EMF (electromagnetic radiation fields) 電磁場及其人體危害 林高章老師 奇美醫學中心全人科 南台科大生技系 Mobile Phones Can Cause Brain TumorsAccording to Italian Supreme Court • 案例: 60 歲,義大利生意人Innocente Marcolini,每日用手機講電話4-6小時, 連續12年. • 頭痛及下顎痛求診 • 檢查發現三叉神經長瘤,接受手術後造 成左臉麻痹 • 提起訴訟,公司反駁認為無法證明因果 關係 • 最高法院認為有某些causal link (因果關係) • 專家認為此指標判例,未來將會有更多 後續影響. “People must be told the risks” (2012,OCT 19) 螢幕強光直射黃斑部 視力模糊 自由時報( 2013-6-17) • 新竹國泰醫院眼科主任陳瑩山說,上週連續有兩名高三女生,都說「看東西 會歪斜、扭曲」「想看的東西看不到」,由家長緊急帶往看診,由於正逢期 末考,書本與考題內容根本看不到,兩個女生都急哭了,經檢測視力僅剩0.3 左右。還有名高一男生也是同樣情況,但視力驟降到只有0.2,大喊「醫生救 我!」 • 經檢查,3名高中生都是黃斑部嚴重出血,立即施以眼內藥物注射壓制,所幸 出血未再擴散,目前視力已經逐漸恢復當中,3名高中生都說,「沒想到玩手 機這麼傷眼!」 • 兩名高中女生說,期末考前寫報告查資料,都要用到電腦,每晚大約兩小時 ,有時會看電視,但是「重頭戲」是晚上爸媽入睡以後,她們鑽進被窩,才 偷偷開手機玩臉書、LINE跟朋友聊天,甚至玩消糖(Candy Crush)等,一玩又 是近兩個小時。 • 而受傷最重的高一男生,則是酷愛玩手機遊戲,已經到了「愛不釋手」的程 度,白天晚上拚命打,終將眼睛傷害到差點看不到的程度。 • 陳瑩山說,民眾看電視、電腦螢幕,其光線不會正中眼部,但滑智慧型手機 時,因有圖像吸引加上字體小,不僅距離近而且全程直視,於是光線直接對 黃斑部造成燒灼效果,長期燒灼會在眼底產生如結痂的情況,一旦結痂脫落 ,微血管便破裂,變成想看的東西看不到,嚴重時甚至會失明。 •每日講手機安全嗎? •每天滑lines數小時,安全嗎? 手機-具有EMF效應 EMF=磁場+電場=電磁波 (磁場影響>電場影響) 飛機上講手機,會影響飛 行安全嗎? Maria Salomea Skłodowska吸菸有害健康 Curie (居禮夫人)(1867~1934) 通訊問題,而非飛安問題 EMF-可能的風險 EMF 電磁場(波) • Supported by EPA studies, director Michael Halper, stated, “In all my years of looking at chemicals, I have never seen a set of epidemiological studies that remotely approached the weight of evidence that we’re seeing with ELF electromagnetic fields.” • Supported by the California Department of Health Services, in which all DHS scientists believe that EMF can cause some degree of increased risk for childhood leukemia, adult brain cancer, Lou Gehrig’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and miscarriage. Based on research findings in Ellen Sugarman (2008, 4th ed.), Warning: Electricity Around You May Be Hazardous to Your Health 何謂 EMF’s ? (Electro-Magnetic Field) • Produced by power lines- (由電能產生) • Two types of fields – electrical and magnetic-(電場及 磁場) • Electric field depends on voltage and is always present when the line is switched on-(電場-伏特,開關 之on即產生) • Magnetic field is caused by flow and can vary greatly depending on usage.-(磁場由電流大小決定) • Electric fields are stopped by most building materials, but magnetic fields penetrate most materials as if they weren’t there. (電場會被屏障遮蔽,磁場可以穿透屏障). • When cables are buried, the electric field is zero, the magnetic field is high right over the trench(壕溝), but dissipates(消散) rapidly. • Most experts agree that potential health effects are primarily related to magnetic fields(磁場影響>電場). EMF is a Class 2 Carcinogen • IARC, division of the World Health Organization, classified low frequency EMF as a Group 2B carcinogen (cigarettes are in the class). • EPA (1990) had categorized EMF as a Class 2 carcinogen 2B致癌物 • Based on a 25 year longitudinal study in Sweden, EMF was classified as a Class 2 carcinogenic as early as 1989. IARC依科學證據的強弱將人類致癌物質可以 區分為四類 •Group 1:確定為人類致癌物質( Carcinogenic to humans),如:Aflatoxins,Asbestos,Benzene) •Group 2A:或許為人類致癌物質(Probably carcinogenic to humans),如:Formaldehyde, Ultraviolet radiation •Group 2B:可能為人類致癌物質(Possibly carcinogenic to humans ),如:Chloroform,Coffee, 塑化劑,瘦肉精,EMF •Group 3:無法歸類是否為致癌之物質(Unclassifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans) 