Paper Chains

Paper Chains
Any number sequence (multiplication tables, any start number then ‘goes
up in x’, Fibonacci, square numbers, primes, any number machine rules
such as ‘double and add 1’, pi to however many numbers) can be made into
a paper chain.
The numbers can be written onto them* or
They can be colour coded according to
the final digit
the sum of the digits (called digital roots)
odds one colour, evens another colour
primes one colour, rectangles numbers another (squares could be
special rectangles with their own third colour)
several ‘links’ can come out of one other link eg Chinese (Pascal’s)
triangle (Odds/evens looks great) or ‘factors of’ paper chains**
(Shop paper chains will only work if there are enough colours. Sometimes 10 colours will be needed)
Paper chains could be strung out in the traditional way, or hang down the
wall or spread out vertically down the wall** or across the ceiling**
Can you predict how many colours you will need before you make it?
Which numbers never appear in certain number sequences?
If you make your own paper chains (coloured photocopy paper and Pritt)
the chains can vary in length with the number