THURSDAY AFTERNOON FACULTY SEMINARS 2007 - 2008 Time: 5:00 PM FALL SEMESTER 2007 September 6, 2007 Location: HFA 6 Peh Ng (Mathematics) "To optimize, or not to optimize; that is NOT the question.” October 4, 2007 Location: HFA 6 Donna Chollett (Anthropology) "Let All the Generals Become Organic Farmers! Revolutionizing Food Production in Cuba" October 25, 2007 (4th Thursday) Location: HFA 6 . . . . SPECIAL EVENT. . . . Eric Klinger (Psychology) "Goals, Emotions, and Motivational Structure: Determinants of Cognitive Processing and Self-Regulation." November 1, 2007 Location: HFA 6 Kristin Lamberty (Computer Science) “Human-Computer Interaction: The art and science of creating usable, useful, and used technologies for people” November 15, 2007 (3rd Thursday) Location: HFA 6 Seung-Ho Joo (Political Science) “Allies in Transition: U.S. - ROK Relation under G.W. Bush” December 6, 2007 Location: HFA 6 Keith Brugger (Geology) “Putting Students on Ice: The Role of Undergraduates in Glacier and Glaciological Research” SPRING SEMESTER 2007 February 7, 2008 Location: HFA 6 Barbara Burke (Speech Communication) "Television viewing and ideas regarding national identity: An investigation of Icelandic interpretations of imported media" March 6, 2008 Location: HFA 6 Martin Seggleke (Music) "The Art of Conducting – effective non-verbal communication skills with an emphasis on healthy body movement habits" April 3 2008 Location: HFA 6 David Roberts (Mathematics) "Computers in Mathematics: A Paradigm Change" April 17, 2008 (3rd Thursday) Location: HFA 6 Bert Ahern (History), Stephen Gross History "Website database" May 1, 2008 Location: HFA 6 Stephen Burks (Economics/Management) "Using Behavioral Economic Experiments in the Field: The Truckers & Turnover Project" Refreshments served at 4:30 PM. The presentation begins at 5:00 PM, followed with discussion. You are welcome to join the speaker for dinner following the presentation. (Location announced each month.) Sponsored by the Faculty Center for Learning and Teaching, the Faculty Development Committee, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.