Brown, D. H. (2007). Principles of language learning and teaching. (5th ed.). White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Jamie & Candace 黃玉芳 & 謝佩如 Professor: Dr. Ming-Lung Yang (Roger) Date: Oct 23, 2010 Preview Process, Style, and Strategy Learning Styles - Field Independence - Left-and Right-Brian Dominance - Ambiguity Tolerance - Reflectivity and Impulsivity - Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Styles Autonomy, Awareness, and Action Process, Style, and Strategy Process: behaviors, types of learning, needs, neural connections and emotional sets Style: general characteristics of intellectual and emotional functioning Strategies: specific methods or techniques for approaching a problem Learning Styles - Field Independence & Field dependence FI FD Deductive Inductive Holistic Language learning Analytical (grammar, form) Integrative Details Focus on meaning Mastering of exercise Drills Focused activities Affective Independent Socialized Competitive empathic Self-confident Derive self-identity from others Perceptive of other people Type of society and home Democratic, industrialized, competitive society, freer rearing norms Authoritarian, agrarian societies, socialized, strict rearing practices 認知類型之父 魏特金 Herman A. Witkin 美國心理學家(1916~1917) 提出「場獨立」與「場相依」兩種典型的認知 風格 嵌圖測驗 EFT(Embedded Figure Test ) 克服隱藏內容的知覺辨析能力 別名:隱圖測驗、藏圖測驗(1971) 比分是平均時候在幾秒鐘內查出簡單的形式。 看簡圖隱藏在繁圖的何處。 能辨認準確者,屬場獨立型。 棒框儀測驗 RFT (rod and frame test) 在一個暗視場具亮框和亮棒。 棒在框的內部,二者皆可單獨作順時針或逆時針調節 對語言學習的影響 場獨: 對純理工較吃香。 應用題之計算--理性 分析型:重視文法及格式 場依: 對人文科目較吃香。 實際生活的問題解決--感性 綜合型:重視整體意義的理解 Left-and Right-Brian Dominance Left Right Logical Remembers visual Analytical thought Tactile Mathematical Auditory images Linear processing of information Holistic Separate words Integrative Gathering the specifics of language Emotional information Classification Whole images Labeling Generalization reorganization Metaphors Artistic expressions Deductive style of teaching Inductive style of teaching Corpus collosum胼胝體 我們的大腦一樣是由兩半,左大腦和右腦。 有一個胼胝體corpus collosum把左右 兩個獨立部份連在一起。 胼胝體是哺乳動物大腦的一個重要白質帶。它連接大腦的左右兩個半球。胼胝體是 大腦最大的白質帶,其中約包含2-2.5億個神經纖維。大腦兩半球間的通信多數是 通過胼胝體進行的,胼胝體corpus collosum可被視為一個以電纜或網絡 連接兩個 不可思議的速度和無比強大的計算機處理器(左右腦),每個每個左右腦接受相同的 資料,但卻以自己不同的程式運行。較為低級的脊椎動物,例如單孔目和有袋類的 動物沒有胼胝體。 胼胝體最後側的部分叫做壓部(Splenium),最前側的部分叫做膝部(Genu)。壓部 和膝部之間的部分一般稱為主體(Body)。胼胝體喙部(Rostrum)指的是壓部下 方向後延伸的部分。與胼胝體相鄰的大腦皮質稱為扣帶皮層。胼胝體內的纖維包含 連接大腦兩半球各個葉的纖維。比如胼胝體前部主要包含連接兩側額葉的纖維,後 部主要包括連接兩側枕葉和頂葉的纖維。 腦: 胼胝體 從下方看人腦胼胝體。圖的上方對應於腦的前部。(圖一) 人腦的中矢面。胼胝體位於中央附近,顯示為淺灰色(圖二) Ambiguity Tolerance: a style, withstand or manage a high degree of uncertainty in a linguistic context 1. Excess tolerance 2. Intolerance Reflectivity: take a relatively long time to make a decision or solve a problem Impulsivity: make quick decisions in answer to problems Visual Styles: prefer reading and studying Auditory Styles: prefer listening Kinesthetic Styles: prefer demonstrations and physical activity Autonomy: individual effort and action Awareness: conscious attention Action Preview Strategies - Learning Strategies - Communication Strategies Avoidance Strategies Compensatory Strategies Strategies-Based Instruction - Identifying Learners’ Styles and Strategies - Incorporating SBI into the Language Classroom - Stimulating Strategic Action Beyond the Classroom Strategies - Learning Strategies (deal with input) - Communication Strategies (output) Avoidance Strategies Compensatory Strategies Question How do you learn English? What strategies