John)
2. Object: “cat-vp39798” (cat)
3. Object: “table-vp6204” (table)
4. Action: “say”
:subject <element 1>
:direct-object <elements 2,3,5,6>
:tense “PAST”
5. Attribute: “blue”
:object <element 2>
6. Spatial-Relation “on”
:figure <element 2>
:ground <element 3>
Anaphora resolution: The duck is in the sea. It is upside down. The sea is shiny and transparent. The
ground is invisible. The apple is 3 inches below the duck. It is in front of the duck. The yellow
illuminator is 3 feet above the apple. The cyan illuminator is 6 inches to the left of it. The magenta
illuminator is 6 inches to the right of it. It is partly cloudy.
Indexical Reference: Three dogs are on the table. The first dog is blue.
The first dog is 5 feet tall. The second dog is red. The third dog is purple.
Interpret semantic representation
Object selection
Resolve semantic relations/properties based on object types
Answer Who? What? When? Where? How?
Disambiguate/normalize relations and actions
Identify and resolve references to implicit objects
Object Selection: When object is missing or doesn't exist . . .
Text object: “Foo on table”
Related object: “Robin on table”
Substitute image: “Fox on table”
Object attribute interpretation (modify versus selection)
Conventional: “American horse”
Substance: “Stone horse”
Unconventional: “Richard Sproat horse”
Selection: “Chinese house”
Semantic Interpretation of “Of”
Containment: “bowl of cats”
Grouping: “stack of cats”
Part: “head of the cow”
Substance: “horse of stone”
Property: “height of horse
Abstraction: “head of time”
Implicit objects & references
Mary rode by the store. Her motorcycle was red.
• Verb resolution: Identify implicit vehicle
• Functional properties of objects
• Reference
• Motorcycle matches the vehicle
• Her matches with Mary
Implicit Reference: Mary rode by the store. Her motorcycle was red.
3D object and image database
Graphical constraints
• Spatial relations
• Attributes
• Posing
• Shape/Topology changes
Depiction process
3D Object Database
2,000+ 3D polygonal objects
Augmented with:
• Spatial tags (top surface, base, cup, push handle,
wall, stem, enclosure)
• Skeletons
• Default size, orientation
• Functional properties (vehicle, weapon . . .)
• Placement/attribute conventions
2000+ 3D Objects
10,000 images and textures
B&W drawings
Texture Maps
3D Objects and Images tagged with semantic info
Spatial tags for 3D object regions
Object type (e.g. WordNet synset)
• Is-a
• represents
Object size
Object orientation (front, preferred supporting surface -- wall/top)
Compound object consituents
Other object properties (style, parts, etc.)
Spatial Tags
Canopy (under, beneath)
Top Surface (on, in)
Spatial Tags
Base (under, below, on)
Cup (in, on)
Spatial Tags
Push Handle (actions)
Wall (on, against)
Spatial Tags
Stem (in)
Enclosure (in)
Stem in Cup: The daisy is in the test tube.
Enclosure and top surface: The bird is in the bird cage. The bird
cage is on the chair.
Spatial Relations
Relative positions
• On, under, in, below, off, onto, over, above . . .
• Distance
Sub-region positioning
• Left, middle, corner,right, center, top, front, back
• facing (object, left, right, front, back, east, west . . .)
Time-of-day relations
Vertical vs Horizontal “on”, distances, directions:
The couch is against the wood
wall. The window is on the wall. The window is next to the couch. the door is 2 feet to the right of
the window. the man is next to the couch. The animal wall is to the right of the wood wall. The
animal wall is in front of the wood wall. The animal wall is facing left. The walls are on the huge
floor. The zebra skin coffee table is two feet in front of the couch. The lamp is on the table. The
floor is shiny.
• height, width, depth
• Aspect ratio (flat, wide, thin . . .)
Surface attributes
• Texture database
• Color, Texture, Opacity, reflectivity
• Applied to objects or textures themselves
• Brightness (for lights)
Attributes: The orange battleship is on the brick cow.
The battleship is 3 feet long.
Time of day & cloudiness
Time of day & lighting
Poses (original version only -- not yet implemented in web version)
Represent actions
Database of 500+ human poses
• Grips
• Usage (specialized/generic)
• Standalone
Merge poses (upper/lower body, hands)
• Gives wide variety by mix’n’match
Dynamic posing/IK
Grip wine_bottle-bc0014
Use bicycle_10-speed-vp8300
Throw “round object”
Combined poses: Mary rides the bicycle. She plays the trumpet.