他山之石~~~ EMF—從過去看現在 • Safe levels for EMF exposure have been set at 2 milli Gauss(2毫高斯). • Property values around transmission lines are reduced by an average of 30%. • Transmission lines emit an average of 100 milli Gauss • The EPA concluded, after a 15 year study, that there was a positive association between EMF and site specific cancer, cancer of the central nervous system, and lymphomas. • Animals, birds, and fish exposed to transmission lines do not migrate properly, have mating cycles disrupted, and fail to eat properly. 1.5T (MRI)=15000G=15000,000mG(15 x10 7 毫高斯) 833毫高斯的重大突破 •12年來導致社會爭議不休的「 電磁波環境建議值」終於有了 重大突破。環保署於2012年11 月30日訂定「限制時變電場、 磁場及電磁場曝露指引」,取 消「環境建議值」的名稱,改 稱「參考位準值(Reference level)」,且明確定義這個 值指的是「短期曝露效應」, 並不是「長期曝露的安全值」 …… 台灣電磁輻 射公害防護 協會的驕傲 Studies cited by power companies that there is no risk from EMF have been reversed • Associations between wire code classification of homes and disease showed no causal effects from EMF • EMF lowers melatonin to a non-beneficial level in the body (low levels predispose one to cancer, stress, and depression) [Dr. Neil Cherry, 1997] • As the steady magnetic field of the earth is 570 mG, and has no measurable adverse effects, it can be assumed that the lower magnetic field levels of power lines would also have no ill effects • ELF causes breast cancer --a cell that is 5% active with cancer will become 95% active after exposure to as little as 5 mG; this is true for both men and women (ELF acts as a co-carcinogen) • A review of 35 international research studies had 33 establish a conclusive link between brain tumors, leukemia, and other forms of cancer. Policy recommendations place a warning not to live any closer than 200 yards of transmission lines. • Russian scientists have done more studies on EMF than any other country, and report EMF is connected with high blood pressure, chronic stress, immune system dysfunction, changes in white and red blood cell counts, metabolic changes, and headaches. (Havas, 2002) • U.S. EMF RAPID program found negative outcomes between EMF and health effects • National Academy of Sciences on EMF “Science can’t prove that anything is safe. But so far we have failed to find a hazard.” Power Company Arguments • Epidemiological studies(流病調查不足) • Bias(偏差) • Manipulation of Statistics(人為統計操作) • Lack of proven pathway for effect(缺少機轉) • Lack of laboratory proof(缺少實驗證據) • Business decision – value of a human life(商業利益) • Public good? (公共益處) EMF 如何影響人體健康 •減少melatonin(美 納托寧)的形成 •減少健康血球 •破壞 DNA 鏈 •改變神經細胞放電 •鈣離子漏出 •改變腦波EEG變化 UCLA研究 (2007) It is impossible to argue, with these findings, that EMF is safe, as the power companies have repeatedly stated. 關於EMF健康研究 • 11 of 65 workers on the 1st floor of a telephone company developed cancer from the electric equipment housed in the room adjacent to their office • A San Francisco elementary school had 22 cases of cancer among staff who worked in the front of the building near overhead high voltage power lines and four pole mounted transformers [Fresno’s Slater elementary school has been closed due to parallel findings.] • Clinical research showed that human cancer cells in