Unit 5 Travel Warm up (Track 110) 1. harbor [ˋhɑrbɚ]:港灣, 海港 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. sights [saɪt]: 名勝, 觀光地 palace [ˋpælɪs]:皇宮, 宮殿 historic [hɪsˋtɔrɪk]:歷史上著名的 statue [ˋstætʃʊ]:雕像, 塑像 carry-on:可隨身攜帶的 luggage [ˋlʌgɪdʒ]:行李 fountain [ˋfaʊntɪn]:泉水; 噴泉; 水源 9. street market:街市 10. resort [rɪˋzɔrt]:常去的休閒度假之處; 名勝 11. royal [ˋrɔɪəl]:王室的;皇家的 12. tropical [ˋtrɑpɪk!]:熱帶的; 位於熱帶的 13. scenic [ˋsinɪk]:風景的; 景色秀麗的 14. due to:由於 15. general[ˋdʒɛnərəl];將軍; 上將 16. souvenir [ˋsuvə͵nɪr]:紀念品, 紀念物 Listening Practice (Track 113) 17. terrific [təˋrɪfɪk]:【口】非常好的, 了不起的 Picture description (Track 114) 18. electronic [ɪlɛkˋtrɑnɪk]:電子的 Speaking Practice (Track 116) 19. Brazil [brəˋzɪl]:巴西 20. tower [ˋtaʊɚ]:塔; 塔樓 21. founder [ˋfaʊndɚ]:創立者 22. revoluation [͵rɛvəˋluʃən]:革命, 革命運動 Short Dialogs (Track 117) 23. Guanajuato:.瓜納華托州 24. relative [ˋrɛlətɪv]:親戚, 親屬 25. site [saɪt]:地點, 場所 Main Dialogue (Track 120) 26. fantastic [fænˋtæstɪk:【口】極好的, 了不起的 27. recommend [͵rɛkəˋmɛnd]:推薦, 介紹 28. bother [ˋbɑðɚ]:煩擾, 打攪 29. rested [ˋrɛstɪd]:休息得好的, 精力充沛的;輕鬆,舒適 Short Talks (Track 122) 30. security [sɪˋkjʊrətɪ]:安全 31. measures [ˋmɛʒɚ]:措施; 手段; 方法 32. strict [strɪkt]:嚴格的; 嚴厲的 33. unattended [͵ʌnəˋtɛndɪd]:沒人照顧的; 未被注意的 34. dorm [dɔrm]:【口】宿舍 (Track 123) 35. spa [spɑ]:溫泉浴場 (Track 124) Listening quiz (Track 125 & 126) 36. charter [ˋtʃɑrtɚ]:(船隻, 巴士, 飛機等的)租賃, 包租; 包機 37. spring break :春假 38. Swiss [swɪs]:瑞士(人)的 39. Alps [ælps]:阿爾卑斯山脈 40. Switzerland [ˋswɪtsɚlənd]:瑞士 41. awful [ˋɔfʊl]:【口】極壞的, 極糟的 42. airsick:暈機的 43. directions [dəˋrɛkʃən]:指示; 用法說明 Wrap up (Track 127 & 128) 44. wild [waɪld]:荒野, 荒地 45. safari [səˋfɑrɪ]:非洲的(狩獵)旅行 46. tips :訣竅 47. keep in mind:記住 48. reserve [rɪˋzɝv]:v. 預約, 預訂;n. 保留地; 保護區; 禁獵區 49. developed [dɪˋvɛləpt]:發達的; 先進的 50. as far as…is concerned:就...而言 51. tourism [ˋtʊrɪzəm]:旅遊, 觀光 52. buffalo [ˋbʌf!͵o]:水牛 53. rhino [ˋraɪno]:犀牛 54. leopard [ˋlɛpɚd]:豹; 美洲豹 55. package [ˋpækɪdʒ]:套裝軟體 56. vary [ˋvɛrɪ]:使不同 57. arrange [əˋrendʒ]:安排; 籌備 58. travel agent [ˋedʒənt]:旅行社職員 59. specialize [ˋspɛʃəl͵aɪz] in :專攻; 專門從事 Pronunciation (Track 133) 1. vain [ven]:愛虛榮的, 自負的, 炫耀的 2. bane [ben]:剋星, 禍根 3. 4. 5. 6. valid [ˋvælɪd]:合法的; 有效的 ballad [ˋbæləd]:民謠, 民歌; 敘事歌謠 valet [ˋvælɪt]:貼身男僕; 僕從 ballet [ˋbæle]:芭蕾舞 7. van [væn]:有蓋小貨車; 箱形客貨兩用車 8. ban [bæn]:禁止; 禁令 9. vest [vɛst]!背心; 馬甲; 防護背心 10. suburb [ˋsʌbɝb]:近郊住宅區 Listening Test (Track 129) 1. surfer [ˋsɝfɚ]:乘衝浪板衝浪的人 2. toss [tɔs]:拋, 扔, 投 3. trail [trel]:(荒野中踏成的)小道 4. carriage [ˋkærɪdʒ]:四輪馬車;嬰兒車;客車廂 5. lift [lɪft]:舉起; 抬起 6. suitcase [ˋsut͵kes]:小型旅行箱; 手提箱 (Track 130) 7. sightsee [ˋsaɪt͵si]:遊覽; 觀光 (Track 131) 8. definitely [ˋdɛfənɪtlɪ]:肯定地; 當然 9. predict [prɪˋdɪkt]:預言; 預料 10. traditional [trəˋdɪʃən!]:傳統的 11. spoil [spɔɪl]:損壞; 糟蹋; 搞糟 (Track 132) 12. cathedral [kəˋθidrəl]:大教堂 13. entrance [ˋɛntrəns]:入口, 門口 14. sculpture [ˋskʌlptʃɚ]:雕刻品, 雕塑品; 雕像 15. located [ˋloketɪd]:坐落的, 位於的 16. patience [ˋpeʃəns]:耐心; 忍耐; 耐性; 毅力 17. board [bord]:上(船, 車, 飛機等) on board:在船, 火車, 飛機上(的) 18. ferry [ˋfɛrɪ]:渡口 19. pier [pɪr]:(凸式)碼頭, 直碼頭; 防波堤 20. departure [dɪˋpɑrtʃɚ]:離開; 出發, 起程 21. confirm [kənˋfɝm]:確認;確定 22. baggage claim:领取行李 23. platform [ˋplæt͵fɔrm]:平臺, 講臺,月臺 24. customs [ˋkʌstəmz]:海關出入境口 25. verify [ˋvɛrə͵faɪ]:核對, 查實; 查清 harbor a place of shelter for ships The ships were left overnight at the harbor. terrific excellent, wonderful I feel absolutely terrific today! expression a look that shows how we feel fountain a structure, often decorative, from which a jet or stream of water issues A palace is a very large impressive house, palace especially one which is the official home of a king, queen, or president. statue a sculpture representing a human or animal I could tell that it was bad news due to the sorrowful expression on her face. dock superb countenance I threw a coin into the fountain and made a wish. The limousine had us at the palace in ten minutes. There was a statue of the country's liberator in the town plaza. mansion sculpture There is a phone revolution occurring with so revolution a complete or radical change of any kind many people making phone calls over the internet. relative members of the family Most of my relatives will attend our party this weekend. family fantastic recommend bother rested very extreme or fanciful The author wrote fantastical tales about unicorns and wizards. to give advice or tell someone to do I recommend stretching every morning right after something that is seen as beneficial you get out of bed. If something bothers you, it worries, annoys, or upsets you. feeling