All Minerals 1. 2. 3. 4. Are formed by naturallly Are NOT alive (inorganic) Are solid Are elements or compounds with a unique chemical makeup 5. Are made up of particles that are arranged in a pattern that is repeated over and over (called a CRYSTAL) Rock Forming Minerals Common minerals that make up the Earth’s crust Groups of Minerals • Minerals are grouped by the elements they are made of. Beryl (Emerald) Calcite Amethyst Mineral Group Silicates Characteristics Examples •Contain oxygen Quartz, mica & silica •The most abundant group of minerals MICA Quartz Mineral Group Non-Silicates Silver Characteristics •Make up only 5% of the Earth’s crust •Include some of the most important minerals Examples iron, copper, gold, silver, diamonds, rubies Copper Diamond Gold Ruby Iron Mineral Group Carbonates Characteristics Examples •Carbon & Calcite (CaCO3) oxygen and a positive ion, such as calcium Calcite with Duftite inclusions Mineral Group Oxides Characteristics Metallic ion and oxygen Examples Hematite (Fe2)O3 Mineral Group Sulfides Characteristics Sulfur and a metallic ion Examples Galena (PbS) Mineral Group Sulfates Barite on Calcite BaSo4 / CaCO3 Characteristics Metallic ion, Sulfur & oxygen Barite BaSo4 Examples Barite (BaSO4) Mineral Group Native Elements Characteristics Single elements Examples Gold (Au), Diamond (C), Silver (Ag) How do minerals form? • 1) Cooling of magma (hot, liquid rock and minerals inside the earth (from the mantle)) – Fast Cooling = No Crystals (mineraloids) – Medium Cooling = small crystals – Slow Cooling = large crystals How do minerals form? • 2) Elements dissolved in liquids (water) Physical Properties of Minerals (can be used to identify the mineral) Color • Can be misleading • Can vary with the type of impurities Physical Properties of Minerals (can be used to identify the mineral) Luster • Surface reflection • metallic = shiny like metal • non-metallic = dull, non-shiny surface Pyrite has a metallic luster Calcite has a non-metallic luster Physical Properties of Minerals (can be used to identify the mineral) Streak • The color of the powdered form of the mineral • The color of the streak can be different than the mineral • Minerals must be softer than the streak plate Physical Properties of Minerals (can be used to identify the mineral) Hardness • How easily a mineral scratches materials • Mohs Hardness Scale • Scale from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest) • Test by seeing if the mineral can scratch different objects (like human fingernail, copper, penny, glass, steel file) Physical Properties of Minerals (can be used to identify the mineral) Cleavage & Fracture – The way the mineral breaks – Cleavage—minerals break along smooth, flat surfaces and every fragment has the same general shape – Fracture—minerals that break at random with rough or jagged edges Cleavage or Fracture? 1. 4. 2. 3. Physical Properties of Minerals (can be used to identify the mineral) Other Properties – Specific gravity = dry mass mass lost in water – Attraction to magnets – Reaction with hydrochloric acid – Smell & taste Definition of a Mineral “A naturally occurring, inorganic, solid element or compound with a definite chemical composition and a regular internal crystal structure.” Mineral Characteristics • Chemical composition – Diamond = graphite (both are pure carbon) • Crystal structure – Diamond ≠ graphite Halite Crystal Source: Photograph © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Bob Coyle, photographer. Galena Source: Photograph © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Doug Sherman, photographer. Fluorite Source: Photograph © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Doug Sherman, photographer. Halite Source: Photograph © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Doug Sherman, photographer. Cubic Structure of Halite Source: Photograph © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Bob Coyle, photographer. Mineral Properties • Hardness (Mohs hardness scale) – See appendix C • Cleavage (how it breaks- atomic scale) • Luster- the surface ‘sheen’ • Color is