a lab experiment exposed to 60hz electric fields proliferated and within one week were cloning six times as fast as normal. • Children whose mothers had used electric blankets during pregnancy showed a 300% increase in brain tumors. EMF-Health effect (127篇) (Pub-Med: 1986~) 證據等級 Meta analysis Randomized Controlled Studies Cohort studies So-far Studies Case Control Studies Case series/Reports Ideas, Editorials, Opinions Animal research In vitro (test tube) research 電磁場及電磁波的可能傷害 聽聽 林杰樑醫師 看法 非游離輻射的健康影響 • 凡是波長小於3nm(10的-9次方公尺)的輻射線例X光及r射線等均屬 於游離輻射,反之波長大於30 nm者例如紫外線、可見光、紅內線、電 磁波等均屬於非游離輻射。非游離輻射按照波長的長短由長到短分別為 • 電力波(大約波長3Mm, 頻率50-60Hz) • 電視波(大約波長3Km; 頻率17-3 1 kHz ) • AM收音機波(大約波長3Km; 頻率535-3705kHz) • VHF電視波(54-88 MHz) • FM收音機波(頻率88-108 MHz) • VHF電視波(頻率174-216 MHz) • UHF電視波(大約波長3m; 頻率470-890MHz) • 微波爐波(大約波長0.3m; 頻率2.45 GHz) • 電話波(頻率3.7-4.2 GHz) • 雷達波(大約波長3cm) • 紅內線波(大約波長1mm-0.76um) • 可見光波(大約波長760nm-380nm)及紫外線波(大約波長400-40nm) 暴露在超極低頻率(SELF, super-extremely low frequency, 0-30Hz)及極低頻率(ELF, 30-300Hz)的電磁波 • 此類電池磁波不會產熱,大多屬於自然界中地球自有的 電磁場,及人為的電力波包括電力工業的變壓器、高壓電 線、一般及屋內電力傳送線結構、及家庭電器使用都合產 生極低頻率(ELF)的電磁波。其可能對生物細胞膜產生作 用而阻斷其離子流動。此範圍的電磁波(ELF)不容易評估 其暴露量不受其他因素扞擾,因此不易研究。 • 其可能的健康影響可能改變細胞對荷爾蒙及細胞神經傳導 物質的反應、扞擾染迤色體物質(DNA; RNA)的傳遞及複製 ,可能會致癌。 • 流行病學調查最有名的是距離電力變壓器轉運站越近,白 血病(leukemia)發生的機率越高。但是最近許多類似的研 究卻沒有一致性的結論,同樣的在從事電力行業的員工多 項研究綜合分析(meta-analyses)發現;高暴露群有輕微的 升高得到白血病的危險; 但無法排除有機溶劑暴露的甘擾 。因此,目前我們只能建議電線結構物可能會輕度增加孩 童白血病的危險。 •除了白血病之外,電磁波也被懷疑與孩童 腦瘤有關。同樣的,多項流行病學的研究 結論也不一致。 •最近一篇綜合分析(meta-analyses)所有研 究的報告指出對電力波(ELF)高暴露群(電 力公司員工)與腦瘤有弱的但非劑量反應 的相關性存在(a weak non-dose related association)。 除此之外,曾有人提出電力波(ELF)可能與 • 乳癌 • 黑色素癌 • 淋巴瘤 • 免疫力降低 • 自殺傾向 有關,但仍缺乏進一步研究證實 •家庭電器使用也會產生ELF電磁波; 到目前為止仍缺 乏健康影響的研究。 •相較於長久暴露於電線、變壓器、轉送站、屋內電線 系統而言,家庭電器如吸塵器、微波爐、吹風機、甚 至電視都只是短暫的接觸,而且電磁波的效應也隨距 離增加而大幅下降,因此傷害較難評估。 •值得注意的是人體須較長時間接觸的電毯、水床加熱 器、及電視、放影機、電腦終端機、電動遊戲等,是 否會影響健康?值得進一步探討。 非游離輻射在電磁波譜上的位置 1.極低頻能量低波常長,以熱效應而言,傷害不大!! 2.但是對於身體易感部份(血球,精蟲,腦細胞..)??? 非游離輻射 • 非游離輻射多屬能量小於10電子伏特(eV)的電磁波, 具備10電子伏特的電磁波其頻率約為2.4×1015赫(Hz) ,其波長則約為0.124微米(μm)。由於此等輻射所具 有的能量並不足以使原子產生離子或自由基,因此稱之 為非游離輻射,包括: 紫外線(主要是波長在200奈米(nm)以上的部分) 可見光 紅外線 微波與射頻輻射 極低頻電磁場 靜電場 非游離輻射之波長與頻率範圍 種類 波長 頻率 部份紫外線 200-400 nm 7.5×105-1.5×106 GHz 可見光 400-700 nm 4×105-7.5×105 GHz 紅外線 700 nm-1 mm 300 GHz-4×105 GHz 1 mm-1 m 300 MHz-300 GHz 1 m-100 km 3 kHz-300 MHz 1,000 -10,000 km 30-300 Hz 微波 射頻輻射 極低頻電磁場 nm=10-9公尺;mm=10-3公尺;km=103公尺;kHz=103赫;MHz= 106赫;GHz=109赫 行動電話基地台與電腦終端機 產生的非游離輻射: 屬於射頻輻射 家電或辦公室設備為室內?的主要來源 極低頻電磁波 極低頻ELF(頻率介於30-300Hz) 電磁波的環境來源 •極低頻電磁場在環境中的主要來源為現代電力系 統(主要為50/60 Hz)。 •室內環境極低頻電磁波的主要來源是屋內所使用 的家電設備以及建築物本身內部的配電系統(還有 -如牆壁內的配電線)。 •戶外極低頻電磁場的來源則是住家附近的電力設 施,如變電所、高壓輸電線、配電線等。 •電焊工人、變電所工作者、影片放映技師、影印 工作者、裁縫師等職業因為工作所接觸或使用的機 器設備必須使用大量電流,因此也屬於極低頻電磁 場的高暴露族群。 變電所與輸配電線為?的主要來源 室外極低頻電磁波 電焊工人、電力工作者是極低頻 電磁場的職場暴露者 •哪個最沒有傷害? ----游離輻射? ----可見光? ----微波? ----射頻? ----低頻? ----極低頻? ----超級低頻? 其實都有傷害 Electromagnetic hypersensitivity-EHS (電磁波敏感症) •世界衛生組織2005公告, EHS約佔報告人口的 3-5%. •頭痛headache,倦怠fatigue,耳鳴tinnitus,頭暈 dizziness,記憶缺失 memory deficits,心律不整 irregular heart beat, and 全身皮膚搔癢 whole-body skin symptoms… •EHS每人的差異性大,表現也不同... •症狀是真實的(非虛構),嚴重度差異即使個人變化 亦大. 