QEP Team Meeting Minutes 10/3/2012

QEP Team Meeting
Attended (via SPOC): David Monroe, Matthew Bodie, Ashley Caron, Janice Thiel
Next meetings: November 7, December 5, 11:30-12:30
A) QEP Impact Report
1) Areas to complete
(a) Instructional Portfolio samples
(b) Use of student performance data
(c) Determine SSI data placement and update
(d) Student activities piece
2) Ashley and Janice will meet on Thursday, October 25, 1:00-2:00 p.m. to
work on report.
3) Second draft will be presented/discussed at QEC Meeting Friday,
November 2, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
4) Draft for external reviewers due in Content Management System (CMS)
by November 16.
B) Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC)
1) ARC Scoring workshop
(a) Friday, November 9, 2012, 8:00-5:00 p.m., EpiCenter - 1-324
(b) 2 registrants
(c) On Fall CTI agenda; Janice will announce at Fall CTI and solicit
more registrants through email reminders. Dave will encourage
attendance by Orthotics & Prosthetics department during his Fall
CTI presentation. Everyone will mention during All College
(d) Order lunch from the Wave
C) Critical Thinking Assessment Test
1) Vet Tech CATs – Ashley forwarded to Tennessee Tech.
2) CAT Scoring Workshop
(a) Friday, April 12, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (set-up Thursday 3:00-5:00)
(b) Have 36 CATs – XXX more CATS need to be ordered
D) SACS Working Group
1) Next meetings are scheduled for:
(a) Wednesday, October 10, 3:30-4:30
(b) January or February?
II) Student Success
A) Classroom Activities
B) Rubrics
C) ePortfolio
D) Student Activities
1) Great Debate 2012
(a) Ashley has compiled notes, and will write a report from the
audience poll and student survey.
*Action Item
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QEP Team Meeting
2) Student Life & Leadership
(a) Janice sent copies of the survey to campus coordinators to
encourage use.
3) Opportunities to collect data
(a) “What was I thinking?” weekly workshop series September 4
through November 6, Seminole Campus. Ashley will try to attend
Sheree’s presentation at Fall CTI.
(b) Ethics Institute is sponsoring “Ethical Implications of Free Speech
in the World of Social Media.” Ashley created a survey in
ANGEL for students to identify how well they were able to
apply critical thinking skills, etc.
(c) Other Ideas
(i) Gibbs Political Science Club, and Eatz, the SPC Culinary
Club downtown – Terrance Aschenge
(ii) SGA Executive Board – Stephanie Henningsen
(iii) Sustainability Net Impact Club – Lynn Grinnell
Professional Development
A) Quality Enhancement Committee (QEC)
1) Next meeting: November 2, 1:00-3:00 p.m., EpiCenter - 1-324
(a) Agenda: Review QEP Impact Report
2) The QEC will probably not meet in the spring, pending external reviewers
feedback on the QEP Impact Report.
B) Critical Thinking Institutes
1) 2012 Fall Critical Thinking Institute
(a) Friday, October 5, 2012
(b) Janice drafted a B&W article and also sent several email reminders
to register – 140 registrants
(c) CT Poster ready to distribute
(d) Agenda is finalized – Opening session conducted by attendees of
the International Conference on Critical Thinking (ICCT), breakout sessions by ICCT attendees and CETL Critical Thinking
Grant recipients, along with “Making Thinking Visible” book
study leader, and WITS RLO Learning Event in the afternoon
(e) Janice will meet Li-Lee Tunceren and Jocelyn Helbert on
Thursday, October 4, 2:00 p.m. to set-up
(f) Janice and others will arrive around 7:30 a.m. on Friday.
2) Spring Critical Thinking Institute/Narrowing the Gulf
(a) Thursday & Friday, April 4-5, 2012, EpiCenter
(b) Need Opening Keynote Presenter
C) Faculty Champions
1) Survey for Faculty/Staff – Jesse Coraggio presented to Provost/Deans
Council on 9/13/2012. Janice spoke with Rich Mercadante about
presenting at FGO campus meetings. Rich will speak with Dr. Law
about mentioning at All College Day. Janice sent a message to Faculty
Champions and Deans about including a critical thinking refresher in
*Action Item
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QEP Team Meeting
their discipline meetings on All College Day. Ashley will send
directions for Matt, Dave, and Janice to preview the survey and provide
2) FGO Meetings – Provide an overview of the survey, and give a brief
refresher of QEP initiatives: As part of our process assessment for the
Quality Enhancement Plan, a survey will be administered to all full
time faculty, part-time faculty, administrators, and staff (including
academic administrators such as chairs, deans, etc.). The survey will
gauge awareness of and satisfaction with several key initiatives within
the QEP, as well as value and effectiveness of various resources
related to the QEP. The number of questions asked of each population
(faculty, chamions/ART members, admin/staff) will depend on how they
respond to preceding questions; Faculty champions will be asked to
respond to no more than 11 questions; other faculty will be asked to
respond to no more than 22 questions, and admin/staff will be asked no
more than 12 questions. A suggestion from the Quality Enhancement
Committee is to have faculty champions review the efforts they made
while serving on behalf of their program during the discipline-specific
meetings that will be held during the afternoon at All College Day, then
to send the survey out the following day.
(a) Clearwater Campus (Andrea Kelly) Wednesday, October 3, 12:302:00, (at 1:00, 5 minutes) NM-205 – Matt
(b) Tarpon Springs (Heather Roberson) Wednesday, October 3, 12:301:45 – Dave
(c) Seminole Campus (Kevin Morgan) Tuesday, October 9, 12:301:30, (15 minutes ) TL 108 – Ashley
(d) Health Education Center (Mary Hanlon) Wednesday, October 10,
12:00-1:00 (at 12:00, 15 minutes) – Janice
(e) SP/Gibbs (Darlene Westberg) – Janice spoke with Darlene; the
next meeting is not until November 6. Should we plan to be
3) CETL Critical Thinking Grant
(a) 2 applications (see attached)
(b) Need to determine award
D) Academic Roundtables
Critical Thinking Resources
A) Gateway Website
B) RLO’s
1) Registration is underway for WITS Learning Event “Developing Critical
Thinking Activities Using Reusable Learning Objects” that the
Instructional Design Technologists will present on Friday, October 5.
C) Instructional Portfolios
1) Humanities, Public Safety, HIM, Math, Business, and Computer/Info Tech
portfolios are complete. Janice will continue to follow-up with Sign
Language, Social & Behavioral Science, and Natural Science.
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QEP Team Meeting
2) Epilogue (Reflection) Proposal; Janice will check on stipend for faculty
(a) In reviewing your original instructional portfolio, how have you
modified or improved your initial method(s) for cultivating
critical thinking in your students?
(b) What were some obstacles or challenges, and how did you (do you
plan to) overcome them?
(c) Summarize what you are doing to help your students be better
(d) Describe how you know what you’re doing is working. How are
you assessing your students’ critical thinking? Provide data,
examples, samples, etc.
(e) What is your action plan, moving forward, particularly how to
improve methods and also to promote best practice among your
Critical Thinking Resource Centers
1) The updated link that Shannon Chamberlain provided requires a login, so
Janice has asked Matt provided a one-click link.
*Action Item
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