not a good property for i.d. – Corundum (Al2O3) Minerals: two groups • Silicates (Si + O ± other elements) – – – – – – – All built with ‘silicon tetrahedra’ 4 O atoms, 1 Si atom, 4- charge Quartz, feldspars Olivine (peridot) ferromagnesian (Fe, Mg) Asbestos Micas Clays (tropical weathering) Minerals: non-silicates • Nonsilicates – – – – – – – Example Carbonates (CO3): calcite Sulfates (SO4): gypsum Sulfides (metal + S): pyrite Oxides (metal + O): hematite Hydroxides (metal + OH): gibbsite Halides (metal + halide): salt (halite) Native elements Au, Ag, Pt, Cu, C Labradorite has labradorescence or chatoyance. LABRADORITE A. FELDSPARS (two varieties to identify) All have two directions of cleavage. 2. ORTHOCLASE (pink, tan or white) KAlSi308 Has stringers that go through the mineral - looks superficially like striations. Look at display so that you know what striations are. ORTHOCLASE B. FERROMAGNESIANS (iron and magnesium silicates) All have two directions of cleavage. 1. AMPHIBOLES (2 types to identify) Cleavage planes intersect forming 124o and 56o cleavage angles. Crystals usually long and thin. a. HORNBLENDE (black) Cleavage Angles A. FELDSPARS (two varieties to identify) All have two directions of cleavage. 1. PLAGIOCLASE (2 types to identify) (Ca,Na)(Si,Al)4O8 Have striations on cleavage planes (end at edge of cleavage plane). a. OLIGOCLASE (white) Na-rich feldspar b. LABRADORITE (gray to black) Ca-rich feldspar STRIATIONS OLIGOCLASE LABRADORITE b. ACTINOLITE (greenish gray or grayish green) Crystals usually in radiating masses (check with me if not visible!) ACTINOLITE 2. PYROXENES (1 to identify) Cleavage planes intersect forming 88o and 92o cleavage angles. Crystals usually short and stubby. a. AUGITE (greenish black) AUGITE C. MICAS (3 to identify) All have one direction of cleavage, producing platy appearance. 1. MUSCOVITE (white-silver) 2. BIOTITE (brown) 3. CHLORITE (green) - may not look like the other micas in terms of plateyness. Chlorite D. QUARTZ (SiO2) Hardness is 7. Can be many colors due to impurities. Displays conchoidal fracture. ROSE QUARTZ AMETHYST CONCHOIDAL FRACTURE E. OLIVINE Olivine is olive green. Granular appearance. May be able to see conchoidal fracture of grains with hand lens. F. CALCITE (CaCO3) Fizzes or effervesces in HCl. Three directions of cleavage not at right angles (rhombohedral cleavage). Clear pieces may exhibit double refraction. RHOMBOHEDRAL CLEAVAGE HCl ACID REACTION DOUBLE REFRACTION G. GARNET Reddish-brown color (but can be others). Has hackly fracture, no cleavage. Roundish crystals with 12-24 flat faces readily visible in most cases. H. STAUROLITE Crystals usually twinned ("fairy crosses"). Mineral appearance • color (not very useful) Pyrite Gold Hardness Mohs Hardness Scale Mineral Rating Testing Method Talc 1 Softest known mineral. It flakes easily when scratched by a fingernail. Gypsum Calcite 2 A fingernail can easily scratch it. 3 A fingernail cannot scratch it, but a copper penny can. Fluorite Apatite Feldspar 4 A steel knife can easily scratch it. 5 A steel knife can scratch it. 6 Cannot be scratched by a steel knife, but it can scratch window glass. Quartz Topaz Corundum Diamond 7 Can scratch steel and hard glass easily. 8 Can scratch quartz. 9 Can scratch topaz. 10 Hardest known mineral. Diamond can scratch all other substances. Luster • The way a mineral reflects a light luster. • Either metallic or nonmetallic Specific Gravity • The specific gravity of a mineral is the ration of its weight compared with the weight of an equal volume of water. • Gold has specific gravity of 19 • It means gold is 19 times heavier than water. 