THE NEAG TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP SURVEY May, 2009 Teachers and/or administrators from PreK-12 schools involved with clinical placements for Neag School of Education students in 2008-2009 were asked via email to participate in the on-line survey. This survey was designed to obtain feedback from educators on their school’s partnership with UConn’s Neag Teacher Education Program. A total of 52 people participated. On the 10 Likert- statements, individuals provided ratings above 3.3 on a 4-point scale as follows: Level of agreement: Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Mean 1. UConn faculty and staff collaborate with my school in the partnership. 2. My school is dedicated to the partnership with UConn. 0 (0.00%) 2 (4.08%) 22 (44.90%) 24 (48.98%) 3.46 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 16 (32.65%) 33 (67.35%) 3.67 3. I feel the university faculty is dedicated to our partnership. 0 (0.00%) 1 (2.04%) 19 (38.78%) 28 (57.14%) 3.56 4. UConn student experiences are enriched by the partnership. 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 16 (32.65%) 33 (67.35%) 3.67 5. Partner school student experiences are enriched by the partnership. 6. As teachers, we are enriched as a result of the partnership with UConn. 7. The definition of the partnership with my school is clear. 0 (0.00%) 1 (2.04%) 18 (36.73%) 30 (61.22%) 3.59 0 (0.00%) 3 (6.12%) 12 (24.49%) 34 (69.39%) 3.63 2 (4.08%) 3 (6.12%) 21 (42.86%) 23 (46.94%) 3.33 8. Two-way communication in the partnership is easy. 0 (0.00%) 7 (14.29%) 18 (36.73%) 24 (48.98%) 3.35 9. The partnership is characterized by mutual cooperation/responsibility. 10. UConn has a strong connection with my school. 0 (0.00%) 4 (8.16%) 15 (30.61%) 29 (59.18%) 3.52 0 (0.00%) 3 (6.12%) 20 (40.82%) 25 (51.02%) 3.46 Average 3.52 5. Number of Years Teaching 3. Approximately how many Neag students have you supported over the years? N=51 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 – 30 31 + N=52 1-5 6 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 25 25 - 50 50 + N 20 14 11 6 n 22 13 6 4 5 3 % 39.2 27.5 21.6 11.8 % 42.3 25.0 11.5 7.7 9.6 5.8 6. District N=52 Coventry East Hartford Glastonbury Hartford Mansfield Meriden Middletown Region 19 Stafford South Winsor Stratford Tolland Willington Windham Unidentified N 1 11 10 4 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 5 9 1 % 2.0 21.2 19.2 7.7 3.8 2.0 2.0 7.7 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 9.6 17.3 2.0 7. What one idea do you have for enhancing the UConn partnership with your school? The following are among the findings: Increase hours required Provision of ongoing education with cooperating teachers, and Better communication with UConn supervisors and cooperating teachers The actual responses are as follows: Increased hour requirements for seniors (fall semester). As well as an overall statement of expectations at the beginning of the semester as far as project requirements. Provide cooperating teachers with ongoing educational opportunities at UCONN as well. For example, I am pursuing my Doctorate and decided to not attend UCONN as I would not get any financial support in exchange for my assistance with student teachers. It would be a king gesture to offer something to teachers. If not "degree matriculation" per se some summer programming / training at no cost to teachers? Cooperating teachers could be more informed/included on the curriculum of the education seminar so ideas can be reinforced. This was my first year having a UConn junior in my room. I would have really benefited from some sort of orientation for "first timers". I was totally surprised by the mid-term assessment I was asked to complete. The expectations for my student's participation were more involved than I had initially been led to believe. Also, I know I will be expected to suggest a grade for his participation. I find that very difficult to do because there are other students placed with other teachers in the school. There needs to be a rubric that we can all use to assess the student participants in order to ensure fairness and consistency. N/A Increase the hours requirement. It would have been great to have a face-to-face meeting with the student(s) in the spring, rather than waiting until the first scheduled day in the fall. It would be interesting to have students visit UCONN as part of our partnership. I would like to see the students with a more realistic approach to the fact that they are sometimes teaching in small schools and be painfully aware (Only aware) that money is always an issue in the music area. I get the feeling that UConn is only preparing them for the wealthy, large schools and in New England that is not realistic. None at this point. None known Music majors have a difficult time spending a lot of time in my school. It would be great for them to also see other elementary music teachers in my district. The student teaching aspect should be increased to 14 weeks and the two week class the students have to attend at the beginning of their teaching semester should be held at another time. This class, unfortunately, detracts from their student teaching experience. I think that students should become more acquainted with the state standards for the subject which they will be teaching. The best ideas however have to focus on more classes on classroom management for these new teachers. Include mentor teachers in discussion with those teaching the methods classes. Give more information of expectations to new cooperating teachers. I think we could make better use of the students during their Masters year. I have often felt that the roles we had them in were not ones that they would learn the most from or ones that would prepare them for their first year as full time educators. Regular (announced) individual communication between UConn supervisors and the supervising district teacher for all placements. We had a change in administration last year. I do not believe there was any contact with the new principal about what UConn offers. This principal was from out of state, so she was not familiar with the internship program or student teaching program. Clearer communication between the