(By 邱鈺婷) What’s your dream?

(By 邱鈺婷)
角色 1 本地學生:
What’s your dream?
角色 2 國際學生:
Well, Someday I’m going to visit new places.
角色 1 本地學生:
Really? Why?
角色 2 國際學生:
I want to experience different cultures.
角色 1 本地學生:
Where’s a place you’d like to visit, for example?
角色 2 國際學生:
I’m really interested in Venice. I want to know more about Venice.
角色 1 本地學生:
Venice? Oh… Venice is a very famous and beautiful city, I guess.
角色 2 國際學生:
Right! I hope someday I can live in Venice, just to enjoy the city, the
food, and the scenery.
角色 1 本地學生: So you have to save money first, right?
角色 2 國際學生: Yes, I guess so.
角色 1 本地學生: Hope your dream come true!
角色 2 國際學生: Thanks. I hope so , too.