都是危害 豈有大小 提出警訊 提醒注意 EMF暴露,對於失智症沒有統計上的影響~~ 然而將暴露分三 級(低中高), 中高劑量暴露者有2X的失智比率~ 體力勞動者(manual workers)失智比例亦為2X~ 結論:職業暴露和早發性失智症有顯著相關性,即使離職後 (2012) Update on key issue (2010-SSM, Stockholm) ELF magnetic fields (of the type that emanates from distribution and use of electricity) are associated with an increased risk of childhood leukaemia in epidemiologic research and have been classified as a possible carcinogen to humans by IARC (WHO‟s International Agency or Research on Cancer). While most research was done one and two decades ago, the association has been confirmed in recent studies. However, experimental and mechanistic research has been unable to find an explanation for this association. Thus, this remains a rather intriguing issue. Particularly during the 1980‟s and early 1990‟s a large number of diseases were studied in relation to ELF but mostly without consistent associations being found. One of those diseases was Alzheimer‟s for which current studies have generated a renewed interest because associations have been reported both in environmental and occupational studies. A causal relationship has not been established, however. This year has seen the publication of the long awaited Interphone study looking at brain tumour risk in mobile phone users. However, the advent of these new data does not change the overall picture being that for up to about ten years of mobile phone use associations with brain tumour risk are unlikely. This conclusion is based on the collective of studies on mobile hone use and brain tumour risk as well as on overall trends (rather lack thereof) in brain tumour statistics. For longer duration of use, for specific subtypes of cancer, and for children and adolescents data are sparse or non-existing, and conclusions are less certain. Available data do not indicate any risks related to exposure to RF from base stations or radio or TV antennas. Taking into account also the low levels of exposure that these sources give rise to, health effects from transmitters are unlikely. While heating remains the only established biological effect from exposure to RF fields, the studies on human volunteers showing effects on EEG in the alpha band are rather interesting and certainly warrant further study. The effects are weak and not associated with any behavioural or health consequences. However, they appear to be mediated by a mechanism other than heating. 歷史上的今天 國際節電日 (Earth Hour) (March 28 pm7:30~8:30) Hundreds of thousands of households worldwide shut off their electrical power for an hour on the night of March 28th. This was in protest of the effects EMF has on the ionization of the atmosphere, destroying negative ions and thereby being a major contributing factor to global warming. 既然 EMF 被證實是有傷害性的~~ 製造更多能源的政策,其實對人類健康和環境 保護沒有益處 1. 傳輸管線地下化. It has been done in Japan, and significantly lowers the electro-pollution. 2. 限制高能源使用者. Set limits of kilowatt usage; once these are exceeded, user must resort to solar power. 3. 制訂法律降低能源浪費. In Japan, all offices must keep their temperature set at 83 degrees, and it has significantly lowered power usage. 對於EMF…. •政府如成立新的輸配線 或新設大型變電箱...等 設施,最好透明化且和居 民溝通. •展現誠意,以免抗爭不斷 •進行問卷或健康評估. •定期告知研究進度. •地下化之深部埋線. 重要的是: 設立預警系統,非等確立 傷害後之補償~~ 敏感體質(EHS)者 更需注意 (部分資料來源來自網路,請勿轉載)