104/10/27 4A2c0036 It’s essential to teach phonics to beginning learner. Phonics is...




It’s essential to teach phonics to beginning learner. Phonics is the sounds of letter.

Student can remember the letter sounds. And it can help student to pronounce when they see the word. It combines letters to form. When the students see the new word, teacher doesn’t pronounce the word. We can syllable the word, and teach student how to pronounce the letter. Let students find the methods useful by themselves. It’s progressive in their learning soon. The vocabulary of the syllable is important. It can help student to got the word soon. In my opinion, with low level I will syllabus the vocabulary and teach them how to combine the words. In addition, with high level I will pronounce the word, and students fallow my pronunciation to syllabus the word.

There are many games in the class. I can use the song and chant to teach phonics.

“I spy with my little eye” it’s an interesting game. Therefore, I can create the story to teach phonics. Hangman is very common game, it can practice writing and thinking how to spell it. When I teach vocabulary, I always use flash cards of picture. First, the students guess what the flash card mean. Then tell students the correct of the picture mean. Third, teaching student syllabus the words. Review all of words about three times. We can start play games. For example, match game, bingo, hunt the picture on the board, and so on.