Combined poses
The Broadway Boogie Woogie vase is on the Richard Sproat coffee
table. The table is in front of the brick wall. The van Gogh picture is
on the wall. The Matisse sofa is next to the table. Mary is sitting on
the sofa. She is playing the violin. She is wearing a straw hat.
Dynamically defined poses
using Inverse Kinematics (IK)
Mary pushes the lawn mower. The lawnmower is 5
feet tall. The cat is 5 feet behind Mary. The cat is
10 feet tall.
Shape Changes (not implemented in web version)
• Facial expressions
• Happy, angry, sad, confused . . . mixtures
• Combined with poses
Topological changes
• Slicing
Facial Expressions
Edward runs. He is happy.
Edward is shocked.
The rose is in the vase. The vase is on the half dog.
Depiction Process
Given a semantic representation
• Generate graphical constraints
• Handle implicit and conflicting constraints.
• Generate 3d scene from constraints
• Add environment, lights, camera
• Render scene
Example: Generate constraints for kick
• Case1: No path or recipient; Direct object is large
Pose: Actor in kick pose
Position: Actor directly behind direct object
Orientation: Actor facing direct object
• Case2: No path or recipient; Direct object is small
Pose: Actor in kick pose
Position: Direct object above foot
• Case3: Path and Recipient
Pose+relations . . . (some tentative)
Some varieties of kick
Case1: John kicked the pickup
Case3: John kicked the ball to the
cat on the skateboard
Case2:John kicked the football
Implicit Constraint. The vase is on the nightstand. The lamp is
next to the vase.
Figurative & Metaphorical Depiction
• Textualization
• Conventional Icons and emblems
• Literalization
• Characterization
• Personification
• Functionalization
Textualization: The cat is facing the wall.
Conventional Icons: The blue daisy is not in the army boot.
Literalization: Life is a bowl of cherries.
Characterization: The policeman ran by the parking meter
Functionalization: The hippo flies over the church
Future/Ongoing Work
Build/use scenario-based lexical resource
• Word knowledge (dictionary)
• Frame knowledge
– For verbs and event nouns
– Finer-grained representation of prepositions and spatial relations
• Contextual knowledge
– Default verb arguments
– Default constituents and spatial relations in settings/environments
• Decompose actions into poses and spatial relations
• Learn contextual knowledge from corpora
Graphics/output support
Add dynamic posing of characters to depict actions
Handle more complex, natural text
Handle object parts
Add more 2D/3D content (including user uploadable 3D objects)
Physics, animation, sound, and speech
FrameNet – Digital lexical resource
947 hierarchically defined frames
10,000 lexical entries (Verbs, nouns, adjectives)
Relations between frame (perspective-on, subframe, using, …)
Annotated sentences for each lexical unit
Lexical Units in “Revenge” Frame
Frame elements for avenge.v
Frame Element
Core Type
Annotations for “avenge.v”
Relations between frames
Frame element mappings between frames
• Core vs Peripheral
• Inheritance
• Renaming (eg. agent -> helper)
Valence patterns for verb “sell” (commerce_sell frame) and
two related frames
<LU-2986 "sell.v" Commerce_sell> patterns:
(33 ((Seller Ext) (Goods Obj)))
(11 ((Goods Ext)))
(7 ((Seller Ext) (Goods Obj) (Buyer Dep(to))))
(4 ((Seller Ext)))
(2 ((Goods Ext) (Buyer Dep(to))))
<frame: Commerce_buy> patterns:
(91 ((Buyer Ext) (Goods Obj)))
(27 ((Buyer Ext) (Goods Obj) (Seller Dep(from))))
(11 ((Buyer Ext)))
(2 ((Buyer Ext) (Goods Obj) (Seller Dep(at))))
(2 ((Buyer Ext) (Seller Dep(from))))
(2 ((Goods Obj)))
<frame: Expensiveness> patterns:
(17 ((Goods Ext) (Money Dep(NP))))
(8 ((Goods Ext)))
(4 ((Goods Ext) (Money Dep(between))))
(4 ((Goods Ext) (Money Dep(from))))
(2 ((Goods Ext) (Money Dep(under))))
(1 ((Goods Ext) (Money Dep(just))))
(1 ((Goods Ext) (Money Dep(NP)) (Seller Dep(from))))