19 times heavier Specific Gravity Streak • When a mineral is rubbed across a piece of porcelain tile a streak of powdered mineral is left behind. Cleavage • Cleavage is the way that mineral breaks. • Minerals that break along smooth, flat surfaces have cleavage. • Mica has cleavage Fracture • Mineral that breaks uneven, rough, or jagged surfaces have fracture. • Quartz has fracture quartz Identify the minerals below for cleavage and fracture CLEAVAGE FRACTURE Uncut and cut Diamonds (C) Some examples of minerals… This is pyrite (FeS2), also known as “Fool’s Gold.” Common Mineral... Crystal Quartz Milky Quartz (SiO2) Rare Mineral... This is also a variety of quartz (a rarer gem variety). SiO2, + Fe and Mn (that reflects purple light) Another Rare Mineral Mica (lepidolite) that has a purplish appearance. emerald Gemstones: sapphire ruby tourmaline sapphire Chemical Composition Each mineral has a unique chemical composition which makes it different from all other minerals. Examples: Copper Gold Halite Quartz Calcite Corundum Beryl Ruby Diamond Cu Au NaCl SiO2 CaCO3 Al2O3 Be3Al2Si6O18 Al2O3 C Minerals Have a Crystal Structure In addition to a unique chemical composition, each mineral has a definite structure. Crystal structure: the repeating pattern of how the atoms in the mineral are bonded together. When a mineral forms, it can show this overall crystal structure. Crystal Forms of Carbon These are eight different crystal forms of carbon: diamond, graphite, lonsdaleite, C60, C540, C70, amorphous carbon and a carbon nanotube Minerals • Silicates are by far the most abundant mineral group accounting for more than 90% of the Earth's crust. Silicates are the major rock-forming minerals. It follows that oxygen and silicon are the most abundant elements in the crust. Minerals There are many ways in which the SiO4 tetrahedra can be assembled to build neutral silicate mineral structures. Isolated tetrahedra balanced by the cations magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe),calcium (Ca) – – Olivines (Mg, Fe)2SiO4, Magnesium Iron Silicate and Garnets Minerals The typical pyroxene structure contains chains of SiO3 tetrahedrons • The slope of the tetrahedral pyramids helps to determine the cleavage angle of the pyroxenes at nearly 90o degrees (actually 93o and 87o). Minerals • • • • • • • • • • common amphiboles: Actinolite Ca2(Mg, Fe+2)5 Si8O22(OH)2 Anthophyllite (Mg, Fe)7 Si8O22(OH)2 Arfvedsonite Na3(Fe+2)4Fe+3 Si8O22(OH)2 Cummingtonite Mg7 Si8O22(OH)2 Edenite NaCa2Mg5 Si8O22(OH)2 Fluorrichterite Na(CaNa)Mg5 Si8O22F2 Glaucophane Na2(Mg3Al2) Si8O22(OH)2 The Hornblende Series Ca2(Mg, Fe+2)4 (Al, Fe+3)Si7AlO22(OH)2 Double chains of tetrahedra balanced by similar cations. Minerals • • • Micas and Clay Minerals Sheets of tetrahedra are the building blocks. Aluminum is also involved in these sheet structures which are charge-balanced by the cations Mg, Na and K. most common mica minerals: muscovite, biotite Minerals • • • • • Feldspars A second group of aluminosilicates, tetrahedra form threedimensional frameworks with Ca, Na and K as the The K-feldspars or alkali balancing cations. felspars: The very abundant •Microcline, (Potassium aluminum feldspar are subdivided in silicate) K-Na bearing alkali •Sanidine, (Potassium sodium aluminum silicate) feldspars and the Ca-Na solid-solution series •Orthoclase, (Potassium aluminum silicate) called plagioclase feldspars. Minerals • • • • • Feldspars A second group of aluminosilicates, tetrahedra form threedimensional frameworks with Ca, Na and K as the balancing cations. The very abundant feldspar are subdivided in K-Na bearing alkali feldspars and the Ca-Na solid-solution series called plagioclase feldspars. The plagioclase feldspars: •Albite, (Sodium aluminum silicate) •Oligoclase, (Sodium calcium aluminum silicate) •Andesine, (Sodium calcium aluminum silicate) •Labradorite, (Calcium sodium aluminum silicate) •Bytownite, (Calcium sodium aluminum silicate) •Anorthite, (Calcium aluminum silicate) Minerals • • Quartz Silica tetrahedra alone can form a neutral threedimensional framework structure with no need for other cations. This arrangement forms a very stable structure popular as ornamental stone and as gemstones •Amethyst is the purple gemstone variety. •Citrine is a yellow to orange gemstone variety that is rare in nature but is often created by heating Amethyst. •Milky Quartz is the cloudy white variety. •Rock crystal is the clear variety that is also used as a gemstone. •Rose quartz is a pink to reddish pink variety. •Smoky quartz is the brown to gray