The Macromolecules of the Cell • Proteins • Nucleic Acids • Polysaccharides

The Macromolecules of the Cell
Nucleic Acids
• The monomers are amino acids
• The polymers are polypeptides and proteins
• Several kinds of bonds and interactions are
important in protein folding and stability
• Protein structure depends on amino acid
sequence and interaction
Several kinds of bonds and interactions are
important in protein folding and stability
Disulfide bond
Hydrogen bond
Ionic bonds
Van der Waals interactions (force)
Hydrophobic interaction
Primary (1°) structure
• Specific linear sequence of amino acids in chain;
all levels of structure are ultimately determined by
the primary level
– Amino acid sequence contains mostinformation
needed to specify protein 3D shape & thus its
function; changes in sequence resulting from
mutation may not be readily tolerated
– first was protein hormone insulin determined
by Sanger & coworkers, Cambridge, early
Secondary (2°) structure
• Form hydrogen bond between imino group (-NH-:
亞硝酸胺) and carbonyl group (-CO-)
• α-helix - backbone assumes form of cylindrical,
twisting spiral; backbone inside helix, R groups
project outwards
– Seen in X-ray diffraction patterns of actual
proteins in 1950s
• β-pleated sheet- consists of several polypeptide
segments lying side-by-side; the backbone of each
segment of polypeptide adopts a folded or pleated
Tertiary Structure
• Tertiary (3°) structure is the conformation of entire
protein; results from (intramolecular) noncovalent
interactions between R groups
– X-ray crystallography
– NMR spectroscopy– 3D structure of small
proteins (<30 kDa)
– Most proteins have both α-helix & β-pleated
sheet; triosephosphate isomerase mostly β -sheet
• Fibrous proteins
– Collagens & elastins of connective tissue,
keratins (hair, skin, fingernails), silk
• Globular proteins– most proteins in cell
– Myoglobin - storage site for O2 in muscle tissue
Quaternary Structure
• Quaternary (4°) structure is the linking of polypeptide
chains to form multisubunit functional protein via
intermolecular R group interactions
• May be linked by disulfide bonds, but more often
noncovalent bonds (hydrophobic, H bonds, etc.) like
hydrophobic patches on complementary surfaces of
neighboring polypeptides
• Chains may be identical or nonidentical
– Protein composed of 2 identical subunits homodimer
– Protein composed of 2 nonidentical subunits heterodimer
The Macromolecules of the Cell
 •
Nucleic Acids
The Macromolecules of the Cell
• Proteins
• Nucleic Acids
 • Polysaccharides
• Lipids
• Carbohydrates comprise a group of substances,
including simple sugars (monosaccharides) & larger
molecules made from them
– Serve primarily as chemical energy storehouse &
durable building material for biological
– Most have general formula (CH2O)n
• Important ones in cell metabolism have from 3
to 7 carbons (n = 3 - 7)
• Trioses, tetroses, pentoses, hexoses, & heptoses
- 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 carbons, respectively
The Macromolecules of the Cell
 •
Nucleic Acids
• Composed principally of C, H & O - not macromolecules,
but aggregate to form large complexes
• Triglyceride (neutral lipid, fats, triacylglycerol) - serves
as lipid storage form for fuel (stored in adipocytes)
• Fatty acids - long, unbranched hydrocarbon chains with
single carboxyl group at one end
• Sterols and steroids – complex & characteristic 4 ringed
hydrocarbon structures (4 joined rings differ in numbers
& positions of double bonds & functional groups)
• Phospholipids (phosphoglyceride, diacylglycerol) glycerol + 2 fatty acids + phosphate group on third
hydroxyl (often an amino group as well); highly charged
at physiological pH; amphipathic
• Fatty acids are the building blocks of
several classes of lipids
– Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
• Triacylglycerols are storage lipids
• Phospholipids are important in membrane
• Glycolipids are specialized membrane
• Steroids are lipids with variety of functions