Uploaded by Sandra Gerrits

Venice Tourism Case Study: Should Tourists Be Banned?

Has tourism killed Venice? We visited
during the busiest month of the year
to find out​ ​(click on link)
Make a ​Copy of this Document​: This is now your copy in ​your Google Drive​. Make
sure you give me access to it so I can follow your work progress. Name it
“yourname_venice case study”
Ask for help or an explanation any time you need it!
At the end of this document you have to write a 450-500-word mini-essay on Venice.
Essay statement: Friday 16 November
Draft Essay: Friday 23 November
Final Essay: Tuesday 4 December
Jot​ notes below:
Explore each of the links below and record
your thinking in the second column. Use as
much space as you need!
Some ideas: What did you find most
interesting? What do you want to know
more about? What surprised you most?
How does it link to our T&T topics?
Summarize some key points from an article
or video
Created by ​@kellyihilton ​and ​@SARAHLANDIS​ for ​@schoogleacademy​ adapted by Ms
Explore Venice with ​Google Treks
Venice​. It is an interactive document so
you can really spend some time on it.
Read this ​Time
to do in Venice
Out​ article about things
Watch this ​vlog​ about Venice or ​this
one ​(or both). They are very different but
they will give you a basic idea about why
people visit.
Tech tip: you can ‘slow down’ videos by
going to ‘setting’, select ‘speed’ and change
it to 0.75. It might make the video much
easier to understand without being to slow.
This is an ​Expedia travel video
about Venice.
There are downsides as well:
‘Imagine living with this crap’: tempers
in Venice boil over in tourist high
Italy: Cruise Trippers Unwelcome |
European Journal​ ​which should be
followed up by thi​s ​article
Venice restaurant bill outrages
Japanese tourists
And its follow up
Venice restaurant that hit tourists
with £1,000 bill faces £17,000 fines
Created by ​@kellyihilton ​and ​@SARAHLANDIS​ for ​@schoogleacademy​ adapted by Ms
An older one, slightly longer and very
informative ​article
And​ ​here​ ​is another example of
overpriced food
This video​ gives a good balanced view
and mentions some positives as well as the
negatives clearly
This​ ​article talks about the visitor numbers
to Venice and how to manage visitor flow
effectively (data from 2014)
Some solutions that are under
A step too far? Venice is considering a
‘sitting ban’ in public spaces
​ enice to divert giant cruise ships
away from historic centre
Watch one or more of these extra videos
about some of the problems Venice has
with tourists
Money Talks: Tourist overflow in
Venetians say tourists are damaging
their city
The article ​here ​talks more about Venice and
how the city was built
Created by ​@kellyihilton ​and ​@SARAHLANDIS​ for ​@schoogleacademy​ adapted by Ms
Book a rowing lesson in ​Venice
Longer but definitely worth watching
The Tug-of-War Between Venice's
Council And Public
Learn about the Venice Carnival in this
article​ and this ​video.
This article gives a good overview of the
history of tourism in Venice​. It also is a
good example of an essay though a longer
and more academic read.
Here is Venice’s entry on the ​Unesco
World Heritage​ list
Her is an National Geographic article on
Venice from ​someone who lives there
Here is your essay question:
Created by ​@kellyihilton ​and ​@SARAHLANDIS​ for ​@schoogleacademy​ adapted by Ms
Should tourists
be banned from
Watch this ​video​ on how to write a thesis
statement (or in our case an essay
You can follow the outline here or create your own.
a) Introduction
Show me your essay statement and draft
Introduction statement:
outline before you make your first draft Essay statement:
in the next section.
b) Body
First supporting idea (topic sentence):
Supporting details:
Second supporting idea (topic sentence):
Supporting details:
c) Conclusion
Conclusion statement:
Write a 450 - 500 words mini-essay in the
column on the right-hand side. Make every
word count (so spend time on your answer).
Add the total #of words at the bottom of
your draft. Points will be taken if you’ve
used too many or not enough words.
Have a friend check your work for you
before you let me give the feedback.
Created by ​@kellyihilton ​and ​@SARAHLANDIS​ for ​@schoogleacademy​ adapted by Ms
Here is a good ​video​ on a basic structure
Here is a good (though slightly longer)
video​ about essay writing.
This will be your ​grading rubric​ (it’ll be view
only but you can make a copy if you like)
Here is a good start on how to write a
mini-essay​ (the research question is given
so you need not worry about that)
Here is an ​essay map ​to help you organise
your thoughts. Or use this ​burger example
or this ​PEEL-example​. These are just
examples and you can use whatever works
for you.
Use the space on the right-hand side to
rewrite your essay after feedback.
This time you need to write between
450-500 words. ​Add the total #of words
at the bottom of your draft.
Writing tip: read your writing ‘out loud in
your head’. This is a tip that is even used in
university. By reading out loud (softly or ‘in
your head’) you find mistakes much faster.
Our brain knows what we have written and
often ‘reads over’ mistakes.
Created by ​@kellyihilton ​and ​@SARAHLANDIS​ for ​@schoogleacademy​ adapted by Ms