variety. Minerals • • Quartz SiO4 Silica tetrahedra alone can form a neutral threedimensional framework structure with no need for other cations. This arrangement forms a very stable structure popular as ornamental stone and as gemstones •Amethyst is the purple gemstone variety. •Citrine is a yellow to orange gemstone variety that is rare in nature but is often created by heating Amethyst. •Milky Quartz is the cloudy white variety. •Rock crystal is the clear variety that is also used as a gemstone. •Rose quartz is a pink to reddish pink variety. •Smoky quartz is the brown to gray variety. Minerals • • Quartz Silica tetrahedra alone can form a neutral threedimensional framework structure with no need for other cations. This arrangement forms a very stable structure popular as ornamental stone and as gemstones •Amethyst is the purple gemstone variety. •Citrine is a yellow to orange gemstone variety that is rare in nature but is often created by heating Amethyst. •Milky Quartz is the cloudy white variety. •Rock crystal is the clear variety that is also used as a gemstone. •Rose quartz is a pink to reddish pink variety. •Smoky quartz is the brown to gray variety. Minerals • • Quartz Silica tetrahedra alone can form a neutral threedimensional framework structure with no need for other cations. This arrangement forms a very stable structure popular as ornamental stone and as gemstones •Amethyst is the purple gemstone variety. •Citrine is a yellow to orange gemstone variety that is rare in nature but is often created by heating Amethyst. •Milky Quartz is the cloudy white variety. •Rock crystal is the clear variety that is also used as a gemstone. •Rose quartz is a pink to reddish pink variety. •Smoky quartz is the brown to gray variety. Minerals Non-silicates: • Carbonates: CO3 • The important carbonates are the minerals calcite and dolomite. Both are significant rock-forming minerals. • The Calcite Group: • Calcite (Calcium Carbonate) • Gaspeite (Nickel Magnesium Iron Carbonate) • Magnesite (Magnesium Carbonate) • Otavite (Cadmium Carbonate) • Rhodochrosite (Manganese Carbonate) • Siderite (Iron Carbonate) • Smithsonite (Zinc Carbonate) • Sphaerocobaltite (Cobalt Carbonate) Minerals Non-silicates: • Evaporites: halides including the minerals halite, sylvite and fluorite; sulphates including the minerals gypsum and anhydrite. Most famous halide mineral, halite (NaCl) or rock salt Minerals Non-silicates: • Evaporites: halides including the minerals halite, sylvite and fluorite; sulphates including the minerals gypsum and anhydrite. •Fluorite: CaF2, Calcium Fluoride Minerals Non-silicates: • Evaporites: halides including the minerals halite, sylvite and fluorite; sulphates including the minerals gypsum and anhydrite. •Gypsum:CaSO4-2(H2O), Hydrated Calcium Sulfate Minerals Non-silicates: • Oxides • oxides (hematite and magnetite) Fe2O3, Iron Oxide • • • • hydroxides (limonite and goerthite) important minor consituents in rocks. aluminum oxide bauxite can also occur as a rock-forming mineral. oxide minerals are exploited as economic sources of many elements including aluminum, antimony, iron, manganese, tin, and uranium. Minerals Non-silicates: • Oxides • oxides (hematite and magnetite) Fe3O4, Iron Oxide • • • • hydroxides (limonite and goerthite) important minor consituents in rocks. aluminum oxide bauxite can also occur as a rock-forming mineral. oxide minerals are exploited as economic sources of many elements including aluminum, antimony, iron, manganese, tin, and uranium. Minerals Non-silicates: • Sulphides • The mineral pyrite is the only sulphide that occurs commonly in rocks. • Sulphides are most important as economic minerals providing the main sources of elements such as arsenic, copper, lead, nickel, mercury, molybdenum and zinc. • FeS2, Iron Sulfide Minerals Non-silicates: • Sulphides • The mineral pyrite is the only sulphide that occurs commonly in rocks. • Sulphides are most important as economic minerals providing the main sources of elements such as arsenic, copper, lead, nickel, mercury, molybdenum and zinc. • PbS, Lead Sulfide, Galena