Parsing and generating semantic relations using FrameNet
NLP> (interpret-sentence "the boys on the beach said that the fish swam to island”)
(NP (NP (DT "the") (NN2 (NNS "boys")))
(PREPP* (PREPP (IN "on") (NP (DT "the") (NN2 (NN "beach"))))))
(VP (VP1 (VERB (VBD "said"))) (COMP "that")
(S (NP (DT "the") (NN2 (NN "fish")))
(VP (VP1 (VERB (VBD "swam")))
(PREPP* (PREPP (TO "to") (NP (NN2 (NN "island")))))))))
Word Dependency:
((#<noun: "boy" (Plural) ID=18> (:DEP #<prep: "on" ID=19>))
(#<prep: "on" ID=19> (:DEP #<noun: "beach" ID=21>))
(#<verb: "said" ID=22> (:SUBJECT #<noun: "boy" (Plural) ID=18>)
(:DIRECT-OBJECT #<verb: "swam" ID=26>))
(#<verb: "swam" ID=26> (:SUBJECT #<noun: "fish" ID=25>)
(:DEP #<prep: "to" ID=27>))
(#<prep: "to" ID=27> (:DEP #<noun: "island" ID=28>)))
Frame Dependency:
((#<relation: CN-SPATIAL-RELATION-ON ID=19>
(:FIGURE #<noun: "boy" (Plural) ID=18>)
(:GROUND #<noun: "beach" ID=21>))
(#<action: "say.v" ID=22>
(#<frame-element: "Text" ID=29> #<action: "swim.v" ID=26>)
(#<frame-element: "Author" ID=30> #<noun: "boy" (Plural) ID=18>))
(#<action: "swim.v" ID=26>
(#<frame-element: "Self_mover" ID=31> #<noun: "fish" ID=25>)
(#<frame-element: ("Goal") ID=32> #<prep: "to" ID=27>))
(#<prep: "to" ID=27> (:DEP #<noun: "island" ID=28>)))
Acquiring contextual knowledge
Where does “eating breakfast” take place?
Inferring the environment in a text-to-scene conversion system. K-CAP 2001 Richard Sproat
Default locations and spatial relations (by Gino Miceli)
Project Gutenberg corpus of online English prose (http://www.gutenberg.org/),
Leverage verb/preposition semantics as well as simple syntactic structure to identify spatial
templates based on verb/{preposition,particle} plus intervening modifiers.
Use seed-object pairs to extract other pairs with equivalent spatial relations (e.g. cups are
(typically) on tables, while books are on desks).
Pragmatic Ambiguity: The lamp is next to the vase on the
nightstand . . .
Syntactic Ambiguity: Prepositional phrase attachment
John looks at the cat on the
John draws the man in the moon.
Potential Applications
• Online communications: Electronic postcards, visual chat/IM,
social networks
• Gaming, virtual environments
• Storytelling/comic books/art
• Education (ESL, reading, disabled learning, graphics arts)
• Graphics authoring/prototyping tool
• Visual summarization and/or “translation” of text
• Embedded in toys
Storytelling: The stagecoach is in front of the old west hotel. Mary is next to
the stagecoach. She plays the guitar. Edward exercises in front of the
stagecoach. The large sunflower is to the left of the stagecoach.
Scenes within scenes . . .
Greeting Cards
1st grade homework: The duck sat on a hen; the hen sat on a pig;...
New approach to scene generation
• Low overhead (skill, training . . .)
• Immediacy
• Usable with minimal hardware: text or speech input
device and display screen.
Work is ongoing
• Available as experimental web service
Related Work
• Adorni, Di Manzo, Giunchiglia, 1984
• Put: Clay and Wilhelms, 1996
• PAR: Badler et al., 2000
• CarSim: Dupuy et al., 2000
• SHRDLU: Winograd, 1972
Bloopers – John said the cat is on the table
Bloopers: Mary says the cat is blue.
Bloopers: John wears the axe. He plays the violin.
Bloopers: Happy John holds the red shark
Bloopers: Jack carried the television
Web Interface - Entry Page (www.wordseye.com)
• Registration
• Login
• Learn more
• Example pictures
Web Interface - Public Gallery
Web Interface - Add Comments to Picture
Web Interface - Link Pictures into Stories & Games
The tall granite mountain range is 300 feet wide.
The enormous umbrella is on the mountain range.
The gray elephant is under the umbrella.
The chicken cube is 6 feet to the right of the gray elephant.
The cube is 5 feet tall. The cube is on the mountain range.
A clown is on the elephant.
The large sewing machine is on the cube.
A die is on the clown. It is 3 feet tall.