Latin Date Latin Prefix(es) ........ ab, a ........ Definition(s) from, down, away ad, ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, to ar, as, at, a Examples of Prefix(es) abstract, aversion, abject advent, accent, accelerate, affectation, aggravate ........ ambi both ambidextrous, ambiance ........ ante before antecedent, antebellum ........ bi two biennium, bifurcate, bicarbonate ........ circum, circa around, about circumnavigate, circumference ........ com, col, con, cor, co closely along, together, next to, with collusion, coheir, consort, cooperate, compact ........ contra, counter against contradict, contraband, counterfeit ........ de from, down, entirely deplete, demerit, depress, defrost, decline, defunct ........ di, dis, dif away, from, apart different, disburse, digest ........ duo, du two dubious, duet, duplication ........ ex, e, ef, ec, es from, out of, without effervescent, exhale, escape, extradition, eclectic ........ extra beyond extrapolate, extraordinary ........ in, il, ir, im in, into, on infer, induct, incarnate, illuminate, irrigate, imbibe ........ in, il, ir, im no, not, without, non insignificant, illiterate, irresponsible, impossible, imbecile, inappropriate, ........ inter among, between interchange, intervention, intercept ........ intra, intro within, inside of intramural, intrastate, intramuscular ........ milli, mille thousand millennium, millimeter ........ multi, multus much, many multitudinous, multifaceted, multiply ........ non not nonresident, nonconformity ........ ob, o, oc, of, op, against, before, toward, for offer, omit, occur, obscene, oppress ........ omni all, everywhere omniscient, omnivorous, omnificent ........ quadri, quadr four times, four fold quadriceps, quadrisect, quadrivium ........ per through, completely persecute, pilgrim, perfect, pellucid ........ post after, behind postdate, postdiluvian ........ pre before precedent, precept, preposition ........ pro, pur before, for proceed, purport, pursue ........ re back, again recompense, refine ........ retro back, backward retrograde, retrofit ........ se apart, aside seclude, select ........ semi half semicircle, semiprivate ........ sub, suc, suf, sug, sum, under, less than, inferior sup, sur, sus suffer, submarine, succumb, suggest ........ super, supra above, superior, surpassing soprano, superabundance, superintendent ........ trans across, through transcontinental, transit ........ tri three triangle, triceps, Triassic ........ ultra beyond, on other side of ultrasound, ultraconservative Date Latin Suffix ........ -itis Date Definition(s) inflammation Latin Root(s) Definition(s) Examples of Suffix neuritis, conjunctivitis Example(s) of Root(s) ........ acerbus, acris, acuere sharp, to sharpen, needle, bitter acerbate, acupuncture, acuity, acrimony ........ aequare to make equal, even equivocate, adequate, equilibrium ........ aevum age coeval, medieval ........ ager, agri, agro field agrestic, agronomy ........ agere, actum, agitare to act, to do agility, react, agitate ........ alius other, else alias, alienate ........ alter other altercation, adulterate ........ altus high altimeter, exaltation, alto ........ ambulare to walk, to go preamble, ambulatory to love, love, friend amateur, amiable, enamored ........ anima life, soul, breath, mind animosity, inanimate, unanimous ........ annus year biennial, centennial, annual ........ apparere to come forth, be visible apparent, appearance, apparitor ........ aptare, aptus, apere to fit, suitable aptitude, adaptable, ineptitude ........ aqua water aqueous, aquarelle ........ arbiter judge arbitration, arbitrary ........ arbor tree arboretum, arboreal ........ ardere to burn arduous, ardor ........ artis art artifice, artifact, artisan ........ audire to hear audit, audible ........ augere to increase augmentation, augur, august ........ avis bird avionics, aviation, aviary, avian ........ beatus blessed, happy beatific, beatitude ........ bellare, bellum to wage war, war rebellious, bellicose ........ bene well benevolence, beneficent ........ bonus, bon good bonanza, bonny, bon voyage ........ brevis short, brief abbreviate, breviary ........ cadere fall recidivism, cascade, cadaver, decadent ........ caedere, cide to cut, kill incision, pesticide ........ canere, cantare, cantus to sing recant, chant, cantata to take, hold, contain capacious, incipient, intercept participate, capable, captive, conceive, precept ........ ........ ........ amare, amor, amatum, amicus capere, captum, cip, cept ........ caput, capitis head cape, chapter, biceps, capital ........ carnis flesh carnal, carnival, incarnate, carnivore ........ cavare, cavus to make hollow cavernous, cavity, excavate ........ cedere, cessum to go, withdraw, move concession, recede, access ........ centrum center eccentric, concentric, concentrate ........ centum, centi hundred, tenth, ten percent, centimeter, centurion ........ cernere, certus to see as being different, to sift, distinguish discern, secret, certitude ........ civis, civilis citizen, community civic, city, civility ........ clamare, clamor to shout, cry out acclaim, clear, to make clear reclamation clarare, clarus, clarify, clarity, declaration, claret ........ claudere, clausum to shut, close recluse, cloister, enclosure, conclusion ........ clemens mild, merciful clemency, inclement ........ clinare to lean, slope clinometer, incline ........ colare to strain, filter portcullis, percolate, colander ........ colere, cultus to till, care, cultivate cultivation, culture, cult ........ coquere, coctum to cook, to mature precocious, concoction, cook ........ cor, cordis heart courage, cordial, accord ........ corium skin, hide excoriate ........ corona crown corona, coronation, coronary ........ corpus body corporation, corporeal ........ credere, credens to believe, trust credentials, credit, incredible ........ crescere, cretum to grow crescendo, concretism, accretion, increase ........ crimen crime, offense criminology, incriminate ........ cruciare, crux, crucis to torture, cross excruciating, crusade, cruzeiro ........ culpare to blame, fault culpable, exculpate ........ cumulare to heap up cumulative, accumulate ........ curare, cura, curatus to take care of, concern curate, curious, manicure ........ currere, cursus, cour to run, go occur, precursor, concur, course ........ dens, dentis tooth denture, endodontia, dentifrice ........ deus, dei god deify, deity, deism ........ dexter, dextro right, right hand ambidextrous, dextrorotation ........ dicere, dictare to speak, say abdicate, indict ........ dignus worthy, fitting, suitable condign, dignitary ........ dirigere, directus to direct dirge, dirigible, address-- -- -- -- --see "regere" below ........ docere, doctum to teach document, docent, doctrine ........ dominus lord, master danger, domineer ........ domus a dwelling, home domesticity, major-domo ........ donare, do to give, to forgive condone, donation, donor ........ dormire, dorm to sleep dormouse, dormitory ........ ducere, ductum to lead, take, bring abduct, seduction, conducive, duke, education ........ durare, durus to harden, hard obdurate, duress ........ errare, erratum to wander, go astray aberration, err, erratic ........ fabula story confabulate, fable, fabulous ........ facere, factum, fect, fic to make, to do manufacture, sufficient, facsimile ........ fallere to deceive, disappoint fallacious, infallible, fail ........ ferre, latum to bear, to carry relate, confer, referendum ........ ferrum iron ferrotype, ferric, ferrous ........ fervere to boil, glow, rage fervor, effervescent ........ fidere, fidelis, fides to trust, believe, faith perfidy, fiduciary, confidant ........ filius, filia son, daughter (respectively) filial, affiliation ........ finire, finis, fin to end, to limit infinity, finite, confinement ........ firmare to make firm, strengthen affirm, confirmation, firmament ........ figare, fixus to fasten, attach fixative, crucifix, suffix ........ flare, flatus blow deflate, inflation ........ flectere, flexus to bend flexible, deflection, inflection ........ fluere, fluxum, fluctus to flow confluence, fluid, effluvium, influx, flume ........ foedus, fed league confederacy, federation ........ fortis strong fort, comfort, fortify, force ........ frangere, fractum to break fraction, frangible, infringement ........ frater brother fraternal, fraternize ........ fugere, fugitum to flee centrifugal, fugue ........ fumus smoke fumitory, fumarole ........ fundere, fusum to pour refund, diffuse, profound ........ generare, genus1 birth, origin, race, species, kind, to beget, produce generous, generic, gentle, genre, engender, generation ........ gerere, gestum to carry, to bear belligerent, gesture, digest, gestation ........ glomerare to form into a ball conglomeration, glomerulus to know incognito, cognition, ignorant, gnostic ........ gradi, gressus, gradus to step, to walk, a degree progress, graduate, centigrade ........ granum, grani seed, kernel granary, granule ........ gnoscere, cognoscere, gnarus, cognitum ........ gratia, gratus agreeable, favor, thanks congratulate, gratitude, grace ........ gravare, gravis to weigh down, heavy aggravate, gravamen, gravid, grief ........ grex, gregis, gregar flock, herd, to gather into a segregate, congregation gregarious flock ........ habere, habitum to have, hold habit, inhibit ........ haerere to stick coherence, adhere ........ herba grass, herb herbivorous, herbaceous ........ hilarare, hilaris to gladden, merry hilarious, exhilarate ........ homo man homicidal, hominize ........ horrere to shudder, terrible horrendous, abhor ........ hospes guest, host hospice, hostage, hostess ........ ire, itum, itineris to go, journey, walk itinerant, transit, initiate ........ jacere, ject, jactum2 to lie, cast oneself down, to reject, adjacent, eject throw ........ jicere2 to throw between interjection ........ judex, judicare judge judicious, prejudice, judge ........ jungere, junctum to join conjugal, junction, joint ........ jus, juris, jurare law, right, to swear jurisprudence, abjure, perjury, juror, injury, justify ........ juvenis young rejuvenate, juvenescent ........ laborare to work collaborate, elaborate, laboratory ........ lacto, lact milk lacteal, lactose ........ lapis stone lapis lazuli, lapidate ........ latus side lateral, bilateral, collateral ........ laudare, laudatum to praise, glory laudable, allow ........ lavare to wash lavender, laver, lavish, lavabo ........ laxare to loosen, widen relax, laxity ........ legere, lectum3 to read, choose, gather elegant, elite, collect, dialect, legend, select, election, neglect ........ lex, legis, legalis3 law privelege, illegitimate, legislature, lex non scripta, legal ........ liber book libel, libretto ........ liber free libertine, deliberate, liberal ........ ligare to bind allegiance, ally, oblige, ligature ........ lingua tongue, language linguistics, lingual, language ........ littera letter obliterate, literature, letter, literati ........ locare, locus to place, place dislocate, allocate, local ........ loqui, locutus speak, talk soliloquy, loquacious, circumlocution to shine, light translucent, Lucifer, luminous ........ ludere, lusum, ludus to play, to mock illusion, interlude, ludicrous ........ luna moon lunate, lunatic, lunation, lunula ........ magnus, magna great magnanimous, Magna Carta ........ malus, mal bad, evil, wrong malevolent, malfeasance, grand mal ........ mandare, mando to order, to command mandate, commandment, mandarin ........ manus, mani, man hand emancipate, manifest, manumit ........ mare sea mariner, aquamarine, mare ........ mater mother alma mater, maternity ........ mecari to trade, buy merchant, market ........ medius, medio middle medieval, intermediary ........ mens mind mention, mentation ........ migrare to move from one place to another migratory, emigrant ........ lucere, lux, lucis, lumen ........ militare to serve as soldiers demilitarize, militia ........ mille thousand millennium, millivolt ........ minimus, minor least, small minimal, minimize, minute ........ mirare, miror, mirari to look at, to wonder at miracle, mirage, admiral ........ mittere, missum to send, let, go emissary, remit, admittance, commissary ........ monere, monitus to warn monitor, admonition ........ morbus disease morbid, morbilli ........ mordere, morsun to bite morsel, remorse, mordacious ........ moris manners, customs morality, mores ........ mors, mortis, mori deather, to die post-mortem, mortgage, mortmain ........ movere, motus to move locomotive, motion, motor ........ multus much, many multiply, multimedia ........ mutare, mutatum to change molt, mutation ........ nascor, natus to bear, to born native, prenatal, nature, renaissance ........ negare, negatus to deny negation, abnegate ........ nihil nothing annihilate, nil ........ nocere to harm, injure innocent, innocuous, obnoxious to name, name nominate, misnomer, nomenclature ........ norma rule normative, enormity ........ notare to mark, note notation, notary, connotation ........ novus new renovate, novice, nova ........ nox, noct night equinox, noctuid ........ nullus none annul, nullifidian ........ numerus number enumerate, supernumerary, numerology ........ nuntiare, nuntius to report, tell, messenger nuncio, renounce ........ oculus eye monocle, binocular ........ opus, operari work, to work magnum opus, opera, operative ........ parare, par, pari to make equal, equal disparate, parity, peer ........ passus, pati suffer patient, passive ........ pater father paternoster, patronize ........ pax, pacis peace pacific, appease ........ pedis, pes foot expedition, pedicel ........ pellere, pulsus to drive, driven compel, expel, propellant, pulsate to weigh, hang, weight impending, compendium, appendage, expenditure to rush at, seek impetuous, petulant, petition ........ ........ nominare, nomen, nominis pendere, pensare, pendulus ........ petere ........ placare, placidus, placere to soother, gentle, to please placate, implacable, placebo, please ........ plaudere, plauseum to clap, applaud plaudit, implode ........ plenus full plenipotentiary, replenish, plenty ........ plere, pletum to fill expletive, replete to fold reply, implicate, complicate, explicate, plait ........ plicare, plicatum, plicit, ply ........ plus, pluris more pluriaxial, plurality, surplus ........ ponere, positum to place position, opposite, depot ........ populus people popularity, populace ........ portare, port to carry portage, export ........ portio share, portion apportion, proportion ........ potens, potentis powerful potentate, potentiometer to seize, take hold apprentice, reprehensible ........ pressus pressed down depress, oppress, impress ........ pretiare, prec to value depreciation, precious, price ........ primus, primatis first primordial, prima facie ........ privare separate, peculiar privilege, deprive ........ probare, probatum to prove, test probation, prove ........ proximus nearest approximate, proximity ........ pugil, pugnare boxer, to fight repugnant, pugilist ........ prehendere, prehensum ........ purgare to clean purge, purgatory, expurgation ........ putare to think, estimate computer, reputation ........ quaerere, quaesitus to ask, seek exquisite, inquisition, conquer, quest ........ radius ray radiation, radian ........ radix root radicle, radical, eradicate ........ rapere to seize rapture, surreptitious, usurp, ravish fixed by calculation reason, ration right, to make straight erect, rectitude, rectus ........ regere, rex, regis4 to rule, king regency, regal, corrigible, regimen, direct, rule, regular ........ ridere, risum to laugh derision, ridicule ........ rogare, rogatum to ask arrogance, rogation, interrogate ........ rotare, rotatus, rota to turn, wheel, turned rotation, rotary, rotor ........ rumpere, ruptus to break, broken rupture, interrupt ........ sacer, sacrare5 holy, to make holy consecrate, sacrifice, sacrarium wise, to taste, know sage, sagacious, sapient ........ sal salt salimeter, saline ........ salire, saltum to leap, jump sally, saltatory, resile, result ........ salvare to save save, salvation, salvage ........ sanctus5 holy sanctity, sanctuary, sacrosanct ........ sanguis blood sangria, sanguine, consanguinity ........ sanitas, sanatorius health, healthy sanitation, sanitarium ........ satis, satiare enough, to fill full sated, insatiable, satisfaction ........ scandere to climb ascend, descendant, ascension ........ scire, sciens to know, knowing omniscient, science ........ scribere, script to write, the thing written describe, subscription, scribe ........ ratus ........ regere, rectus ........ 4 sagax, sagacis, sapare ........ secare, sect to cut intersection, secateurs ........ sedere, sess to sit sediment, sedan, session, president ........ seminare, semen to sow, seed seminal, disseminate, seminary ........ sentire, sensum to feel, perceive consent, sensible, sentient ........ sepsis putrefaction, poison septic, septicemia, aseptic ........ sequens, sequi to follow, following prosecute, second, sequential, pursue, non sequitur ........ signare, signum to mark out assignation, consignment ........ similare, simulare to make like, to feign similar, facsimile, simulation, assimilate ........ socius, sociare companion, to join social, society, association ........ sol sun solar, solstice ........ solare, solus to make lonely, alone solo, solitary ........ solvere, solutum to loose solvent, dissolute, soluble ........ somnus sleep somnolent, somniloquy ........ sonus sound dissonance, unison, sonorous ........ sors, sortis lot, a share sort, consortium to look at, see perspicacity, specify, spectacle, retrospect, prospect, perspective ........ spirare to breathe spirit, aspirator, expire, inspiration, respiration, aspire ........ spondere, sponsus to pledge, promise spouse, correspondence ........ stare, stet, stat to stand stable, establish, statue, superstition, distant ........ stellare, stella to shine, star constellation, stelliferous ........ stringere, strictum bind, draw tight astringent, constriction, strict ........ struere, structus build, arrange, pile up misconstrue, instruct, instrument ........ surgere, surrection to rise, risen insurgency, resurrection ........ tangere, tactus to touch tangent, tactual ........ tegere, tectus to cover, covered integument, detection, protect ........ temperare, tempus time tense, contemporize, temper ........ tendere, tent to stretch, strain, thin pretentious, tenuous, contend, tend, tense ........ tenere, tain to hold pertain, abstinence, tenacious, tenant ........ tentare, tent to touch, try tentacle, tentatively ........ terminus limit, end, boundary determine, terminator ........ terra earth terra firma, terrace ........ torquere, tortum to twist, twisted contortionist, extort, torsion, torque ........ tradere to deliver extradite, tradition, treason ........ trahere, tract to draw, drawn subtract, tractable, protract to assign, allot, pay tributary, attribute, distribute ........ trudere, trusus to thrust, thrust intrusion, protrusile ........ toxicare, toxicum to smear with poison toxic, toxoplasmosis, toxicology ........ tumere to swell tumescence, tumult, contumelious ........ turbare, turba to disturb perturb, turbid ........ unus, uni one union, unipetalous ........ urbs, urbanus city exurb, urbanologist ........ ........ specere, spectum, spic tribuere, tributus, tribus ........ vacare, vacuus to be empty, empty vacuity, vacuous, evacuate ........ vagari to wander extravagant, vagaries ........ valere, validum to be strong, to have worth valor, valid, evaluate ........ velle, volens wish, willing volition, velleity ........ verbum word proverb, verbatim ........ venire, ventum to come revenue, convention, advent, contravene ........ vertere, versum to turn, change, incline vertigo, verse, introvert, versatile, anniversary ........ verus true verily, verify, very ........ vestire to dress vestment, divest, investiture ........ via way pervious, viaticum ........ videre, visum see, look, provide provident, visible, supervise ........ vincere to overcome, conquer invincible, convince, victor ........ violare, violatus to violate violation, inviolate ........ vir man triumvirate, virago ........ vita life vitality, vitamin ........ vivere, vita to live, life revive, viviparous, vonvivial to call, voice vociferous, convocation, irrevocable, revoke ........ volvere, volutum turn involve, revolt, devolve ........ vorare to devour voracious, carnivore, omnivorous ........ vocare, vocatum, vox