schools. I believe that this was not as clear this year as in the past. Just keep the partnership going. It benefits both you and us. Give the student-teachers more time to collaborate and reflect in seminar. More communication with the students' professors at work GENERAL explanation of purpose of course the students are associated with when they are here. As one who did not go through UCONN's program it is hard to know where students are in the development process. Are there particular skills / experiences that we should be sure to share with them? Particular expectations you have for them during this placement? Perhaps we could all meet together for discussions a couple of times during the semester. (cooperating teachers, student teachers, and any one else involved. I cannot answer this question because I have not had a student teacher in several years. I am not familiar with possible changes that have during this time. Although I have worked with the interns I have had little communication with their advisors. Encourage students to apply what they are learning in the classroom to their experiences I feel a mutual time to first meet with the interns would be a good idea. Usually they come right into the middle of a school day without any time with the teachers. A brief first time setting would give each of us a better understanding what the expectations. Nothing comes to mind. The focus of the master's year inquiry project still struggles to align with the work they are actually doing within schools. The focus and direction continues to be far from valuable to the interns and the school. This final project ends up taking interns out of their critical roles in classrooms, instead of enhancing what they are doing. They should be documenting their experiences in some way, showing what they learned about children/ learning. 8. What one thing about the partnership works very well and should not be changed? The following are among the findings: Students completed all assignments Continue clinic placements Internships are working well The actual responses are as follows: Students have been extremely professional making the cooperation extremely productive. Communication is clear from the Neag school. I think the partnership needs a lot of fine-tuning. I enjoyed having a student work with me this semester, but there was very little structure provided. Goals and objectives for the experience need to be clearly outlined with clear communication regarding assessment. As a special education teacher I assert that ALL student teachers should have essential experiences in special education. Maintaining and extending this facet of your program would be beneficial. The student profile that the participants must complete. Many things work well - the graduate internships and student teachers have been wonderful. Our ERI work has been very valuable. Also our connection with the Reading Clinic has become one of my favorite connections with UConn. The seminar teacher stopping in weekly. Most things work very well. It's a much better concept than what existed when I completed my teaching degree (at UConn) in the late 70's. Student Teachers and Interns are excellent school resources and give pre-service teachers and staff at the school wonderful opportunities for growth as professionals. Most of it works quite well. The professors and other contact people at UConn are the best!!!! Please continue working with our school with the high degree of professionalism and dedication that we've experienced over the years! Having NEAG and others affiliated with UConn, which includes professors and college students/interns has been a true blessing. I don't know what we would do without you! Student teachers assigned to the same classroom for both the fall semester and the spring student teaching experience. The communication between the UCONN personnel and the cooperating teachers should continue and not be changed. I believe the practice of having a student do an internship in a classroom in the fall semester and then do student teaching in the same classroom in the spring is brilliant! Maintain strong subject area academic preparation. UConn students Placing seniors in the schools in which they will do their student teaching is a wonderful change. I believe the students have too much to do during their student teaching semester. Often they are exhausted with the teaching/course work load. I think they should have the 14 weeks to totally immerse themselves in the teaching experience. Clinic students need to student teach in their clinic classroom. Senior clinic placements remain for student teaching experience. All works well, but especially the fall placement of student teachers with their cooperating teachers. The advantages are many and obvious, and offset the relatively short student teaching experience (compared to the other Connecticut state universities). Full year placement at same school during student-teaching year works really well for the English students. exposing students to areas that they are not planning to teach in to enrich their learning experience Students are encouraged to be involved in the class/school and see what teaching is all about! Teachers get to see things through someone else's eyes. I think the partnership works very well as it is. The junior year interns need to continue to come on a weekly basis. I think they would benefit from the practice of presenting at least one lesson independently. This should also involve writing out a lesson plan, discussing it with the teacher and completing a reflection. Having my student teacher begin the school year as an intern was an excellent opportunity for her to learn the routines of my class and interact with the students. Her transition time as a student teacher was MUCH easier because of the relationship she had w/ my students. Almost all of the interns I have had have been very professional and caring. It has been a very positive experience for the children and the teachers. The entire program seems beneficial to all involved. Supervision of student teacher was very good We involve interns in a great deal of actual teaching- they are able to show their leadership within our classrooms if they are willing.