Ch 8 Reliability of Instrument

Ch 8 Reliability of Instrument
Measures the extent to which the instrument yields
consistent results when the variable (s) and / or
characteristics being measured haven’t changed.
Types of Instrument Reliability
Stability Reliability
Alternate Form Reliability
Internal Consistency Reliability
Stability Reliability
AKA test-retest reliability
 Consistency of measurement over time
 Classification consistency
Alternate Form Reliability
The consistency of results between different forms of
the same test
 Score Correlation
 Difficulty
What will happen if you combine stability
reliability and alternate form reliability?
Determining Test Difficulty
Field testing
Internal Consistency Reliability
The degree to which all items on the test measure
assessment domain consistently
Spearman Brown
2x reliability of ½ test
 Reliability
1+reliability on ½ test
K-R20 and K-R21
 K-R21=
 M (K  M ) 
K  1 
Ks 2
Used with dichotomous items (eg: yes/no answers)
 K= number of items on test
 M= mean of the set of test scores
 S= standard deviation of the set of scores
Standard Error of Measurement
S e = S x 1  rxx
An index of the consistency of an individual’s test
 An estimate of how an individual’s score would vary if
they took the test again
 Confidence interval or band
Ways to Insure Reliability
Establish criteria ahead of time to base any decisions on
 Be consistent in the way you administer the instrument
 Anyone assisting in the research should be well trained