Follow-up Letters Sometimes prospective customers need a reminder that you are

Follow-up Letters
Sometimes prospective customers need a reminder that you are
still interested in obtaining their business. This letter should
convey a gentle sense of urgency for an immediate response.
1. Open with a brief statement about your purpose for writing
the letter.
2. Remind the customer of your most recent communication,
indicating that you have not received a response.
3. Mention, if appropriate, services the customer has profited
from in the past.
4. Entice the customer with a special offer.
5. Stress gthe urgency of an immediate response.
Last month we sent you our catalog and gave you the opportunity
to order merchandise at a drastically reduced price. This offer ends
soon, and we haven't heard from you, so we can't help but think
you have overlooked this unusual opportunity.
You have often mentioned how satisfied your customers have
been with our merchandise, and we know how important it is for
you to please them. Maybe this is the time for you to take a minute
and browse through our catalog again.
In addition to offering a payment plan to fit your budget and a
discount of 25%, we will take an extra 5% off if you order before
the end of the quarter. But hurry! The quarter is over in just a few
short weeks!
With this letter you may simply thank the customer or offer
something further. In either case, the letter keeps your company’s
name before the customer and reinforces the impression that you
are a good company to do business with.
1. Express your confidence that the customer is enjoying the
benefits of the purchase. You may also thank the customer for
buying from you.
2. Make your offer to provide service.
3. Close with a positive statement.
We just wanted to thank you for allowing us to serve you. I hope
you are enjoying great sales in your market.
We would like to show our appreciation by offering you a special
offer. For the next 90 days if you need anything listed in our
product catalog, we'll give you an extra 2% discount for orders of
the same quantity.
There's no limit on this offer as long as you purchase during the
next 90 days. The reason we are making you this offer is to get you
into the habit of ordering your computer supplies from us. I know
that once you've shopped here a few times, you'll want to order
from us over and over again. We want pleased customers.
There's no other way to put it--we want your business and we are
giving you an incentive to return.
A brief acknowledgment of an order or subscription is a way to
build goodwill and trust with a customer. The letter assures the
customer that you have received the order and that you are acting
on it. It also gives you an opportunity to communicate other
information such as when the mailing will arrive, how you will
deliver it. And what other products or services you can offer.
1. Acknowledge the specific order and explain its status. Include,
as necessary, any special information, such as shipment
schedules, availability, and method of payment.
2. Express your pleasure at being chosen to fill the order or
3. Help the customer feel that he or she has made the right
decision. As appropriate, make a brief pitch for another
product or service you can offer.
Letter #1:
Thank you for your May 15 fax order for 475 TV/VCR coaxial
cables. Delivery of our catalog items generally takes less than a
week. Larger orders such as yours may take two to three weeks.
We are pleased to notify you, however, that your large order
qualifies you for our new 20% bulk discount, applied to all orders
over $200. (As you will see on the accompanying invoice, we have
already deducted your discount from the total price of your order.)
Beginning in July and August, we will open thirty-seven new
regional outlets or showrooms nationwide. We look forward to
becoming your neighbor and invite you to visit the outlet or
showroom opening soon in your area.
After nineteen years in the business, our unmatched reputation for
service seems to speak for itself. However, while many customers
have heard about our excellent warranty, fewer know about our
lifetime service contract on large electronic appliances. We invite
you to glance at the enclosed flier for more details.
Again, thank you for turning to us for your electronic supplies.
Letter #2:
Thank you for ordering the Dennis Success Video. We are
processing your order and you should receive it soon. We are
happy to say that demand for Dennis products continues to grow
as public awareness spreads. Enclosed is some literature
describing new designs that may interest you.
Letter #3:
Thank you for you recent order of the Doe 409 Laser Printer. As
requested, we will ship it COD no later than Friday, May 5. We are
sure you will be pleased that you chose the Dennis 409. It is fast
and reliable--a true workhorse. You may want to consider the
color printer cartridge with your next order. It increases the
capabilities of an already versatile machine.