healthy and full of energy because you have had a rest It bothers me when people are disrespectful. I awoke feeling rested and refreshed. Due to the small circumference of her head, she due to on account of security the methods, process, or system that is in New security measures have been put in place at measures place to safeguard someone or something airports to ensure safety. unattended souvenir without the owner present; not being watched or cared for could only wear children's hats. Never leave young children unattended. something one buys or keeps to help I brought some souvenirs back from my trip to remember a holiday or special event Japan to show my class. amazing suggest aggravate reinvigorated because of alone memento I was given the awful assignment of telling an awful terrible; very bad employee that she was no longer needed at our dreadful company. delay airsick to do something later than is planned The plane was delayed due to the bad weather. feeling ill/sick when you are traveling on an I typically get airsick when the plan begins to aircraft descend to the runway. postpone keep in mind reserve developed as far as ~ be concerned rhino to remember a piece of land that is a protected area for animals, plants, etc. to prepare or plan toss none. its nose. Temperatures across the US vary from each region. She arranged for a limousine to pick her mother up from the airport. a place where people go to make flight I visited the travel agency to buy a ticket for my arrangements for a trip holiday in Hawaii. to have expertise in some field or area of study rhinoceros diverse organize He specialized in criminal law. one who engages in the water sport of The surfer got on his surfboard and paddled out surfing to where the waves were rolling into the shore. to throw something into the air refined As far as talent is concerned, he is second to large thick-skinned mammal having one or The large rhinoceros in the book had a horn on two upright horns on its snout reservation thrived. responsibility to help third world countries thrive. arrange surfer verge of extinction like the American Bison, have advances in regards to some specific thing or person recall Thanks to reserves, animals that were on the The developed nations of the world have a to show diversity specialize in information sometime next week. having a large number of technological vary travel agent Keep in mind that there will be a pop quiz on this I tossed the coin into the air to see if it would land on heads or tails. throw trail carriage lift sightseeing definitely a path through a forest or other wild areas The trails in the park were covered with leaves and sticks. track a wheeled vehicle designed for comfort and The carriage took us for a pleasant ride through elegance which was drawn by a horse Central Park. to raise Could you help me lift this box? pick-up the visiting of interesting places, especially Tom and I went on a sightseeing cruise on the by people on holiday Amazon River. absolutely; certainly I definitely do not want to work on a maggot farm. clearly I was quite confused about what the professor confused not having a full understanding was saying, so I raised my hand to ask some uncertain questions. traditional spoil cathedral sculpture relating to very old customs, beliefs or She wore a traditional piece of clothing called a stories 'kimono'. to change something good into something bad, unpleasant, useless, etc. a large, important church or other material restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay ruin Notre Dame cathedral is one of the most famous religious landmarks in France. three dimensional art made of stone, metal, The sculpture was made of stone and looked the ability or willingness to suppress patience Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. customary exactly like the king. Patience is needed when driving through rush hour traffic. statue fortitude board to get on a ship, train, plane, bus, etc. Passengers are waiting to board. departure when a person, vehicle, etc., leaves My departure is scheduled for 3:35pm. get on exit a long low structure built in a lake, river or pier the sea and joined to the land at one end, The boat docked at the pier to pick-up more used by boats to allow passengers to get on passengers. landing stage and off confirm to make sure something is right by checking You need to confirm whether you want to attend it again the party or not. verify