do you use in listening, speaking, reading and writing? Learning Strategies Table 5.2. O’Malley Metacognitive Strategies one’s “executive”, involve planning, thinking, monitoring, and evaluating Cognitive Strategies learning tasks involve direct manipulation of the learning material itself Socioaffective Strategies social-mediating activity and interacting with others Metacognitive Strategies (P134) Advance organizers 預習計畫 Directed attention 直接性注意 Selective attention 選擇性注意 Self-management 自我管理 Functional planning 功能性的計畫 Self-monitoring 自我監控 Delayed production 延緩的表達 Self-evaluation 自我評估 Cognitive Strategies (P134-135) Repetition Imagery Resourcing Auditory representation Translation Keyword Grouping Contextualizaiton Note taking Elaboration Deduction Transfer Recombination Inferencing Socioaffective Strategies communication strategies Cooperation Question for clarification Metacognitive Strategies planning----monitoring----evaluating | | | socioaffective (communication strategies) cognitive Communication Strategies Source: Adapted from Dornyei 1995, p.58) Avoidance Strategies Compensatory Strategies Avoidance Strategies (P138) Message abandonment Topic avoidance Syntactic, lexical, phonological avoidance past tense / science …. Compensatory Strategies(P138) Circumlocution Ex: corkscrew, paddle Approximation Ex: ship-sailboat Use of all-purpose words Ex: stationery--stuff, thing Word coinage Ex: vegetarianist for vegetarian Prefabricated patterns Ex: I don’t speak English. Nonlinguistic signals Ex: gesture, facial expression, sound Literal translation Ex: try try see, long time no see Foreignizing Ex: Chan Chu Nai Cha (珍珠奶茶) Code-switching Ex: unconscious / conscious Appeal for help Ex: What do you call…..? Stalling or time-gaining strategies Ex: well, uh, as you know, let’s see…. Strategies-Based Instruction “teaching learners how to learn” goal: the facilitation of the autonomy Oxford’s strategy classification system (P141-142) Direct Strategies: Memory, Cognitive, Compensation Strategies Indirect Strategies: Metacognitive, Affective, and Social Strategies Question Has your teacher ever been to offer you some strategies for learning English? Does any successful strategies for achieving autonomy? Identifying Learners’ Styles and Strategies Method: self-check questionnaire Most widely used: Oxford’s (1990a) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) teachers must help learners be aided in putting certain strategies into practice Other forms: self-reports through interviews Diaries and journals Think-aloud protocols Student portfolios Incorporating SBI into the Language Classroom The manifestations of SBI: 1. Checklists / other forms 2. offer the suggestions, personal experiences 3. put the results of a style questionnaire (Figure 5.2) -- no advance “coaching” -- discussion 4. embed strategy awareness and practice into their pedagogy (ex. Table 5.4) style questionnaire Lower inhibitions Encourage risk taking Build self-confidence Develop intrinsic motivation Engage in cooperative learning Use right-brain processes Promote ambiguity tolerance Practice intuition Process error feedback Set personal goals Stimulating Strategic Action Beyond the Classroom Not limited to the classroom Successful learners: self-motivated efforts to extend learning Achieve toward autonomy Teachers’ help: raising their conscious awareness of styles and strategies aids them in the authentic use of language ‘out there”