Minutes for March 25, 10-10:35 a.m.

April 18 – 20, 2010 Coeur d’Alene Resort
Minutes for March 25, 10-10:35 a.m.
Present: Faye Mabagos-Asence, Renee Davis, Laura Hughes, Peter Miller
Not Present as Planned: Chio Flores, Ron Lee, Leonard Walker, Traci Stensland, Colleen
Review Notes/Action Items from Prior Meetings:
 Vendor storage – We have special work space that will accommodate storage
needed for our vendors.
 Registration counter – On the right once in the double doors is a room clearly
marked for registration with a counter. We won’t need the WASFAA registration
 Lunch for Making Connections – Chio is coordinating the plans for lunch with
Leonard. She will be sending out invitations 3 weeks before the conference to each
registrant that indicated an interest in the reception.
 Listserv messages only go to current members with listserv checked as option. We
will send out one last message (via Peter) to all in email database. Wendy will send
the content of that message to Peter so that it can go out next week which will be
three weeks before the start of the conference.
 Anticipated number of attendees – Laura reported that there are 190 currently
registered. In addition we have 6 guests. We will plan on 210 for our registration
items. Peter will bring some loose lanyards as Laura has exactly 200.
 Scholarship recipients registered? - Scholarship winners must go through the usual
process to register and make their room reservations. Wendy will send Laura and
Peter the list of winners so she can make sure that they get registered. Peter will
adjust their invoices related to the charges to take into consideration the
 Student success videos – Wendy has two videos so far and anticipates receiving two
or three later this week. Please consider interviewing your own students for inclusion
in this video presentation.
 Slide show – Wendy is putting together a slide show with music for playing at the
start of each of our general sessions.
Subcommittee Chairs’ Updates:
Program – The program is all set. Ron will be reviewing the AV needs for the program.
Publicity and Publications – Faye will have 210 copies of the program printed. She and
the designer are working on the final draft. She is hoping it can be finalized by tomorrow
and that she can have it to the printer by April 1 for set up . It will be delivered to Traci
by the 15th.
Website – Renee did start getting some presentations and they have been added to the
website and are available as PDF downloads. It is easy and fast for ATAC to post these
Registration – Supplies were sent from Renee to Laura. There are no nametag inserts in
the WASFAA storage unit. Laura has some ribbons; she will see what ribbons may need
to be ordered. Laura is using the volunteer list to find people who will help with
registration. She will come up with a plan for the on-site registration process. There
should be very few, so it does not need to be too high-tech. Laura will need to make up
registration packets for our guests even though their names are not on the registration
Making Connections Session – See above and written email from Chio.
Fund Development – No business solutions will take place. There are 18 exhibitors. See
written report from Colleen.
Facilities – Leonard did a walk through with the hotel staff last week. Some adjustments
were made. Everything will be on the first floor which makes it convenient for
conferees. Colleen has been working directly with the staff person, Terry. For the EDAC
event we will have one bartender. The minimum charge for the bartender is $400 so if
not enough drinks are sold we will be responsible for the balance. Leonard has provided
the hotel staff with the list of guests.
New Items:
 Thank you notes – Wendy is creating thank you notes for moderators and
presenters. If you have subcommittee members that you would like to receive the
conference thank you note, please let her know.
 Schedules for participants at head table etc. – These will be placed in the person’s
registration packet.
 Announcements needed for welcome to conference – Let Wendy know of any
announcements that should be made during her welcome speech.
 Survey ready to go – Luhui will post it right after the conference and an email will be
sent out requesting conferees to complete it.
 Post conference wrap-up will be by conference call – no special on-site meeting.
 Gifts for special guests – We will give them the WASFAA water bottle with candy
from PNW and depending on the vests that are left may include a WASFAA vest all
presented in gift bags.
 Prizes for the Making Connections Reception – We can use WASFAA vests from a
prior conference. There maybe 4 or more available depending on whether we use
them for our guests. Renee will see that they get to the conference site.
 Laura reports that many Idaho people are not staying in the conference hotel.
Wendy will see what information Leonard has on the room reservations.
Next Meeting = Thursday, April 15, 10-10:45