Impact on the target 對受害者的影響 報告人 : 黃宇禎 學號: NA47Y009 職場霸凌 公開或私下對被霸凌者咆哮、羞辱、威脅。 貶低被霸凌者的努力、能力、尊嚴。 對被霸凌者吹毛求疵,刻意在小事上為難。 刻意誤解、扭曲被霸凌者的言語與行動。 孤立、排擠、冷凍被霸凌者。 主管剽竊屬下工作成果與功勞。 找理由不讓被霸凌者請假。 找理由要被霸凌者加班卻不給加班費。 無故要求被霸凌者離職或退休。 Although some bullying behaviours occur relatively frequently within the workplace and are manageable, they have the ability to negatively affect a person’s health (Mikkelsen and Einarsen 2002) and ability to cope (Leymann 1990), especially when they occur regularly over a period of time. 在工作場所常常發生一些欺凌的行為,雖然說這是很容易管理 地但是相對地來說,這些事件會影響到員工的健康及應變能力 而造成負面的影響。(米克爾森和2002年Einarsen)(1990年 LEYMANN),特別是當這些事件已經常態地持續發生一段時 間了。 The consequences of bullying at work can range from physical harm through to an increase in psychological stress for the recipient (Hadikin and O’Driscoll 2000). 在工作上受到欺凌的後果會讓受到欺壓的人不僅是身體受到傷 害甚至會持續增加其心理壓力(Hadikin和O'Driscoll先生2000 年)。 In a study that demonstrates the severe impact that workplace bullying can have on an individual, Mikkelsen and Einarsen (2002) found that 80.5 per cent of participants reported that ‘no other event in their life affected them more negatively than the bullying’ (p.98). 在一項研究中,說明了工作場所欺凌會對個人造成嚴重的影響, 米克爾森和Einarsen(2002)發現,80.5%的參與者指出, “在他們的生活中沒有其它事件比欺凌帶給他們更負面的影響 (98頁)。 This was despite the reporting of experiences such as accidents, divorce, bereavement and serious illness (Mikkelsen and Einarsen 2002). 這些事件是像如發生意外,離婚,喪親之痛和大病等嚴重(米 克爾森和2002年Einarsen) Furthermore, in a unique study into the metaphors that self- identified targets of workplace bullying use to describe their experience, Tracy, Lut- gen-Sandvik and Alberts (2006) described targets’ feelings of vulnerability and degradation (e.g. feeling like a slave or a prisoner isolated from others; being degraded like an animal; or being treated like a child). 此外,在一個獨特的研究,使用自我確定的目標來描述他們的 經歷,探討隱喻的職場欺凌,Tracy, Lut- gen-Sandvik and Alberts (2006)所描述目標脆弱和退化的感覺就如同“像奴隸或 被同伴孤立的囚犯;退化到像動物一樣,或者被當作一個孩子 般對待)。 Indeed, for the individual experiencing workplace bullying, the impacts can be so pervasive that they may negatively affect not only their ability to function at work but other areas of life as well (Keashly and Harvey 2006). 事實上,對於個人經歷職場欺凌其影響是無所不在地造成的負 面影響不只是影響他們工作的能力甚至是生活上的其他領域。 (Keashly and Harvey 2006). Examples of the wide-ranging impact that workplace bullying can have on a person’s life is demonstrated in its links to the occurrence of stress-related symptoms (Mikkelsen and Einarsen 2001), depression (Niedhammer, David, Degioanni and 143 occupational physi- cians 2006) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Bjorkqvist et al. 1994; Matthiesen and Einarsen 2004, 2002 Tehrani 2004). 職場欺凌比較廣泛影響的例子是可能對一個人的生活有關連的是 會發生與壓力有關的症狀(米克爾森和2001年Einarsen),抑鬱 (Niedhammer,大衛,Degioanni和143職業內科醫生2006年發生) 和創傷後壓力症候群(Bjorkqvist等,1994; Matthiesen和Einarsen 2004年,2002年2004年德黑蘭尼)。 For instance, researchers found that as exposure to bullying increased so too did the risk of depressive symptoms (Niedhammer et al. 2006). 例如,研究人員發現,持續承受不斷地霸凌也是會造成抑鬱症 狀的風險(Niedhammer等,2006)。 Of further concern, researchers found that 76 per cent of 118 targets of workplace bullying displayed PTSD symptoms, with 29 per cent fulfilling the full diagnostic criteria of PTSD (Mikkelsen and Einarsen 2002). 進一步關注,研究人員發現,118個目標中有76%的人在工作 場所被霸凌,在工作場所被霸凌的人顯示出創傷後壓力症候群, 有29%完成PTSD(米克爾森和2002年Einarsen)的完整的診斷 標準。 Workplace bullying has also been associated with other psychological symptoms such as a higher risk of suicide attempts (O’Moore et al. 1998) and clin- ical levels of anxiety (Quine 1999). 工作場所霸凌也與其他精神病chological症狀,如高風險的自 殺未遂(O'Moore等,1998)和臨床上診斷的焦慮(Quine 1999).。 Finally, workplace bullying has been linked to greater longterm health risks through an increase in stress-related behaviours such as smoking, drinking, and excessive eating (Quine 1999; Savva and Alexandrou 1998). 最後,工作場所欺凌經過不斷增加與壓力相關的行為,如吸煙, 喝酒以及而與更大的長期健康風險有關聯(Quine 1999; Savva and Alexandrou 1998)。 Therefore, bully- ing in the workplace can have severe and enduring physical and psychological health conse- quences for those who experience it. 因此,對那些曾經遭遇職場霸凌的人會產生嚴重而持久的生理 和心理健康後果。 感謝聆聽