2.Renewable Energy 再生能源 1 energy”, but only one, hydro-electric generation has


2.Renewable Energy 再生能源

壹 . Translate into Chinese



Sun,wind,rivers or tides can all be used as” renewable energy”, but only one, hydro-electric generation has been significantly utilized so far

翻譯 1:太陽、風、河流或潮水都能被用來當再生能源,但水力發電比較大量被使用。

2. Hydro-electric power, using the potential energy of rivers, now supplies 19% of world electricity

翻譯 2:水力發電(藉由水的位能來發電)供應現今全球用電量的 19%。

3. Hydro capacity is normally applied to peak-load demand , because it is so readily stopped and started.

翻譯 3:水力發電通常被適用於用電的尖峰時段,因為它容易被啟動和關閉。

Demand : The supply of vegetables falls short of demand this year.

翻譯 3-1:今年的蔬菜供不應求。

4 . Most sites with potential have either been exploited already or are unavailable for other reasons such as environmental considerations.

翻譯 4:大多數有潛力的位置不是已被開發就是環境因素的考量而無法使用。

Exploit: 開發 a.

They are exploiting the oil under the sea

翻譯 4-1:他們正開採海底石油。 b.

He is accused of exploiting child labor

翻譯 4-2:他被指控剝削童工。

5. Wind turbines have been used for household electricity generation in conjunction with battery storage over many decades in remote areas.

翻譯 5:數 10 年來,在偏遠的地區風力發電機結合了蓄電池被用來做家用發電。

6. There are now many thousands of wind turbines operating in various parts of the world, with a total capacity of over 20 ,00MWe, and more than 10% of electricity comes from wind in Denmark

翻譯 6:現今有數以千計的風力渦輪發電機在世界各地運作著,總供應電量超過 200 億

瓦,在丹麥有超過百分之 10 的電力來至於風力。

7. Under ground water can be pumped to very hot regions of the earth’s crust and heated to produce steam. Then, the steam will be tapped and brought to the surface for electricity generation

翻譯 7:地下水可以被抽進地殼中炎熱的地方加熱而產生蒸氣。然後,蒸氣將被接至地面


Tapped: 接通 ( 總水源等 ) : a.

They tapped the water main to supply the new residential quarters.

翻譯 7-1:他們接通了水管為新的住宅區供應水。


開發 The scientists are thinking of a new way of tapping the solar energy

翻譯 7-2:科學家們正想著 1 種新的使用太陽能的方法。

8. During off-peak hours and weekends, by using the excess base-load capacity from coal or nuclear sources, water can be pumped to a high storage dam , and then used for hydro-electric generation during peak hours.

翻譯 8:在用電的離峰時刻或週末時,借由使用燃煤或核能的過剩基載容量,將水送往較


Excess: 過量 , 過剩 a.

She jogs every morning to get rid of her excess weight

翻譯 8-1:為了減肥,她每天早晨慢跑。 b.

An excess of rain caused severe floods

翻譯 8-2:過量的雨水,造成嚴重的水災。

9. In general , renewable energy sources emit no carbon dioxide or other air pollutants

翻譯 9:1 般來說,再生能源不會製造 2 氧化碳和其他空氣汙染。

10. However it is necessary to get a much larger space due to their relatively lowintensity energy

翻譯 10:然而,它們相當低強度的能源是非常需要大的空間。

Intensity( 電、熱 ) 強度 the intensity of the light

翻譯 10-1:光的強度。

The poem showed great intensity of feeling

翻譯 10-2:這首詩表現出強烈的情感。

11. Nowadays, energy resources that have been exploited for commercial large-scale electricity generation are fossil fuels (coal:39%; oil:10%) , hydro(19%),nuclear(16%) and natural gas(15%).

翻譯 11:現今,已被開發的能源用於商業大規模發電的有石化燃料(煤:39%;油:10%),水


12. Carbon dioxide does pose a significant environmental threat in the coming future if fossil fuels are consumed even at present levels

翻譯 12:假如石化燃料以現在的量繼續被消耗的話,在未來 2 氧化碳會對環境造成嚴重


13. acid rain caused by the release of sulfur dioxide results in severe damage to lakes, rivers and forests even far from the site of the power station

翻譯 13:酸雨是由 2 氧化硫的釋放所造成的,酸雨導致湖泊、河流和森林嚴重的破壞,

發電廠也 1 樣的被破壞。

Damage : 損害 The earthquake caused great damage

翻譯 13-1:地震造成了嚴重的損害。



We are suffering from a severe shortage of fuel

翻譯 13-2:我們正遭受嚴重的燃料短缺。

14. Most of the spent fuel can be recycled and only 3% is high-level radioactive waste which needs to be incorporated into borosilicate glass to solid ify the waste

翻譯 14:大部分被使用過的燃料都可以被回收,只有百分之 3 的高放射性廢料需要被混


 spent


Why do you keep those spent matches?

翻譯 14-1:為甚麼你要留著那些用過的火柴呢?

Incorporate 使混合 incorporate a chemical substance with others

翻譯 14-2:把化學物質和其他物質混合在一起。
