Schedule for the first two weeks: Speaking Domain

Schedule for the first two weeks: Speaking Domain
D1 08/05 Introduction to ESL/EFL Speaking
D2 08/06 Speaking for Beginning Level Learners
D3 08/07 English Pronunciation I: Vowels + Consonants
D4 08/12 English Pronunciation II: Vowels + Consonants
D5 08/13 Appropriation Activities
D6 08/14 The Board Game Project Due
What is Speaking?
 Language Input (Listening + Reading) vs. Language Output
(Speaking +Writing)
 Speaking (utterances) is the most difficult of the four
language skills. Why?
 Consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to
convey meaning.
 Is an interactive process of constructing meaning that
involves producing and receiving and processing
 Is often spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving.
 BUT is not completely unpredictable.
Units of Language
Linguistic Competence
 Ters help Lers develop Linguistic competences.
 Communicative competence (mid 1970s)
Interact w/ others, make meaning
 Sociolinguistic competence (1980-1990)
Use language appropriately in contexts (ex. register, word
choice, politeness strategies)
 Strategic competence
Use strategies to compensate for gaps in skills and knowledge
 Discourse competence (2000-): how sentence elements are tied
Cohesion (文句中reference一致性), coherence (上下文語意的一致性)
Abstracts for Cohesion+Coherence
 Cohesion
A: Hey, Brian, how’s it going?
B: Wow! I just had a test and it was really hard!
A: Oh, What was the test about?
B: Statistics! All those formulas are so confusing!
A: Yeah, I don’t like that stuff either.
 Coherence
A: Going to the review session?
B: Basketball practice.
Teaching Speaking
 The Grammar-Translation Method
 The Direct Method
 The Audiolingual Method/Audiolingualism
 The Silent Way
 Suggestopaedia
 Community Language Learning
 The Communicative Approach/Communicative
Language Teaching
 Total Physical Response
Assessing Speaking
 Validity
 test what we intended to measure
 Reliability
 consistency between different raters
 Practicality
 Resources we have, ex. time, money, personnel
 Washback/Instructional Impact
 Positive or negative?
Types of Assessment for Speaking
 Direct Tests
 Oral interviews, conversations, unscripted role-plays
 Indirect Tests
 Phoneme discrimination tests
 Conversational cloze tests
 Semi-Direct Tests
 Recording tests (speaking sessions in GEPT)
How to Evaluate Speaking
 Objective Scoring
 Scored by people or computer?
 Only one correct answer?
 Holistic Ratings
 Rating scale?
 Pass or No-Pass/CT or Non CT
 Analytic Ratings
 On sub-skills: vocabulary, grammar pronunciation,