休三乙 4A0B0059 林雅雯 Population

休三乙 4A0B0059 林雅雯
There are over 23 million people in Taiwan. Because Taiwan is very mountainous,
most of its population lives on the western plains. And there are over 640 people per
square kilometer in Taiwan. The indigenous peoples were the first people to live on
the island. Today, there are offically 14 tribes. They depend on farming and fishing for
a living. In 1623, the Dutch took over Taiwan. They ruled over Taiwan until the first
large Chinese army arrived in 1661. Following that, many Chinese people came to live
on the island. This is why most Taiwanese people are actually a mixture of different
races. There is also a group of Chinese called Hakka. They have managed to keep
their own language and customs. Today, the population of Taiwan consists of Holo,
Hakka, mainlander and indigenous.