Minerals Non-silicates: • Sulphides • The mineral pyrite is the only sulphide that occurs commonly in rocks. • Sulphides are most important as economic minerals providing the main sources of elements such as arsenic, copper, lead, nickel, mercury, molybdenum and zinc. • CuFeS2, Copper Iron Sulfide, Chalcopyrite Minerals Non-silicates: • Phosphates are relatively rare. The only important phosphate mineral is apatite. • Ca2Fe(PO4)2 - 4H2O, Hydrated Calcium Iron Phosphate Crystal System ISOMETRIC TETRAGONAL ORTHORHOMBIC MONOCLINIC DIAMOND TANZANITE WULFENITE GYPSUM HEXAGONAL TRIGONAL BERYL QUARTZ variety - AMETHYST TRICLINIC AMORPHOUS MONTEBRASITE AMBER Crystal System SEVEN CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS: 1. ISOMETRIC, 2. 3. 4. 5. requires 4 three fold axis of rotation. TETRAGONAL, requires 1 four fold axis of rotation. HEXAGONAL, requires 1 six fold axis of rotation. TRIGONAL, requires 1 three fold axis of rotation. ORTHORHOMBIC, requires either 3 two fold axis of rotation or 1 two fold axis of rotation and two mirror planes. 6. MONOCLINIC, requires either 1 two fold axis of rotation or 1 mirror plane. 7. TRICLINIC, requires either a center or only translational symmetry. AMORPHOUS; no symmetry is present and it is therefore not a crystallographic system. Common Minerals • the most common minerals you'll find in rocks ”rock forming minerals” • These contain plagioclase feldspar, potassium feldspar, quartz, muscovite mica, biotite mica, amphibole, olivine, and calcite. Minerals Dr. R. B. Schultz The earth is made of rocks… and rock are made of minerals. Minerals are: · 1. Naturally occurring, · 2. Inorganic, · 3. Have known chemical compositions · 4. Have definite physical properties. 5. Are solid · They are usually crystalline. Mineral Classification Minerals are classified based on chemical composition and crystal structure. Minerals are made of different ions bonded together. Ions are charged atoms Cations are + charged Anions are - charged Common ions in earth's crust: O - most common ion (anion) Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg, (Cations) Crystal structure depends on sizes of and charges on ions Most common mineral group is the silicates All silicate minerals contain silicon and oxygen 1. Mafic silicate minerals contain iron or magnesium and are dark in color. Examples: olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, and biotite mica 2. Felsic silicates don't contain magnesium or iron, and are light in color. Examples: feldspar, quartz, clay minerals, muscovite mica Mafic silicate Felsic silicate Silica Tetrahedron Oxygens Silicon Common non-silicate minerals Fluorite – used as a toothpaste additive Calcite -- calcium carbonate -- Limestone is made of calcite. Dolomite -- calcium magnesium carbonate Gypsum -- calcium sulfate Galena -- lead sulfide Pyrite -- iron sulfide Halite -- sodium chloride (table salt) Non-Metallic Mineral Luster the way a mineral reflects Metallic Mineral Cleavage Refers to very smooth, flat, shiny breakage surfaces These special breakage surfaces correspond to zones of weak bonding in the crystal structure. To describe cleavage, one must determine the number of unique cleavage planes (directions) NO Cleavage Hardness Refers to "scratchability" or resistance to being scratched. Harder minerals will scratch softer minerals. Geologists rank minerals according to hardness using the Moh's scale 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 TALC GYPSUM FINGERNAIL CALCITE COPPER PENNY FLUORITE (Note the spelling!) APATITE STEEL KNIFE BLADE/GLASS PLATE ORTHOCLASE FELDSPAR QUARTZ TOPAZ CORUNDUM (RUBY) DIAMOND Color Varies in many minerals, e.g. quartz VERY unreliable. Some minerals come in just one color; other are many colors/many varieties. Streak Refers to color of mark left by rubbing mineral against a streak plate (unglazed porcelain). Streak does not vary even if color does. Other Properties Some minerals are magnetic (i.e., magnetite) Some minerals effervesce ("fizz") in dilute acid (calcite) Specific gravity (like density) galena-high specific gravity.