Minutes for October 15, 2009

Reflections on Student Success
April 18 – 20, 2010 Coeur d’Alene Resort
Minutes for October 15, 2009
Present: Laura Hughes, Chio Flores, Traci Stensland, Leonard Walker, Wendy Olson, Colleen
MacDonald, Ron Lee (joined us later)
Not Present: Peter Miller, Patrick Downey, Cindy Pollard
Italics indicate action items.
Review Notes/Action Items from Prior Meetings o March 11 Meeting Notes – Please review these notes from our first, onsite meeting.
They are broken out for each person with a list of responsibilities/ideas.
o Auction Idaho Style – We have decided not to do this as it won’t work with the number
of WASFAA conferees anticipated.
o Idaho State Meeting – The Idaho State meeting will be Wednesday after our conference;
the resort had space available. This could help WASFAA meet our contracted room
o Early Registration Room Upgrade Lottery – Leonard will be finding out more from the
hotel about the room upgrades.
o Moderator Feedback Form from 2009 to Ron – Colleen has sent this form to Ron.
o Laptop Provided by Each Presenter – AV Support through Hotel, USA Funds
o Dept. of Ed & NASFAA Level of Participation
o Entertainment – We will have a very nice evening dinner for one night and see what
music options are available through the hotel for after dinner. Suggestions from
committee members are welcome.
o Vendors Surveyed Regarding Interest in Tuesday Afternoon Meeting Space – Colleen
talked with lenders involved with CLFE and some of the guarantors. People sounded
interested in the opportunity to hold a special meeting such as an advisory or focus
group. In light of anticipated changes in the industry it makes sense to offer it as an
option that supporters could choose when making funding plans for their 2010 year. It
would be possible to offer space Sunday morning from 10 a.m. – noon or Tuesday for 12 hours in the afternoon after the conference.
o Registration Hours – The hours have been set for Sunday all day 8-5, and Monday
morning 8-10. Ron, please update your master schedule to include the hours of
registration. Laura will be able to accommodate any conferees who arrive after Monday
at 10 a.m.
o WASFAA Items for Sale to Help with WASFAA Budget – Colleen will discuss with Traci.
o Newsletter – Dec. 15 deadline – Traci has asked Mindy to write an article sharing her
thoughts on the conference theme, Reflections on Student Success.
Conference Committee Budget – Please forward your estimated budget number for your
subcommittee to Wendy if you have not already done so. Fund development is 0 since its costs are
under the fund development line item for the WASFAA general budget.
Give-Away Item – Colleen does not like the portfolios. She asked, “What do you think people like?
What is really needed? Another grocery bag? It’s always handy. What is useful?” Leonard
suggested that Wendy contact Jack Edwards & Janine about their ideas since the Vice President is
responsible for the purchasing of the item and Summer Institute uses the item as well.
Volunteers’ Names For Your Subcommittee – Please give Wendy the names of volunteers on your
committee and she will include them in the list of committee members so that they are recognized
for their efforts.
Subcommittee Chairs Brief Updates –
Newcomers’ Session – Chio has an idea of what will be available to spend; $937 was what was
spend last year. Wendy will find out from Peter what line item covered the costs for 2009.
Colleen said that last year they planned on spending $1000 which did not cover a lot of food.
Chio will find out how many attended and what was provided from Kay Soltis. A large portion of
last year’s attendees were Alaska folks. The meeting will start at 10:30 and break for lunch
between 11:30 and noon. Chio wondered if we could absorb the cost for lunch. They may
encourage the group to go to a nearby restaurant to continue the conversation. (Leonard,
perhaps the resort could offer a discount coupon for the Italian restaurant across the street.)
Getting information out early about the newcomer’s session will be helpful to assure people
plan for it with their travel arrangements.
Registration – Laura is having conversations with Patrick about the timeline for registration on
the web. She is also getting information from Colleen.
Fund Development – Nothing to report.
Facilities – No one has registered for the hotel yet. Questions about AV, tips for staff, discount
coupons for spa treatments should be answered for Leonard by the time we meet again.
Program– Ron has his subcommittee together and will pull together a program. Terry Everson is
on board for a leadership track.
Publicity and Publications – Postcards have been sent to each state’s president and the EDAC
and GP Committees. The program will be created with the help of a local designer and printer
and will be the same size and style as Alaska’s.
Website – Traci reported that the website now has more information on the conference and
hotel reservations. Leonard asked that the hotel information on our website emphasize the
special rate WASFAA has for the resorts shuttle service from the airport of $29. The normal
charge is $60 round trip.
Timeline Updates – Please send your subcommittee’s planning timeline to Wendy Olson.
Next Meeting = TUESDAY, November 17th – Note change of date