That Is Love!

That Is Love!
Few years ago, I found a puppy in a park near my home, in my childhood. The
lovely dog run up to me with excited on its face at first sight. It had round eyes and
head, short and fat legs and a chubby body. It was so cuddly that I want to hug it
tightly! The eyes it saw me is could not be cute anymore. What a lovely dog! I begged
my mom to let me raise it, she did not promise me because my younger sister had a
pant that time. I was so upset. The thing I could do is go to the park to play with it if I
were free. It has been keeping for a long time. I took it granted just like a routine as
usual, but something bad happened. It was missing! I felt so anxious and sad about
this. I had even dreamed that it came back to me for several times. Few days later, I
hear a piece of heartbroken news, it was hit by a car and died in a miserable way. I
had been crying for a long time. I love it very much. Now, I kelp another dog. I have
my dog ligate because I do not want to see stray dogs anymore. I thought that is love
to my puppy.